Special Forces: Crazy!You call this a cook

Chapter 42 Preparing to Infiltrate

Chapter 42 Preparing to Infiltrate

But at this moment, He Chenguang who was beside him said seriously.

"Brother Hao, I understand what you do, but why do you do it?
As you said, you can climb into the chimney in the chaos and finish the kill, but since it's just such a cemetery, why should we save the company commander and the others?
They are not close to our position now. It is almost impossible to rescue them, but why do you still let us rescue them? "

After hearing this, the people around were obviously taken aback, but at this time Chen Hao smiled and said.

"I know what you're thinking, and I know what you're thinking right now, you mean to say that my original purpose was to climb the chimney.

And there is only one reason for you to go there, and that is to attract their attention, and then I will take advantage of the chaos to climb the chimney, right?
So you think it is useless to save the platoon leader at this time, and you can even do it or not, don’t you? "

After Chen Hao said this, the people around him were a little stunned. Although He Chenguang didn't refute, his silence represented what he meant.

Looking at He Chenguang's eyes, Chen Hao said with a heavy tone.

"Everyone understands the truth, but have you ever thought about a problem, that is, if you don't use the reason of the company commander to rush out or make trouble.

So is it possible for them to immediately think of the possibility of taking advantage of the chaos to kill their chief?
The reason why I let you go there is not to attract their attention, but to keep them from finding my tracks. "

Sure enough, after Chen Hao's explanation, their eyes widened in disbelief, and then they didn't understand what they said, Chen Hao said again.

"I know what you think, and I know that you may not be convinced by such an arrangement.

But one thing I hope you can understand, this time we are an exercise and not a real war.

Know that the only thing we can do now is make this exercise a success.

Although we usually say that exercises are real wars, they are not real wars after all. Can you understand what I mean when I say this? "

After hearing this, he nodded with Shenguang, and he didn't want to talk too much, because he already knew what Chen Hao meant.

To put it bluntly, no matter what they are doing now, they are actually practicing, and the practice is the end.

Although they usually have a voice in their minds that drills are wars, they will see the reality clearly after all.

The reality is that they are playing games, why are they playing games?Of course, you can pass the level and win, as long as you win, what do you care about so much?
Besides, even if he died, he wasn't really dead, so what's the big deal?As long as the goal is achieved, isn't it all right?
Chen Hao's words were almost bloody. It revealed their cognition and made them realize the reality.

Originally, they always thought that the exercise was a real war, and no matter what they did, they had to treat it as a real war.

But when they heard Chen Hao's words, they finally understood that they had been misled.

Misled by conventional thinking, they do not see reality clearly.

After figuring it out, several people really didn't dare to continue to agree, and then nodded and said.

"That's right, let's do it according to Chen Hao's ideas. Do you have any opinions? If not, then prepare quickly. It's already dawn. If this continues, it may be too late."

When they walked out of the swamp, the sky was just getting bright, and although they could see the food clearly, the sky was still a little dark.

There should be about 15 minutes before the sky is bright, and now they want to use these 15 minutes to occupy tanks, armored vehicles, etc.

After understanding what Chen Hao meant, they split up and acted separately. Chen Hao and He Chenguang teamed up and lurked to the chimney to wait for the opportunity.

On the other side, Wang Jie and Li Cong were responsible for rescuing Gong Jian.

As for Li Erniu and Wang Yanbing, they were in charge of arranging the bombs.

After everyone was ready, Chen Hao and He Chenguang were ready.

The two of them looked at each other and found a few snipers hiding on the shelf, and they split up.

About 3 minutes later, the two of them really took out the sniper.

After Chen Hao took the food from them, he quickly rushed towards the chimney.

After arriving at the agreed location, He Chunguang strode over.

"Brother Chen Hao is ready, we can act now."

"Okay, then let's wait for their signal, let's start to act, we can't pass over there now.

If we pass now, we may not be discovered by them. If they act later, we will take advantage of the chaos and go there, which will be much safer than now. "

At this moment, the two of them were quietly hiding in a corner. After hearing this, He Chenguang who was next to him hesitated a little. He opened his mouth, then gritted his teeth and said.

"Brother Chen Hao is my fault. I shouldn't have said those things before."

After hearing this, Chen Hao looked at He Cheng in surprise for a moment, thinking how could this little bastard say such a thing?

However, when he thought about what he said before, he also instantly understood what He Chenguang meant. His idea was very simple, that is, he suspected that the arrangement this time was not appropriate.

That's why he put forward such an opinion at that time, but in fact, it was only right for him to put this matter on him.

He Chenguang's thoughts may be a little bit apologetic. After all, it is too much to doubt his comrades and brothers. This makes a recruit who is only 19 years old a little flustered.

Chen Hao saw his intention and thought, he shook his head, patted his shoulder and said.

"Don't think too much about us being brothers, what's the big deal, isn't it just a few words?
Don't worry, I didn't take it to heart, you boy can remember clearly for me, this task must be completed.

And you cooperate with me below. If someone comes to attack me later, then you will fight back immediately, and kill them directly no matter who they are. "

Seeing that Chen Hao wasn't angry and Chen Guang breathed a sigh of relief, he nodded quickly and said.

"Don't worry, Brother Chen Hao, I won't let them succeed. Besides, if he wants to pass by us, we have to see if we agree."

He Chenguang chuckled, obviously relaxed a lot, and Chen Hao stopped talking, and after a while, he heard Li Erniu's voice coming from the earphone.

"Brother Hao, squad leader, the two of us have planted the bomb and can act at any time."

"Received, the three teams report the situation."

"Everything is in order, ready and waiting for orders."

Hearing this, Chen Hao and the two looked at each other, and took out a white remote control from their hands.

(End of this chapter)

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