Chapter 354

"Since Zheng Ze intends to be a turtle..." Wang Yin said as he walked towards the crowd: "Then I'll kill him until he comes out..."

At this moment, the restless devil power in Wang Yin's body boiled completely, and Wang Yin knew that he was powerless. . .

This feeling is very strange, obviously I am still conscious now, but the words I say and the actions I make seem to be out of my control. . .

Or it can also be said that the dark side of my heart has been completely released. . .

Seeing Wang Yin walking towards them, everyone backed away subconsciously. One possibility was that they were too timid, and fell to the ground directly, and the sticks in their hands rolled to the side. . .

"Then let's start with you." Wang Yin walked towards the nurse sitting on the ground.

"Monster...Monster...don't come here..." The nurse who was sitting on the ground trembled even more when he saw Wang Yin walking towards him.

He wanted to stand up and run away, but being stared at by Wang Yin like this seemed to drain his strength. . .

Let alone running away now, even if he wanted to move a finger, it would be extremely difficult. . .

Wang Yin picked him up and smiled at him. . .

"You... What are you going to do..." Seeing Wang Yin smiling at himself, the nursing home became even more frightened.

Especially being stared at by Wang Yin's blood-red eyes at such a close distance, he felt that he could hardly breathe. . .

"Are you afraid?" Seeing his appearance, Wang Yin was not in a hurry to act, but asked with a smile.

"I..." Seeing Wang Yin smiling, the nursing home became even more frightened, and when he wanted to say something, he couldn't utter a single word. . .

"Don't worry, you don't have to be afraid soon." Wang Yin said while stretching out his right hand and placed it on the nurse's heart: "I can feel... the feeling of a fresh heart beating..."

"Pfft!" Wang Yin exerted force with his right hand and directly inserted it into Nursing Yuan's chest cavity.

The arm came out from the back of the nurse, and Wang Yin gently spread out his right hand, a fresh heart was lying quietly on his palm.

"Plop...Plop..." The heart didn't stop working after being separated from the body, it was still beating slightly.

"Kill...killed..." Those housekeepers and maidservants were scared to the side by Wang Yin before and did not dare to move, but now seeing this scene, their pupils shrank suddenly, as if they were frozen in place. generally. . .

They never dreamed that one day, in this Zheng family compound, such a scene would happen. . .

"Plop...Plop..." The sound of the beating heart was very weak, and you might not even hear it if you didn't listen carefully.

But everyone felt that the sound was like thunder, hitting their fragile hearts hard one after another, and they felt that they were about to collapse at any time. . .

"Killed...killed..." A group of people just stared blankly at this scene, repeating these three words.

"Killer!" Finally someone came to his senses first, yelling at the top of his voice while running inside.

The scene just now was a nightmare for them, and now they don't want to stay in this place for a second!Running is the only thing they can do now. . .

It doesn't matter where you go, as long as you stay away from this monster!
Now everyone only hates their parents for giving them two missing legs. . .

That's right, now Wang Yin has completely transformed from a fairy into a terrifying monster in their minds!
Even though he turned around and ran away now, the image of the beating heart lying on the palm of his hand seemed to be imprinted directly in his mind, and he couldn't get it out. . .

There were also a few excited reactions and ran towards the door: Zheng's family may not be safe now, if they stay here, they may be killed by this monster in the end, at least they have a chance to survive if they run out!

Just as the few people were about to run to the door, a black shadow suddenly flew over and landed on the ground in front of them.

"Ah!" Several people exclaimed, and when they saw what was flying over, their legs softened and they sat on the ground.

The one who flew over was the body of the nurse whose heart had been gouged out before. At this moment, the body landed a few steps away from them, staring at them with terrified eyes. . .

"Did I tell you to leave?" Wang Yin turned around and looked at a few maidservants in shock, then Wang Yin smiled.

"You...don't come here..." Seeing Wang Yin walking towards him and the others, the servant girls all shook their heads in horror and rubbed their hands and feet behind them.

"Stop!" Just as Wang Yin was about to walk to the side of several people, a shout suddenly came from behind.

Wang Yin turned his head and looked over, only to see more guards rushing out of it continuously, the difference is that this time the sticks in their hands were replaced by weapons like knives and guns; a figure appeared on the roof When he came out, the bow and arrow in his hand aimed at Wang Yin.

If there is no accident, these are the killers and the like who were secretly cultivated by the Zheng family.

They came back after catching Wang Yin before, so they didn't see the scene of Wang Yin's massacre before; looking at Wang Yin standing here, they all wondered in their hearts: Didn't this 'fake fairy' be arrested? Is it?Why are you standing here so well at this moment?Shouldn't it be 'disposed'?

Everyone watched Wang Yin tighten the weapon in his hand, and felt that this was a bit strange. . .

Of course, it just feels weird.

After all, Wang Yin's performance before was obviously a soft persimmon, since he could be caught once, now he can be caught again.

But this time Wang Yin dared to openly go to Zheng's house to commit murder, so this time it's not just as simple as catching him, he must be taught a little 'lesson'!

Upon hearing this, Wang Yin turned around and looked at these killers quietly.

"Huh?" When they saw Wang Yin's blood-red eyes clearly, each of them suddenly felt a sudden rush in their hearts.

Especially now that the sky has completely darkened, Wang Yin's blood-colored eyes are more clear.

Made!This thing is a bit evil, isn't it?
A group of killers immediately took a few steps back subconsciously. . .

"Come on, brothers, bleed this kid!" Fortunately, they were relatively far away, and each of them was a desperado, so they quickly recovered from this feeling: "Just don't kill him!"

"Could it be that this kid was scared stupid?" Seeing himself and others rushing forward and Wang Yin still standing there motionless, the gang of killers were all puzzled.

But I wondered, I wondered, the movements of their hands did not hesitate at all: don't care what the hell you are doing, as long as this knife cuts down, you still have to lie on the ground and roll on the ground for me!

(End of this chapter)

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