Chapter 41
Li Cong said seriously.

"This is also a helpless move, because we can't act at all now, on the one hand, we have a small number of people.

On the other hand, we don't know what's inside the Blue Army base camp, let alone where their chief is, so we can't move on. "

"Then what about our disguise, how about we dress up as someone from the Blue Army?"

After He Chenguang finished speaking, Li Cong who was next to him shook his head and said.

"I'm afraid you are overthinking this. We are in a real war now, not a TV show.

You must know that when everyone served in each army, they were familiar with each other and knew each other.

Even if it's not a company or a regiment, they can almost see the opponent's aura clearly. To put it bluntly, they belong to the Spike Special Brigade.

Although the soldiers of our fourth company of sharpshooters are not bad, but if they are placed in front of others, they are probably not enough. Do you understand what I mean? "

After he finished saying this, the people around him really shut up. They really never thought about this, just like what Li Cong said.

Their auras are completely different and they are not the same type of people, so even if they pretend to be their own people, they will be discovered immediately.

Just like the soldiers of the Spike Special Brigade, they actually use real guns and live ammunition for their daily training subjects.

They are all sharpshooters struggling from the death line, and they are the kings of soldiers.

As for their fourth company of sharpshooters, their skills are also pretty good.

But no matter what, they just haven't experienced a real war, and they haven't experienced a real death.

So no matter how they disguise themselves, no matter how they learn their feelings, it is impossible to learn them in a short time.

And every soldier in the Spike Special Brigade has struggled from the death line, so they have a murderous look and a suffocating feeling.

Only a person who is truly wandering from the edge of death can have that kind of aura, so after hearing Li Cong's words, the faces of several of them instantly turned ugly.

"It's a good thing we didn't play tricks and pretend to be a family member. If the disguise is successful, they will definitely be discovered by them before they go out."

Wang Jiehou patted his chest in fear. In fact, they all reacted without him having to say anything, just as they had discussed before.

In the Spike Special Brigade, even the people in the cooking class are probably much better than them.

The momentum on them is not something they can learn at all, so after considering this point, they are even more anxious.

"Let's rest first, let's find something to eat to replenish our strength."

After hearing Chen Hao's words, several people sighed helplessly, sat down directly, and started eating.

After waiting for a while, Chen Hao spoke to them.

"If we want the beheading operation to succeed, there are only two ways."

After hearing this, several people were taken aback, and then heard him say it again.

"The first type is that we find the company commander and rescue them, as the squad leader said, and then we should attack this place directly with internal and external cooperation.

After all, we also had the same purpose before, which was to defeat the Blue Army, so no matter what we do, it is the same purpose.

Of course, in blatantly attacking them, the Blue Army must not be aware of the sacrifice and sacrifice.

Therefore, we must not have any accidents during this period and must cooperate successfully. "

After hearing this, several people were taken aback, and Li Cong said suspiciously.

"I heard you mean that there seems to be a solution. Tell me what's going on? What do you think?"

Chen Hao smiled and said.

"My method is very simple, that is to requisition their military weapons, to put it bluntly, to use their tanks.

You must know that as soon as the tank appears, everyone present will immediately go into chaos.

At this time, we only need to divide our troops into three groups.

The first way, as long as we occupy the tanks and kill all their people, then we can take advantage of the chaos to rescue the platoon leader and the others. This is the second way.

Then the third route will be completed by me, and I will go to a hidden place, find their leader during the chaos, and then wait for the opportunity to snipe them directly. "

After he finished saying this, several people were obviously a little stunned. After careful consideration, they actually directly agreed with this idea.

Chen Hao looked at the few people in surprise and asked, wouldn't they doubt it?

Because although this method sounds nice, it is not that simple for a few of them to do it.

"You guys should think about it. If we follow the method just now, then you guys will definitely withdraw from the exercise and die directly."

After hearing this, several people looked solemn. After thinking about it for a while, they were about to speak when they heard Li Cong say.

"As you said just now, you also know how important this operation is, and how serious the danger is.

Besides, it is impossible for the people of the Blue Army to be given for free, if we do what we just said.

Then maybe their leader could not be found, and they were killed directly as a result, or even quit the exercise directly. In this way, wouldn't we just lose the exercise directly? "

After Li Cong said this, Chen Hao laughed, and the eyes of the people next to him were even more unclear, and then they heard him talking.

"Hey, so this time we have to sacrifice you, the squad leader, this time the task is very difficult, but only you, the squad leader, can lead the team.

As for me, there is only one place to go, and that is the chimney not far away. Have you seen that face?
If I'm not mistaken, this place should be the weakest defense, as long as I can reach the chimney smoothly.

Then you can climb to the top position, and then wait for the opportunity to kill them with the same palm.

If you fail, I will be the only one left in the entire Red Army throughout the exercise.

And the reason why I climbed to that place was to prevent them from finding my location. "

After he finished speaking, the people around him gasped. They never thought that there would be such a reason.

Then, after they frowned and pondered over and over again, they finally let out a sigh of relief.

"Okay, let's do this. Whatever you want to do, just say it."

After watching Li Cong grit his teeth and agree to this action, Chen Hao was amused, and then he told the others one by one what he thought.

After other people heard about this arrangement, they started to get excited.

They even thought that they might do it for this mission, but they had no regrets because the Red Army won.

(End of this chapter)

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