Datang started from being a salted fish

Chapter 328 Forced girls to go to school

Chapter 328 Forced girls to go to school
As for what Uncle Li said or did to them, no one knows. Everyone only saw that when the second generation of the gang came out of the conference room, they all had bruised noses and swollen faces. . .

After this incident, this group of second-generation children became much more honest, and some even took the initiative to apologize to the classmates who were bullied by them before. Not to be subject to more miserable repairs. . .

But later they found out that they were thinking too much, and those young masters were really apologizing to themselves. . .

Later, Li Tai took these second-generation students to have a good talk. From then on, they all stopped completely, and bullying of classmates never happened.

Not only that, some sons and brothers even tried to become friends with some children from common people's families.

Although not all of them were like this, it still frightened the children of those ordinary people, and then they were overjoyed. . .

Fortunately, no matter what, everything is finally getting better now.

Whether it's the teacher, the children of the people's family, or the principal Li Yuan, they all finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Ring, ring, ring..." Just as the old and the young were chatting there, the bell ringer rang.

"I think it's better for you to go out and have a look yourself." Hearing the ringing of the bell, Li Yuan signaled to Wang Yin: "It's just time for exercises between classes."

school playground
"Stand up, stand up, stand up for me!" The three brothers of the Cheng family and Qin Huaiyu were dictating to a group of students: "If anyone doesn't stand up for a while, I won't beat you!"

"Who the hell is patting me?" Feeling someone patting on the shoulder, Cheng Chumo immediately turned his head cursingly: "See if I don't beat you...Brother Yin?"

"It's been so long since you've had a good temper, haven't you?" Wang Yin looked at Cheng Chumo jokingly: "What, are you planning to let me play with you?"

"Brother Yin was joking, hehe..." Cheng Chumo quickly laughed.

Just kidding, practice with you?I haven't lived enough. . .

"Brother Yin!" Cheng Chuliang, Cheng Chubi and Qin Huaiyu hurriedly greeted upon seeing this.

"I've seen a fairy!"

"Meet the principal!"

When a group of students saw Wang Yin and Li Yuan approaching, they saluted respectfully.

It's not that they dare not call Li Yuan the Supreme Emperor, it's mainly because this is Li Yuan's request.

Li Yuan thinks that now that he has become the principal, he should look like a principal, and to be honest, Li Yuan doesn't like the title Taishanghuang very much.

Every time he was shouted at, it always reminded him of his unpleasant experience. . .

"Okay, everyone stand up quickly and do exercises." Wang Yin waved his hands at a group of brats, and then said to the four of them: "Do exercises first, and talk later."

""The Times is Calling", start now!" Cheng Chumo nodded, and then yelled at the students.

Wang Yin stood aside and watched leisurely as thousands of people performed radio gymnastics crookedly: "It's so damn eye-catching." . .

It's not just hot eyes, it's hard to see. . .

But Wang Yin didn't plan to intervene too much: anyway, it's enough to let them move around, and besides, it will definitely get better after a long time.

"Brother Yin, when will you change our jobs?" After the exercise, the three brothers looked at Wang Yin with a bitter face: "It's torture to deal with these brats all day long!"

Even Qin Huaiyu, an honest child, nodded along, looking hopeless.

"No hurry, it will be useful when it's time for you." Wang Yin sent them away with a perfunctory sentence.

"Uncle Li, I'm going to recruit a group of female students." After everyone dispersed, Wang Yin and Li Yuan started strolling on the playground, and Wang Yin simply brought up this matter again.

Wang Yin also had this plan before, but at that time the school just started recruiting and everything was chaotic.

And at that time, these people didn't know much about the school, and recruiting male students had experienced a lot of twists and turns. If they recruited some female students at that time, it would only become more chaotic.

But now that everything in the school is on track, it's time to resolve this matter.

"Since it's your school, of course you have the final say. I have no objection." Li Yuan responded casually.

But judging by his demeanor and tone, it is obvious that he is not very optimistic about this matter.

After all, patriarchal patriarchy was too serious in ancient times. From Li Yuan's point of view, women will marry sooner or later, and they will be at home with their husbands and children. Now it is a waste of time and resources to get some girls to come to study.

But since Wang Yin raised it, Li Yuan couldn't refute it.

After all, this is Wang Yin's school, and although it seems wasteful for him to let girls study, it has no bad influence on Datang, and it's not a matter of immorality, so let Wang Yin make troubles .

Of course, the most important thing is that even if he wanted to, he couldn't manage it. Li Yuan still remembers the perverted scene when Wang Yin killed the robber. . .

Seeing his appearance, Wang Yin didn't say much. After all, this kind of concept has not been in a day or two, and it can't be reversed with a few words.

Besides, Wang Yin has no interest in educating the elderly. . .

Speaking of it, it's not that Wang Yin wants to improve the status of women, the main reason is that Datang's population is too small now!The development of all walks of life needs talents!It is definitely not enough to rely on men alone, and the women in Datang must be used.

Of course, it would be great to be able to easily change the social status of women.

The rest was simple, Wang Yin went directly to Cao Wenxi and asked him to go to the village where the school had recruited students before and recruit those girls to the school.

At first, the common people were stunned when they heard it, and then they said they didn't need it!
After all, in their view, girls are going to marry when they grow up, and the life of having children and raising children is over.

read?What book do you read?If you can't be an official, isn't that causing trouble for the immortals? !
But later the yamen servants told them: This is the order of the immortal himself, and it must be sent there!It's a crime not to go!I'm going to do you!
As a result, a group of common people were even more confused: what kind of wind is this fairy?Why don't you read and break the law?
But complaints belong to complaints, and in the end, each of them honestly sent their daughters to school.

After all, besides being an immortal, Wang Yin is also the county prince of Lantian County. At the beginning, Li Shimin sealed the entire Lantian County to Wang Yin.

Now Wang Yin of Lantian County is the proper local emperor of Nanbowan, and he enjoys the highest rights in this three-acre land of Lantian County.Even officials can be appointed and dismissed at will, let alone asking them to send their children to school for such a trivial matter?
It's just that Wang Yin is too lazy to do this, so the officials of Lantian County have not changed until now.

To put it bluntly, as long as Wang Yin doesn't rebel, he can do whatever he wants in Lantian, and do whatever he wants, as long as he doesn't do something such as throwing people's ancestral graves, then no one cares.

(End of this chapter)

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