Datang started from being a salted fish

Chapter 147 The Three Brothers Medicate

Chapter 147 The Three Brothers Medicate

Wang Yin took a look at Wangcai on the ground with the detection technique, and found that Wangcai was also lucky, and it turned out to be four mutations: three times of smell and one speed, and his sense of smell reached a perverted 200 million. . . . . .

Poor dog, the sense of smell has been strengthened to such a perverted level, no wonder he was fainted by the smoke.

But having said that, dogs should have no idea about the smell. Why would Mao Wangcai react so strongly to Ba Ge's urine?

Wang Yin adhered to the salted fish thought of "if you can't figure it out, don't think about it", so he didn't care about it anymore.

"After you go home, sit on your own bed and drink it. You will pass out immediately after drinking this stuff." Wang Yin handed the small bottle containing the body strengthening medicine to the four people, and told them.

"Okay, brother Yin." The three brothers carefully took the small bottle in their hands, and ran home in a hurry.

"Go to the villa and find a room." Wang Yin said to Qin Huaiyu.

After everyone had left, Wang Yin lay on the rocking chair and communicated with the system: "System, I want to ask you something."

"Please tell the host." The system said.

"I think the rabbit has only strengthened its strength and speed, but its reaction has not changed. Can he control the reaction if it can't keep up with the speed? Also, if the body strength can't keep up, it will hurt yourself if you use too much force?"

"The animal's body will automatically use the mutated ability, and it will not hurt itself as the host said." The system returned.

"What about the body strengthening potions for people?" Wang Yin asked, "Is it the same?"

"Yes, host." The system replied.

"Okay, it's okay." Wang Yin closed his eyes and continued to collapse.

At about seven o'clock in the evening, Cheng Yaojin rushed to Wang Yin's room in a hurry.

"What are you doing in such a panic?" Wang Yin looked at Cheng Yaojin and said.

"Wang Yin, what did you give my sons to drink?" Cheng Yaojin held up the bottle containing the body-strengthening medicine in front of Wang Yin: "During dinner tonight, I found three cubs passed out in my room. One of these things. You made this thing, Datang doesn’t have such a thing!”

No wonder Cheng Yaojin was in a hurry. When he rushed over, he found his son was unconscious, and he couldn't find out what happened when he went to the doctor. If it wasn't for his son still breathing, Cheng Yaojin even thought the three of them were dead. . . .

"Ah, ah, ah, this is a good thing." Wang Yin casually took the medicine bottle to the system space and destroyed it: "I didn't charge you for the sake of our acquaintance."

"Good stuff?" Cheng Yaojin looked at Wang Yin suspiciously: "How good is it?"

"Not to mention anything else, it's more than enough to boil your great-grandson to death." Wang Yin said with a bad taste.

This is not a lie, as for the doubling of the basic attributes alone, these brats live to be more than 200 years old, just like playing. After all, the doubling here is based on the extreme attributes, and the lifespan is naturally the same.

"What's the mess?" Cheng Yaojin had already developed some immunity to Wang Yin's nonsense, and didn't care. Now he was more concerned about his children's physical condition: "Are they healthy?"

"Don't worry, they will be alive and kicking again when they wake up." Wang Yin patted Cheng Yaojin's shoulder and said comfortingly: "When the time comes, your 'filial piety' meal will definitely be more than enough."

Um. . .At that time, it will be no problem for the three bear children to take care of their filial sons for a while.

Duke Lu's Mansion
"Madam, you should go to rest first." Cheng Yaojin saw his wife's haggard look, and quickly persuaded her.

"The children haven't woken up, how can I sleep..." Mrs. Cheng shook her head, and said with a worried face; "It's the second watch, and there is still no movement..."

"This dead Wang Yin, what the hell did he give his younger brothers?" Cheng Lingxue cursed inwardly.

"Don't worry, Wang Yin said it, it will be of great benefit to them." Seeing this, Cheng Yaojin quickly comforted him.

"But the children haven't woken up, I'm always uneasy..." Mrs. Cheng shook her head.

"Hmm..." While speaking, Cheng Chu murmured silently, and slowly opened his eyes: "This is me... where is it..."

