Chapter 547 Visit
"No..." Wang Yin touched his nose in embarrassment: "Actually, I just remembered..."

This was what Wang Yin suddenly remembered after he came back: Now the people of the Tang Dynasty have barely solved the problem of food and clothing, and can't even talk about being well-off. In the future, it will definitely cost a lot of money to climb the technological tree. Such a large amount of income should still be collected. It is more appropriate to return it to the treasury!
As for whether these people will have any opinions after learning about this matter. . .

It's enough to earn three years, what else do you want?
Besides, if you climb the technology tree by yourself, you will definitely have a lot of related industries, and there will be more profitable industries!

"Tell them later, I still have a lot of profitable business in the future," Wang Yin added at last: "If you think about it, they won't have any opinions."

"That's the only way to do it first." Li Shimin nodded when he heard the words, and then looked at Wang Yin expectantly: "Wang Yin, the biggest problem facing road construction now is that there are not enough people, see if you can. ...Give me something like sowing beans into soldiers? Or a machine that can repair roads instead of people..."

Speaking of it, Li Shimin had only seen Wang Yin's abnormal fighting ability, and he was not sure whether Wang Yin knew the magic trick or not.

So Li Shimin simply asked, since there is nothing to lose by asking.

Maybe what if Wang Yin really does?

Don't say anything about turning beans into soldiers, it's okay to make some road repairing machines and the like? !
Didn't this product come up with all kinds of weird things before? . .

"Scattering beans into soldiers?" Wang Yin looked at Li Shimin with an idiot's eyes: "Do you want tofu brain?! If there is something that can replace people's road repairs, I will go to you?! Brain watts?!"

Wang Yin wanted to scold the street: Made!I'm just a magic stick, do you really think of me as a god?

This is the emperor who has been a fool for a long time!
Speaking of which, Wang Yin actually had this idea when he was building roads in Lantian County, but he didn't find anything similar to engineering robots after searching for a long time.

Although it was only a rough search, Wang Yin didn't intend to continue to search: there is no way, there are too many branches in the messy menu, don't you have that patience?

Anyway, since I have such a long lifespan, I just have to play slowly. . .

As for Wang Yin, who they studied after Li Shimin went back, I don't know. Anyway, the news of recruiting workers came out from Chang'an City the next day: the country is going to build roads, and long-term recruitment of workers will cost [-] cents a day!
After hearing the news, the people in Chang'an City immediately became overwhelmed!
Don't look at Wang Yin's usual shots are hundreds, thousands or even tens of thousands, but he is just an exception after all.

You must know that fifteen cents a day is a high salary for these common people!
Especially in Chang'an City, whether potatoes or textile machines were popularized very early, the time spent on field work is basically negligible. Now these ordinary people are full of food and clothing every day, and they are worried that there is no work to do!

In Chang'an City, the whole people began to build roads in full swing, and Wang Yin approached Changsun Wuji.

Duke Zhao's Mansion
"Immortal...Immortal?" The servant at the door was obviously taken aback when he saw Wang Yin, and then quickly came forward with an apologetic smile: "Is the immortal here to find our master?"

"Well, is Duke Zhao at home?" Wang Yin nodded, "I need to find him."

"Okay, Immortal, come with me." One of the servants responded, and then hurriedly led Wang Yin and Cheng Lingxue towards the mansion.

Although Wang Yin had never been to Changsun Wuji's house before, Changsun Wuji made it clear that if Wang Yin came, he could just bring him in without notification.

As for Cheng Lingxue, it's all soy sauce. . .

Maybe it was because she stayed at home for a long time and wanted to come out for activities, and this time Wang Yin was not coming to the palace, so Cheng Lingxue simply followed.

"Immortal?" The three of them walked into the yard and happened to meet the butler who was walking towards him: "Is the immortal looking for our master?"

Immediately, the butler gestured to the servant who was watching the door, and the latter hurried back to continue watching the door.

"Well, I have something to ask Zhao Guogong." Wang Yin nodded.

"The immortal comes with this old slave." The housekeeper hurriedly walked ahead respectfully and began to lead the way for Wang Yin.

"Bang bang bang." The butler brought the two of them to the door of Changsun Wuji's study and gently knocked on the door: "Master, the immortal has come and said he has something to look for you."

"I am really flattered that the immortal can come! The virtuous niece is also here." Changsun Wuji gestured to the two of them, and then led them towards the living room: "Immortal, you don't send an appointment in advance when you come here." Someone said, so I can prepare in advance, look at this nonsense..."

Changsun Wuji pretended to complain while leading the way, but at the moment he was still happy in his heart.

Wang Yin definitely wouldn't come to him for no reason, although he didn't have much contact with him at ordinary times, it was not easy to handle the relationship well.

Now that he is looking for him, it must be a good thing!
The new steelmaking method that Wang Yin brought up before is a good example!

"Zhao Guogong is serious." Wang Yin smiled politely and awkwardly at his eldest grandson Wujihui.

At this moment, Wang Yin couldn't help but start complaining again in his heart: "Look at it, people say it?"As far as your luxurious and exquisite mansion is concerned, if it is called a humble house, wouldn't it be a doghouse?Take a look at these pavilions, towers, pavilions, rockery, strange rocks, and these pond lotuses, ouch, and little goldfish. . .Doesn't seem like a goldfish?Never mind, it doesn't matter anymore. . .

Made, the most important thing is that it is much bigger than my house!
Besides, your eldest grandson Wuji is a famous local tyrant in the Tang Dynasty, why are you pretending to be poor. . .

If Changsun Wuji knew what Wang Yin was thinking, he would probably curse: I'm just being polite, okay? !Besides, although my home is indeed very nice, isn't it just a humble place compared to your ridiculously luxurious villa? !If you want to say that the place is big, the entire Zheng Family Courtyard will be given to you, okay? !That's much bigger than mine!
Speaking of which, although Wang Yin's mansion also has some things like rockery and ponds, they are far inferior to Changsun Wuji's in terms of size and exquisiteness. After all, it was just a wealthy businessman's mansion before.

In addition, Wang Yin, who stayed in the villa all day long, didn't care about these things, so he didn't fix it.

Soon a few people came to the living room of Changsun Wuji's house. After Changsun Wuji warmly greeted the two to sit down, he ordered someone to bring tea, snacks and the like.

Wang Yin saw that the tea was the kind of fried tea in his teahouse, and even frowned: "Mist grass!"I never said that these things are going to be sold to the outside world, Li You and Li Yin. . .

(End of this chapter)

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