Chapter 197
After pondering for a while, he spoke to the few people present with a solemn expression.

"Now I have found a way, which is to walk from the small stream in the back mountain to the final destination.

Although this place is a bit far away, as long as we walk through this place, we will definitely avoid some troubles.

And most importantly, I believe they would not think that we walked over this small stream, because these places are more dangerous and the farthest distance. "

With Chen Hao's words, the few of them understood the meaning, and Xiang Yu who was next to him said thoughtfully.

"So you're saying we're going to do something to confuse them?

We may run around some other places, but we are actually walking this stream, right? "

Hearing this, Chen Hao nodded appreciatively and said, "That's right, as long as we go up this creek, they will definitely not be able to catch us."

With Chen Hao's arrangement, the few of them dared not be careless, and then they walked forward along their map without hesitation. After walking for about 10 minutes, they saw a group of people again.

Chen Hao asked them to lie down without hesitation, and after they were all hidden, these people passed by them.

Originally, what Li Erniu meant was to let a few of them kill them, and then they would leave from here.

But his idea was rejected by Chen Hao.

"We absolutely can't get rid of everyone, if we get rid of all of them, then they will follow those people's tracks to follow us.

But if we deliberately let go of a few people, then they will think that the area here has been inspected, and there will be no shadow of us, and they will think that we are not here. "

"Yes, that's right. Brother Chen Hao is right. We can't solve all of them. If we solve them all, they will probably find them in a short time."

After the hygienist said this, several people felt a little complicated, and Li Erniu was also taken aback.

He patted his chest in fear. Fortunately, Chen Hao reminded him, otherwise, if he did this directly, he might be arrested immediately.
Seeing his frightened look, Chen Hao laughed and said, "Okay, you don't have to worry, I believe we will drag them away."

Just doing what they said, they set off towards the destination without hesitation, because the group of people who were let go before had already left, and it was impossible for them to come back in a short time.

After a while, Li Erniu stopped them.

"Why did I hear a dog barking?"

It was Li Erniu who heard the dog barking during the exercise before. After he finished speaking, the people around him became silent and listened carefully.

"Why didn't I hear it, did you hear it wrong?"

The hygienist opened his mouth in doubt. After he said this, He Chenguang who was next to him said disapprovingly.

"I still believe what Brother Er Niu said, if Brother Er Niu hadn't heard the dog barking during our previous exercise, it probably wouldn't take long for us to be discovered by the enemy.

I believe Erniu brother's hearing ability will not go wrong this time, besides, this matter would rather be believed or not, we should be more careful. "

"Okay, since everyone thinks so, let's be more careful."

Seeing the dignified faces of several of them, Chen Hao did not dare to be careless, and then he led them to escape from the prescribed route without hesitation.

What they didn't know was that just about three minutes after they left, a large number of people ran towards the area, all holding a military dog ​​in their hands.

"I don't know where these Chinese soldiers went. We have been searching for such a long time, but we haven't found any trace of them."

"These Chinese soldiers are really cunning.

If we go on like this, we probably won't find it at all, or we should contact our superiors. "

Those American soldiers were very dignified, and after seeing Chen Hao and the others disappearing, they were even more nervous.

"No, if you contact the superior at this time, it may cause trouble to the superior. You must know that Huaguo's instructor is also among them. If something happens, it may attract the attention of others."

"Yes, that's right, and if we send the news so directly, we may expose this matter at that time. At that time, won't we be unable to complete our task?"

After those American soldiers finished speaking, they finally decided that they should continue to quietly use military dogs to find the whereabouts of them.

On the other side, Chen Hao brought a few of them to the beach. The place where they are playing is actually an island.

The island is very big, and there is a lot of sea water around it. At this time, they came near the beach.

There are many reefs near the beach, and there are many places to hide. After they came here, Chen Hao turned his head and said to them.

"When we pass by later, we must use these reefs to hide our figure, otherwise, those soldiers may see us."

Seeing him say this seriously, several people present also agreed, and soon several people on Chen Hao walked around the side of the cliff.

The ground under their feet was not easy to walk on, and they didn't go far after walking for more than ten minutes.

Fortunately, for this competition, although there is time, there is still enough time for them.

So they were not particularly anxious after walking for a while, but at this time Chen Hao made a gesture to tell them to hide and not make a sound.

After they hid, they found some footsteps above their heads, and as the footsteps got closer, they also heard a burst of cursing.

"I don't know why these Chinese soldiers suddenly disappeared. Just now the captain came to tell us to be careful and not let them run away, and this matter must not be made public, otherwise our plan will not be completed. .”

"Now only this reef has not been inspected, and we don't know where those Chinese soldiers are hiding. We must find them here and drive them out of the game."

"That's right, Hua Guo soldiers are not worthy to come to our competition. The people we compete are all warriors, and those people are cowards, so there is no need to be with them. We must drive them away."

As they talked, they rushed towards the depths, while Chen Hao and the others were hiding under the cliff. Because of the rocks, those people didn't notice it on top.

(End of this chapter)

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