"Chu Mo, you're awake!" Seeing this, Mrs. Cheng quickly grabbed Cheng Chumo's hand and asked with concern: "How do you feel? Is there any discomfort?"

"Mother, Aye...Sister..." Cheng Chumo looked at his family members, and after realizing it, he said, "I'm so hungry..."

"You wait, mother will cook you food now." Mrs. Cheng said quickly, then turned and walked towards the kitchen.

Now that the eldest son is awake, the remaining two should be fine, and Mrs. Cheng is relieved.

"Just do more, Chu Liang and Chu Bi will probably be hungry when they wake up later." Mrs. Cheng said to herself.

Seeing that Cheng Chumo was fine, Cheng Yaojin and Cheng Lingxue finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Chu Mo, what's going on?" Cheng Yaojin asked quickly: "What did Wang Yin give you to drink?"

"Aye..." Cheng Chumo sat on the bed in a daze for a while, and after clearing his mind, he recounted what happened today.

"This..." After hearing this, Cheng Yaojin felt like he was talking nonsense, but after thinking about Wang Yin's identity, he felt relieved.

"Then do you feel any changes in your body?" Cheng Yaojin asked quickly.

"Yes!" Cheng Chumo looked at Cheng Yaojin and said seriously: "I feel very hungry..."

"Hey! You little bastard!" Cheng Yaojin saw that his son was making fun of himself, and Yang Qi overlord wanted to beat him down.

But then let it go again: "Forget it, you just woke up, I will let you go first."

"Dad, I'm serious, I feel like I'm starving to death..." As he spoke, Cheng Chumo felt unbearable hunger in his belly and felt cramps in his stomach. Cheng Chumo covered his abdomen with his hands: "Dad, My stomach hurts from being hungry..."

Seeing this, Cheng Yaojin was stunned: This kid doesn't look like he's making fun of himself, does he?Is it true?But what happens when you are so hungry that your stomach hurts?This kid already had lunch at noon, so it wouldn't be like this if he didn't eat a meal, right?
Thinking of this, Cheng Yaojin was stunned: Could it be that his eldest son became particularly edible after drinking the medicine?Wouldn't that become a rice bucket?What's the point of this? !

While Cheng Yaojin was in a daze, Cheng Chumo gritted his teeth and got off the bed, and ran towards the kitchen without his shoes on.

"Chu Mo! Chu Mo! Run slower!" Seeing this, Cheng Lingxue quickly picked up Cheng Chumo's shoes and chased them out: "Be careful not to pierce your feet!"

Cheng Yaojin originally wanted to chase him out, but seeing the two sons who were still sleeping on the bed, he gave up.

"Chu" Seeing Cheng Chumo squatting on the ground and eating fiercely, Mrs. Cheng was stunned, stuttering and speechless.

"Mom, you continue cooking, I'll eat something to pad my stomach first." Cheng Chumo grabbed a radish, wiped the mud off it with his sleeve, and stuffed it into his mouth without caring whether it was wiped clean or not.

In less than a minute, Cheng Chumo ate up the one-foot-long white radish, and Cheng Chumo stretched out his hand and grabbed it to the side.

"Mom! Do it quickly! Don't be dazed." Cheng Chumo saw that his mother was still in a daze, and quickly said: "I can't... I'm starving to death... By the way, you put those servants Call for a piece of cooking, or I'm afraid there won't be enough food..."

"Oh...Oh...Mom, just do it." Seeing this, Mrs. Cheng quickly went out to look for someone.

"Chu Liang, Chu Bi, how are you doing?" Seeing that his two remaining sons were awake, Cheng Yaojin hurriedly asked with concern.

"Hmm... Aye...?" The two looked at Cheng Yaojin in a daze and muttered.

"Do you feel any discomfort in your body?" Cheng Yaojin asked quickly.

After all, he is his own son. Although Cheng Chumo seems to be fine, the remaining two are not necessarily.

Better to ask.

"Aye..." The two looked at Cheng Yaojin: "We feel a little hungry..."

"Put on your shoes quickly, your mother is cooking in the kitchen." Cheng Yaojin heaved a sigh of relief when he saw this, and quickly led the two of them to the kitchen.

As a result, the three of them immediately petrified as soon as they entered the kitchen. . .

(End of this chapter)

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