Chapter 546 Partnership
To be honest, this is actually a very profitable business!If Wang Yin invites bidding and competes, he can make a lot of money!

But Wang Yin himself is not short of money-making business, so he doesn't bother to do it.

As for who can see business opportunities from here, it can only be done according to their own abilities.

Anyway, Wang Yin can be sure that these people who will participate in the road construction will definitely earn a lot of money!
"I hear what you this a profitable business instead?" Hearing Wang Yin's words, Li Shimin's spirit was shocked!
If it is really possible to build roads to facilitate people's travel and make money, then Li Shimin will naturally have to participate in it!

Li Shimin maintains a high degree of enthusiasm for making money!

There is no way, I was really poor and afraid before. . .

"The key to making money is the number of tolls." Wang Yin pointed out the crux of the problem: "As for the specific setting, it needs to be determined according to the actual situation. For example, it is necessary to investigate the frequency of businessmen in various places. And the profit of various goods, etc., this kind of preliminary work is your business."

"I suggest you go and get Qing Que to study this matter together." Wang Yin reminded thoughtfully: "It will be much safer to have him here."

In Wang Yin's opinion, the knowledge Li Tai has learned is enough to calculate the most appropriate toll figure: by then, merchants will not complain because they have too much money, and these road builders can maximize their profits. .

Speaking of which, these preliminary tasks cannot be completed in a day and a half. If Li Tai gets involved, it will definitely delay the school's teaching.

But in Wang Yin's view, these problems are not big: after all, there are a lot of teachers in the school, and if Li Tai's possibility is divided, everyone will just add a small class.

What's more, let Li Tai put what he has learned into practice in person, presumably that kid would be very happy.

"I've finished what I want to say, and the rest is up to you." Wang Yin stood up and patted Li Shimin's shoulder affectionately, smiling and encouraging: "Old Li, come on!"

"This kid..." Seeing Wang Yin leaving so simply, Li Shimin couldn't help complaining: "This is planning to be a shopkeeper again..."

But in Li Shimin's opinion, it's okay: After all, building roads for the Tang Dynasty is what he should do as an emperor. It's not bad that Wang Yinken came up with such a plan.

When the road is really repaired in the future, isn't it the emperor who the people are grateful for?

And aren't these exactly what I'm after? !
What's more, listening to Wang Yin's meaning, this job can make money!

In Wang Yin's eyes, if he can make money, then this number is really not small. . .

Li Shimin listened to Wang Yin's suggestion and transferred Li Tai back to personally participate in the market research. After about a month of preparatory work, Li Tai finally calculated the most suitable charging figure.

"Father, if you charge this way, the cost of the road from Chang'an City to Luozhou can be recovered in only three months!" Finally, Li Tai informed Li Shimin of the calculation result: "Based on the current travel frequency of businessmen That's right, but if they do business frequently after the road is built in the future, this number will at least triple!"

"So fast? So many?" Li Shimin's expression immediately changed when he heard the words. This result has completely exceeded his expectations!

"Roughly estimated, there are at least thousands of pure profits per month..." Li Tai continued to talk about the result: "As for how much it will reach in the future, it is impossible to estimate now..."

After all, there is no way to know the frequency of merchants going together in the future, and it is impossible to calculate the exact number.

"Hiss~thousands of guan..." Hearing this number, Li Shimin immediately lost his composure.

You must know that this is only the distance from Chang'an City to Luozhou, how much would it cost if it were spread across the country? !

And according to my son, this value will double several times in the future. . .

No wonder Wang Yin said before that this is a profitable business!

If all the roads in the whole country are contracted by one person, then this number is simply unimaginable. . .

but. . .Just think about it. . .

After all, the whole Tang Dynasty is really too big, no one can afford such a big project, not even Wang Yin!
"It's no wonder that Wang Yin wanted to find the family..." Li Shimin muttered to himself: "This is a big project..."

Immediately, Li Shimin ordered people to summon the officials of the aristocratic family and other courtiers into the palace, and began to discuss the road construction plan for the whole country.

Of course, those officials other than those from aristocratic families are all rich, and things like Wei Zheng have nothing to do with him. . .

Poverty is the original sin. . .

However, after their final discussion, they found a fatal problem: it seems that there are not enough people!Even if they spend money to hire people, Datang doesn't have so many people to build roads for them now. . .

Unless all the people in the entire Tang Dynasty are brought in to build roads, but this is obviously unrealistic.

As a result, this discovery made a group of people who were excited and ready to make a fortune suddenly turn off. . .

It feels so uncomfortable to be so rich and not get it!
The original plan to start construction across the board turned into road construction starting from Chang'an City and slowly radiating outside.

But doing so will involve a problem of profit distribution: after all, some prosperous places have frequent businessmen, and such road sections can naturally make more money. If the road sections with few businessmen are contracted, it will be a thankless task. , Maybe you will lose money in the end. . .

Then there is the long process of wrangling: everyone wants to fight for good road sections, and no one wants to engage in those bad ones. . .

General House

"So that's why you came to me?" Wang Yin was amused when he heard the words: "Isn't this simple? Why can't we just partner up?!"

"Partner?" Li Shimin hesitated after hearing the words: "You mean to contribute money together?"

"That's right." Wang Yin nodded: "Take Datang's road as a whole, and then decide how much dividends to take based on personal financial resources."

Although this method will easily lead to arguing in the end, but at present, it can only be dealt with in this way first.

"All the tolls will be nationalized after three years, and they will be allowed to benefit for another three years after they have recovered their costs." Wang Yin stretched out three fingers: "After three years, all the tolls will be nationalized, and then they will be given three times the cost of road construction. The right is right." The country first borrowed money from them to build roads."

"Huh? That's a good idea!" Li Shimin suddenly looked at Wang Yin excitedly: "Did you plan to do this from the beginning?!"

(End of this chapter)

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