Chapter 198 Inside Story
But after they left, Chen Hao and the others looked ugly for an instant. They never thought that these people would be so arrogant.

Zhang Chong gritted his teeth angrily and said, "These people are really too much, they dare to make trouble behind their backs.

If I hadn't seen them run away, I'd go find them now and beat them up. "

Seeing his angry look, Chen Hao could laugh. At this time, he did not dare to delay any longer. Time was getting less and less, and they had no capital to delay any longer.

Chen Hao said to them with a solemn face; "We have to cross here now, so let's hurry up, or they may find us directly."

If they couldn't find them above, they would definitely look for them at the seaside. With so many people gathered together, they must have considered this place as a place to hide their bodies.

After Chen Hao said this, Xiang Yu who was next to him also quickly said: "Yes, that's right. There is still time, let's do it quickly."

After he said this, several people started to walk quickly. Chen Hao walked in the front, and Zhang Chong followed behind.

They walked for about two hours. Seeing that the time was coming, they became more and more anxious.

At this time, Chen Hao looked solemn and said to them, "The place for the flag should be in front. We must put this flag on the flagpole before they notice it."

Hearing this, several people looked at the distance not far away with some seriousness, but there was no one in the distance not far away.

But when they want to go to the past, they have to go through a forest. The density of this forest is not very high. It is not difficult for them to go through the past, but the problem is that they are worried that there are traps waiting for them.

"Brother Chen Hao, should we prepare some weapons or something? It's probably not that simple in this forest. If we delay like this, it may be too late."

When he said this, Chen Hao agreed with him.

"There are some branches and other things nearby. You are all ready. If someone confronts us later, we will knock them down directly."

With Chen Hao's reminder, they certainly didn't dare to be careless, so the few of them began to prepare without hesitation.

When they were ready, Chen Hao said to them with a solemn face.

"From now on, if they come over, we'll just knock them down."

Following Chen Hao's instructions, several of them became interested.

Excitedly waiting for these people to appear.

But what was speechless was that no one came over after waiting for a long time.

A few people rolled their eyes and watched, and they set off towards the front without hesitation.

"I don't know what's going on, but they didn't come over, are they waiting before us?"

He Chenguang opened his mouth, but after he finished speaking, several people stopped in their tracks.

Chen Hao said; "Maybe I really let you decide."

They had already arrived in the forest at this time. Even if they wanted to withdraw, it would probably be impossible, and besides, they couldn't retreat.

And the most important thing is that they are only about 100 meters away from where the flag is planted. If they don't go out at this time, it will be too late to find other ways.

But it was clear that someone was already waiting for them.

The pilot gritted his teeth and said, "It's not a big deal. If it's a big deal, we'll fight them."

Hearing this, several people nodded in agreement and said, "Yes, it's okay, let's protect Brother Chen Hao alone and let him plant this flag."

After saying this, several of them have already started to make preparations, and Chen Hao did not refuse.

They are playing now and cannot be hypocritical.

When they were ready, several people strode over.

Sure enough, only about 20 meters away from the final destination, a large group of stick men stood out.

Seeing those people facing him arrogantly, several people around him were a little nervous.

"Why the hell are there so many people dealing with us?"

"Yeah, why did they all come here, and I don't think they have dealt with other people so much."

"I guess this may be what the instructor told us before."

You opened your mouth sentence by sentence, and the few of them understood what was going on in an instant.

Chen Hao's face darkened, and he said seriously; "Cover me."

Hearing this, several people gritted their teeth and rushed over.

They didn't hesitate at all, because Chen Hao still wanted to plant the flag there.

After the stick men saw them rushing over, they had no intention of dodging at all.

Not only that, they also rushed towards them with sticks, and when they met them, they did not hesitate to attack them.

A stick hit Wang Yanbing's back without hesitation.

He grinned in pain.

He kicked directly on the opponent.

At this time, the pilot's body was directly kicked and hit him.

"Sorry, buddy."

"Hurry up, get up."

Hearing this, the pilot quickly came up with a carp to stand up.

After watching the pilot rush over, Wang Yanbing followed closely behind, and the two began to cooperate.

"I'll go, why is tnd so hard?"

Zhang Chong, who was hit on the arm, grinned in pain.

After roaring, the faces of all the team members present turned gloomy.

Just like what Zhang Chong said, these people are too heavy handed.

You must know that the only purpose of these people should be to stop them, not to conflict with them.

But these guys in front of them obviously refused to let them go out neatly.

Thinking of this, Chen Hao gritted his teeth angrily, but right now he couldn't delay any longer.

His brothers had suffered a lot of injuries protecting him, so he had to plant the flag as quickly as possible.

Chen Hao was not in Moji and went directly around the destination they were rushing towards.

But when he rushed over, he suddenly found that there were a few stick men around him again.

After seeing this scene, Chen Hao gritted his teeth angrily.

"You really put your mind to it. I didn't expect someone to block it at this time. I think you didn't want us to leave alive."

Chen Hao opened his mouth unceremoniously, and when he heard this again, the other party laughed.

"Soldier of the Hua Kingdom, we don't understand what you said, so don't make false accusations against us.

We all play the game according to the rules of the drill, so you'd better not think too much, if you think too much, you may grow old. "

Hearing this, Chen Hao was so angry that he almost couldn't breathe.

These people were obviously playing tricks on him, and these guys in front of him were waiting here on purpose.

(End of this chapter)

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