Live broadcast: My leisurely life in the mountain village

Chapter 186 Can talk about people Chapter No!

Chapter 186 Can speak human words!
Feng Shi'ao looked at the person who spoke, and suddenly frowned, it's not hard to see the disgust in his eyes.

Xu Xia rolled her eyes. If nothing else, the two should have enmity.

And looking at the vigor of the other party, it should be the appearance of having suffered a loss in the hands of Lao Feng, and then came back after a round.

"Zhao Luosong, what does the disciple I found have anything to do with you?!"

Feng Shi'ao snorted coldly.

One person speaks one sentence, and there is already an atmosphere of confrontation, as if there is a smell of gunpowder floating.

Xu Xia was quite puzzled, what kind of enmity did these two people have?
"Of course it matters, Pang Mu, stand up a bit."

Zhao Luosong smiled and waved to the young man beside him.

"Yes, teacher."

Pang Mu responded, and walked over with his chest out.

Zhao Luosong continued:
"Old Feng, I would like to introduce you formally. He is Pang Mu, a graduate student I brought, and also my student. Get a senior title.

How about your disciple? "

The last sentence was obviously provocative.

Xu Xia didn't know anything about mid-level professional titles or senior professional titles, but from Lao Feng's eyes, it was not difficult to see that mid-level and high-level TCM qualification certificates should be quite difficult to pass.

"Hmph! What happens to my disciple has nothing to do with you!"

Feng Shi'ao snorted again, turned around and said to Xu Xia:
"Xiao Xu, let's go, don't talk to them!"

Seeing Feng Shiao's appearance, Zhao Luosong seemed to be even more proud, and laughed loudly:
"Wait, old Feng, old Feng, after so many years, why are you still so bad-tempered? You deserve to stay in such a small place as Hongcheng County.

Speaking of which, we are still old classmates, why don't you introduce your disciple to me?
Maybe I can give him some help, after all, if you want to make a big progress, you still have to go to the provincial capital.

Old Feng, you can't be so selfish. The future of young people is also very important, don't you think? "

Speaking of this, Zhao Luosong said to Xu Xia again:

"Young man, I'm a classmate of your tutor, and I'm currently attending the Rongdu Hospital of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine. If there is no accident, I will be able to upgrade to the title of associate professor next year on the basis of being the chief physician of traditional Chinese medicine.

As for your mentor Feng, I don't think he will be able to take that step in three to five years.

You may be a little behind Pang Mu, but since you are valued by Lao Feng, you should have good potential. If you are interested, you can come to Rongdu to find me. "

"Zhao Luosong! You are going too far!"

Before Xu Xia could answer, Feng Shi'ao glared at Zhao Luosong angrily.

Zhao Luosong said nonchalantly:
"Old Feng, look at what you said. We are classmates. Although Xiao Xu is your disciple, he is still my junior. You can't just let a good young man ruin his future with you, can you?"

Hearing these words, Feng Shi'ao couldn't hold back the anger in his heart anymore, how could he ruin his future by messing with him?
He even tried to pry someone off in front of him!
Although the layout of Hongcheng County is incomparable to that of a provincial capital city like Rongdu City, Hongcheng County is considered a good place among the county towns!
Xu Xia looked at Feng Shi'ao's angry expression and secretly shook his head. Wherever there are people, there are rivers and lakes. He just doesn't know what the conflict is between Feng Shi'ao and this Zhao Luosong, but he really has no interest in going to Rongcheng City for development.

Moreover, since he followed Feng Shi'ao to participate in this TCM doctor exchange meeting, he must stand by Feng Shi'ao's side, and he felt a little uncomfortable with Zhao Luosong.

Xu Xia shook his head politely and said:
"Doctor Zhao, thank you for your kindness. I think Supervisor Feng is good. I am willing to stay with him in Hongcheng County. I don't need to worry about my future development."

"Zhao, did you hear that! Xiao Xu is not interested in your development! Don't make fun of yourself! Thinking that everyone is like you, you are a snobby!"

Feng Shi'ao sneered back, with a strong sense of contempt in his words.

At this time, Zhao Luosong's brows immediately frowned, and he refused his kindness so directly, he didn't know what to do!

Zhao Luosong's complexion became gloomy, and he said coldly:
"Feng Shi'ao, please pay attention to your words!
Xiao Xu is right, very good, I hope you will not regret what you said today!The opportunity is missed, but it is really missed! "

"Mr. Zhao, don't be angry. There is an idiom called a frog at the bottom of a well. Some people stay in such a small place as Hongcheng County for too long, and their ass determines their horizons. Don't be as knowledgeable as such people, because they will get angry and suffer. Still myself."

Pang Mu, who had been silent all this time, suddenly spoke in a sinister manner. When he glanced at Xu Xia, his eyes were full of provocation, as if he was superior to others.

There is nothing wrong with the logic of the mentor facing the mentor, and the fellow student facing Xu Xia.

What Xu Xia can't stand the most is this kind of guy whose eyes are above the top. Even if you have real skills, it's your business. It has a chicken feather relationship with him. Labor and management will not eat your rice!Make a coquettish look in front of him, so fuck it!
"Who are you riding a horse? Can you speak human words?"

Xu Xia's petulant temper suddenly rose, and his eyes swept over Pang Mu and Zhao Luosong successively, and said unhappily:

"Also, the one surnamed Zhao asked me to go to Rongdu with you. I didn't want to talk to you, but you kept pushing me. Are you sick? It just so happens that this is a hospital, so it's very convenient to get medicine. Why don’t you prescribe two medicines to cure your brains?”

As soon as these words came out, the scene immediately fell silent.

Feng Shi'ao looked at Xu Xia twice, and then looked at Zhao Luosong's deflated appearance, a rare hearty feeling of joy arose in his heart.

Feng Shi'ao himself is not very eloquent. Every time he confronts Zhao Luosong, although the two are equally skilled in Chinese medicine, they often suffer verbally. This is the first time that they have the upper hand in arguments.

"Xiao Xu, well said!"

Feng Shi'ao laughed loudly, it seemed that he treated Zhao Luosong in a different way, which felt very good, and he said lightly:
"The exchange meeting will start soon, let's ignore this bird man!"

Zhao Luosong and Pang Mu's faces were blue and purple, and they gritted their teeth and stared at the backs of Xu Xia and Feng Shi'ao as they walked away, as if they hadn't recovered from Xu Xia's anger towards them just now.

Self-proclaimed as one of the high-quality people, even swearing is also particular, such as not using dirty words in speech, which has almost become an unspoken rule.

However, I never expected to meet such a guy like Xu Xia who didn't follow the rules. He was just like pure water, which was unacceptable.

"Mr. Zhao, he, he actually scolded us!"

After Xu Xia and Feng Shi'ao completely disappeared from sight, Pang Mu said with an ugly expression.

"I know!"

Zhao Luosong's face was gloomy, he snorted coldly, gritted his teeth and said:
"Toast, don't eat, eat fine wine!

Pang Mu, I will specifically name Feng Shi'ao and the others during the special case analysis and discussion in the exchange meeting later, and give them a good look at that time! "

Pang Mu looked happy, nodded repeatedly and said:
"Don't worry, mentor, I know how to deal with it, and I will definitely let them lose face!"

(End of this chapter)

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