Chapter 355 Monsters
In an instant, more than a dozen swords and swords were all slashing towards Wang Yin's limbs. If it wasn't for the purpose of keeping alive, they would have gone directly to the neck and head.

"Boom boom boom boom boom..."

Everyone saw Ichika in front of them. Before they could figure out what was going on, there was a sharp pain in the chest, and then the person flew out and directly hit the killer behind him.

"Bah!" The killer who was thrown out rolled a few times on the ground, got up and spat out the blood foam in his mouth, and cursed: "Made! This kid has so much strength."

"Huh?" Just as they were about to rush out again, they suddenly realized that something seemed wrong!


Only then did they realize that Feifei's accomplice was lying motionless on the ground at the moment, and the ground under him was already stained red with blood. . .

Seeing this scene, everyone frowned, bent down and turned the accomplice's body over: "You're fine..."

In the end, it didn't matter that he flipped through it, half-life was almost scared away: I saw a big hole in his accomplice's chest, blood and internal organs flowed down the hole, and his eyes were staring at him!

"Do it!" Seeing this scene, everyone suddenly backed away, and their hearts beat faster.

Then, as if thinking of something, he hurriedly turned his head and looked over, only to see Wang Yin still standing there without moving, smiling at himself at the moment. . .

Seeing Wang Yin laughing at him covered in blood, the gang of killers suddenly felt a chill from the soles of their feet to the top of their heads. . .

Especially with the blood all over the face and those blood-red eyes, everyone suddenly felt as if they had made a huge mistake. . .

Is this fucking human? . .

What kind of monster are we going to deal with? . .

"Fire the arrow!" Seeing this, the leader gritted his teeth and suppressed the fear in his heart, and signaled to the archer, "Try not to shoot to death!"

At this moment, he can't control so much anymore, as long as he can bring down this evil guy in front of him!

If you really accidentally shot Wang Yin to death, we can talk about it later. . .

The archers resolutely aimed at Wang Yin's limbs and loosened the bowstring after being ordered, but at this moment, each of them's hands were shaking too much, and most of the arrows were shot crookedly. . .

Even so, dozens of arrows were still shot at Wang Yin, and a few even flew directly towards Wang Yin's vitals.

Seeing this scene, the leader immediately frowned: I hope this kid is lucky enough not to be shot to death, otherwise it will be difficult for him to do business later.

The maidservants who were blocked by Wang Yin at the door were already scared to pee when they saw Wang Yin killing several dead men in an instant, but now they almost passed out when they saw so many arrows flying towards them: He knew that Wang Yin wasn't the only one who flew towards these arrows, several of them went straight to them.

After all, the archer's hands were shaking too much just now. . .

Just when they were at a loss, they suddenly felt that the clothes on their chests were suddenly pulled, and after they realized it, dozens of arrows were already close in front of them. . .

"Puff! Puff! Puff!..." Before the two servants had time to cry out, they were instantly shot into hedgehogs.

"Plop!" Wang Yin casually threw the two corpses behind him.

"Ah!——!" Looking at the two servants with arrows on the ground, who were still staring at death, the remaining servants finally collapsed completely. . .

"Shoot the arrow!" The leading killer immediately gave another order when he saw this.

Just now seeing Wang Yin blocking the arrow with his servants, he was overjoyed: It seems that this monster is still afraid of bows and arrows!

Thinking of this, he felt relieved: There are not many servants and maidservants behind this monster. When these people are dead, I will see what you can do to stop them!
As for the death of a few servants, it is completely out of his consideration: it is just a few servants, and they will die if they die. As long as this monster can be brought down, it doesn't matter how many people die? !
"Puff puff!..."

"Fire arrows!"

"Puff puff!..."

. . . . . .

After a few rounds, all the servants and maids behind Wang Yin were dead.

"I'll see what you're going to use to block this time!" The leading killer immediately looked happy when he saw this: "Let the arrow!"

After going through it a few times, these archers are no longer as scared as before, and the accuracy of the bows and arrows has gradually improved.

In an instant, hundreds of arrows flew towards Wang Yin.

"This feeling is amazing..." Wang Yin stood there muttering to himself as if he hadn't seen those arrows at all.

At this moment, he felt that the demonic power in his heart was no longer manic, as if it had disappeared all of a sudden. . .

No, to be exact, it didn't disappear, but completely merged with him!
Although the previous demon power was also in his body, it stayed there independently, as if it was locked in a box; now after killing a few people, the box is opened all of a sudden, then A wave of demonic power flooded Wang Yin's whole body in an instant.

At this moment, Wang Yin felt that every cell in his body was perfectly integrated with the power of the devil, and there was no difference between them.

"It seems that this is not bad..." Wang Yin suddenly found that he seemed to like this feeling. . .

There is no need to deliberately suppress them, just obey your heart and let them be released!

Killing also seemed to become less repulsive. . .

"Could this kid be stupid?" Seeing that the arrows flew in front of him and Wang Yin was still standing there motionless, the leader suddenly felt puzzled.

Forget it, whether he is stupid or not!
As long as the monster is brought down smoothly, it's over!
I don't want to waste like this for a moment, it's too fucking evil!

"Huh? What the hell is this kid doing?" Seeing that Wang Yin finally moved, the leader was even more puzzled.

At this moment, Wang Yin stood there with his hands open and eyes closed facing the flying arrow, as if he was not greeted by a deadly arrow but a charming beauty.

Seeing the arrow successfully hit Wang Yin's body, the leader immediately breathed a sigh of relief: It's finally resolved!

It's just that before he finished exhaling, his eyes widened in an instant!
"Ding ding dong dong dong dong dong..."

After a sound of gold and iron clashing, each arrow seemed to have been shot on the copper wall. The arrows were all bent and slid down weakly along Wang Yin's body. . .

"Clang clang clang..."

Seeing this scene, all the weapons in the hands of the killers fell to the ground.They all looked at Wang Yin as if they had seen a ghost, and their bodies began to tremble uncontrollably. . .

Is that human being!
What kind of monster are we fighting against? . .

(End of this chapter)

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