Datang started from being a salted fish

Chapter 327 The Furious Uncle Li

Chapter 327 The Furious Uncle Li

No, right now Duan Lun is leisurely lying on the rocking chair in the yard, while his wife is peeling grapes for her.

Peel one and throw one into Duan Lun's mouth, Duan Lun is the beauty from the inside out. . .

This is what life is called!

Duan Lun sighed happily while picking up the "Jin Ping Mei" at hand and began to study it carefully. . .

When Mrs. Duan saw this, she rolled her eyes at him: "I'm not serious, I just read some random books."

"Hey, don't you just like that I'm not serious?" Duan Lun directly grabbed Madam's hand and winked at her.

They are old couples, what does Duan Lun mean?Madam blushed immediately when she saw this.

Seeing his wife's appearance, Duan Lun's mind suddenly became active: I remember that in "Jin Ping Mei", I don't have to wait until night, or now. . .

Just as Duan Lun was thinking about what to do, the gatekeeper ran over and said that someone asked to see him.

"Husband, someone is here, stop making trouble..."

"Made! I want to see who is messing with my good things at this time!" Being interrupted at this time, no one can change his temper. Duan Lun even began to think about how to find some excitement for the visitor. things.

It's just that after seeing the person who came, Duan Lun suddenly became calm and lost all thoughts.

Can't afford it, can't afford it. . .

"Duan Shangshu, His Majesty has summoned you, let's go with our house." Wang Gonggong said with a smile.

The next day Li Shimin directly sent someone to Wang Yin's place to take away the dials that he was looking at, um, he directly loaded several carriages.

After nearly a month of busy work, Li Shimin finally "transformed" the books to be printed with punctuation marks.

Li Shimin personally ordered that all unimportant research and construction periods of the Ministry of Industry be suspended, and the typesetting and printing should be started with more manpower.

Duan Lun led a large group of people from the Ministry of Industry to work again.

During this period, Wang Yin went to the school in Shangshui Village to inspect the current situation of the school.

Principal room

"Why did you come here suddenly today?" Seeing Wang Yin coming, Li Yuan was a little surprised, and then teased: "Wang Daxian is so busy and still has time to come to my school. I am really honored as the principal. ah!"

"Damn it, your Li family are all robbers, right?" Wang Yin sat down on the sofa directly: "I haven't seen you for a month and a half, and my school changed my surname to Li?"

"Hey, isn't this a little joke with you?" Li Yuan took a teacup and filled it with tea and put it in front of Wang Yin while talking: "There are not many people who can drink the tea I poured myself."

"Yes, old man, I am really honored for your hard work, boy." Wang Yin rolled his eyes and took a sip from his teacup: "Okay, let's talk nonsense, how are you doing as a principal? Are you still used to it?" No?"

"I feel good now." Li Yuan stroked his beard: "At least there is something to do every day, unlike before when I was idle all day, people would be bored to death."

"Besides, looking at these children every day, I feel that I am several years younger." Then Li Yuan took a sip from his teacup.

"As long as you have a good attitude, people will naturally age slowly." Wang Yin gave Li Yuan a thumbs up: "Uncle Li, you finally understand."

"You boy, don't you come here today just to chat with this old man?" Li Yuan cast a glance at Wang Yin: "Tell me, what's the matter?"

"Actually, I just came to see how these brats are doing," Wang Yin put down his teacup, "Is the school running smoothly?"

"In general, it's going well." Li Yuan nodded: "At first, neither the teachers nor the students were able to get used to it. But after getting along for a few months, everything is better now."

Indeed, at the beginning, those teachers had no teaching experience at all. Although they prepared the syllabus and lessons according to what Li Tai said, they stood on the podium and looked at the bear children with dozens of pairs of eyes looking at themselves. , Immediately stop cooking. . .

This situation lasted for four or five days. It was not until Li Tai and Li Yuan had a good talk with them and cheered them up that they gradually got better.

In addition, there are children of all ages, and everyone has different learning abilities. Li Tai and a group of teachers have to adjust the class and teaching content according to the students' different learning progress.

As a result, after so many days of messing around, a group of teachers almost suffered schizophrenia. . .

That's not counting, you must know that besides the children of common people, among these students, there are still a group of second-generation children.

To be honest, these second-generation children look down on the children of these common people more or less in their hearts, and even think that studying with them is an insult to themselves. . .

So it became more lively. . .

Although there are no dog legs around now, it is quite common to bully a classmate casually.

Most of those who were bullied were children from common people's families. They were already a little afraid of these second generations, but now that they were bullied, they could only swallow their anger.

After all, in this era of distinct classes, it is nothing serious for Xungui to bully the common people. Even though he is in Wang Yin's school, this mentality will not change in a short while.

And those teachers are either ordinary scholars or businessmen and the like, and they dare not take care of them.

Li Tai and Li Yuan can take care of it, but they don't know it!
After all, those second-generation gangsters are not brain-dead enough to do things in front of the two of them.

In the beginning, the second generation of the gang was actually a little worried, after all, they didn't dare to attack too hard in the fairy school.But later, when I saw that there was nothing wrong with it, I became more courageous. . .

Until one day, a child from a common people's family was bullied so badly that his head was broken.And Li Tai just happened to encounter this matter. . .

Now that Li Tai knew about it, Li Yuan, the overlord and headmaster, naturally also knew about it.

It's not that Li Tai didn't want to take care of it, so he ran to complain to Li Yuan, the main reason was that Li Yuan was the principal in name after all, and it was not easy for Li Tai to handle it on his behalf.

In addition, Li Tai also knew his grandpa's "official addiction", so he handed over this matter to Li Yuan to deal with.

Li Yuan became angry immediately after hearing this: Made!Wang Yin entrusted this school to me because of his trust in me!Since I am now in charge of the position of principal, I must do it well!In the end, all of you little bastards are doing things for me here? !Isn't this slapping me in the face? !If Wang Yin finds out about my old face, do I still want it? !

Immediately, Uncle Li, who was furious, summoned a group of second generations away.

(End of this chapter)

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