Chapter 187

"Uncle Feng, what's the situation between you and that Zhao Luosong? Why do you look like you have enmity?"

After walking a little further, Xu Xia looked at Feng Shi'ao and asked suspiciously.

What I said just now means that Liang Zi has already connected. If there is no accident, with the character of the other party, there will definitely be a lot of trouble in the follow-up.

Although Xu Xia didn't take those two people seriously, he couldn't underestimate the enemy. The lion had to try his best to fight the rabbit, at least he had to know what was going on.

Xu Xia looked at Feng Shiao with a hesitant look on his face, as if he didn't want to mention these things, so he continued:
"If it's not convenient to say it, then don't say it.

Since I'm here with you today, don't worry, Uncle Feng, no matter what the other party wants to do, I will stand by your side. "

Feng Shi'ao sighed secretly after hearing this, then shook his head and said:

"It's not impossible to say, it's just...

Why!Forget it, so many years have passed, and it's not something shameful. "

Afterwards, Xu Xia got a rough idea of ​​the general situation, which was a bloody plot.

It turned out that Feng Shi'ao and Zhao Luosong were college classmates, and their relationship was fairly close, but after they both fell in love with the same girl, their relationship changed, from good brothers to rivals.

"Uncle Feng, that is to say, that female classmate is your wife now?"

Xu Xia asked.

Feng Shi'ao's face showed a look of nostalgia and a hint of heartache. He shook his head again and said:
"I hope so too."

"Ah! Did you follow Zhao Luosong?"

Xu Xia secretly thought that it wouldn't be the case, his daughter-in-law was robbed, and she was overwhelmed by others, it must have been too miserable.

Feng Shi'ao continued to shake his head,
"No, she didn't follow anyone. When the three of us met to go hiking in the mountains, an accident happened and she left me forever."

Xu Xia was confused when she heard this.

Feng Shi'ao sighed again:

"She is a very beautiful and kind girl, but it is a pity that God is jealous of her beauty. When we were about to climb to the top of the mountain, she fell off the cliff and died."

Xu Xia finished listening to this not very comprehensive story, especially the god-like turning point, fell off the cliff and died?
Looking at Comrade Feng, who was depressed, there must have been a lot of twists and turns, and he didn't know how to answer the conversation.

At this time, Feng Shi'ao straightened his mind, and there was a smile on his face again, but this time the smile was a little tired, and then he said:

"Don't talk about it, it's all over, since I'm still alive, I have to look forward, don't you think?"

Xu Xia nodded and said:
"It's best if Uncle Feng thinks this way. She... probably doesn't want to see you unhappy either."

"Yeah, live happily."

While the two were talking, they had already reached a large stepped conference room in the County Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital.

There were already quite a few people in the meeting room, which was a bit noisy, and people who knew each other were talking in low voices.

Because this TCM doctor exchange meeting was held in Hongcheng County, Feng Shi'ao took Xu Xia to find a seat near the front.

At this time, Xu Xia was still puzzled by a question, and immediately asked:
"Uncle Feng, you just said that Zhao Luosong is a snobbish person, what's going on?"

"You really want to know?"

Feng Shiao asked.

Xu Xia nodded gossipingly.

After Feng Shi'ao was silent for a while, he slowly spoke,
"Two years after she left, I gradually came out of the shadow of her. I met another girl. She looks very similar to her, and even has the same temper. She is gentle, virtuous, and educated...

Before I knew it, I fell in love with her..."

Xu Xia's eyeballs gradually widened again. Is this the sequel to the dog blood story?

"and after?"

Speaking of this, Feng Shi'ao gritted his teeth again, sparks seemed to be sprayed out of his eyes,
"Later! Zhao Luosong also got to know her during a dinner, and this bastard messed up her and me! I was disheartened and returned to Hongcheng County."

Xu Xia doesn't sound right, although the story is "wonderful", Comrade Feng is also miserable, a typical loser, but what does this have to do with that Zhao Luosong being a snobby?I haven't heard anything about Zhao Luosong being snobby.

"Uncle Feng, that is, she is now Zhao Luosong's wife. Is it okay for me to understand that?"

Xu Xia thought for a moment, then asked again:
"Then where is his power?"

Feng Shiao nodded first, and then continued:

"Actually, I've made it very clear. I mentioned her just now. Her family background is very good. In fact, Zhao Luosong didn't really like her. Instead, he valued her family background and used very despicable means. There was a problem with my relationship with her, and I took love away with a knife.

Zhao Luosong's professional ability is very average, but he has climbed up the professional title of Chinese medicine doctor very quickly. I'm not bragging. Although I have stayed in Hongcheng County Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and now I am only the chief doctor of Chinese medicine, but my real skills , Zhao Luosong is not my opponent! "

Feng Shi'ao said the last sentence quite confidently.

Xu Xia felt that this statement should be true, and he was not bragging. There were not many people who specialized in knowledge and academics who could speak eloquently. Zhao Luosong had been pressuring him step by step. If he hadn’t retorted smoothly, he would probably have Comrade Lao Feng had to suffer the loss of being dumb again.

This is not bullying honest people, it is equivalent to being pinned down and rubbed by Zhao Luosong all the time.

Moreover, the enmity between the two seems to be unequal at all, the one surnamed Zhao is too much!

"Uncle Feng, in today's TCM doctor exchange meeting, is there any interactive exchange program, I mean the kind of debate competition."

Xu Xia asked.

Feng Shiao nodded and said:
"Yes, but we call it a special case analysis seminar. What, are there any questions?"

Xu Xia looked at Feng Shi'ao who didn't know why, and was quite speechless, no wonder he was tricked.

The quarrel between Feng Shi'ao and Zhao Luosong in the parking lot just now was not actually a big deal, but it was about who it was.

At least the Zhao Luosong described by Feng Shi'ao is definitely not a big-minded person, and Xu Xia can also feel that the other party has no big-mindedness.

Since there is a special case analysis seminar process in the exchange meeting, if he were Zhao Luosong, he would definitely take this opportunity to make trouble to get back the venue.

"Uncle Feng, do you think he will face you in front of everyone in the exchange meeting?"

"Hehe, it's just that he's not qualified enough to make trouble!"

Feng Shiao said with disdain.

Xu Xia nodded, and then said:

"If that was the case, I think he would have targeted me."

"How do you say that?"

"Zhao Luosong may not be your opponent, and he certainly won't dare to risk attacking you directly.

But it would be more reasonable to let Pang Mu cause trouble for me. He should feel that he has a better chance of winning. Traditional Chinese medicine is a profession that depends on age. I am younger than Pang Mu, and that is enough. "

When Xu Xia said this, he smiled.

Feng Shi'ao was bewildered, nodded suddenly, and then became worried. That Pang Mu had obtained the qualification certificate of intermediate Chinese medicine practitioner at a young age, and he could get the qualification certificate of advanced Chinese medicine practitioner next year. It is by no means a simple matter. Opponent.

And Xu Xia is just a wild person, how much he weighs, he can't know just by exchanging a few words in the car.

Feng Shi'ao hesitated for a moment, then asked:

"Xiao Xu, can you... okay?"

(End of this chapter)

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