Datang started from being a salted fish

Chapter 146 Effect of Body Modification Potion

Chapter 146 Effect of Body Modification Potion
Normally, Brother Ba would have moved away by at most three to five meters this time. This is due to Brother Ba's good physical fitness, but now this guy has dodged more than 20 meters at once. . . . . .

"Brother Yin...are you sure it's not a monster???" the three brothers asked in confusion.

Whose rabbit can go so far in the blink of an eye?Not what a monster is. . .

"It's interesting..." Seeing this, Wang Yin quickly used the probing technique on Brother Ba.

Name: Brother Ba.

Race: Rabbit.

Strength (four mutations): 150 (normal human limit is one hundred)
Speed ​​(one mutation): 1400 (normal human limit is one hundred)
. . . . . .

"I'm a turtle..." Wang Yin sighed in his heart after watching it: "It turned out to be full of five mutations, this guy is the Emperor of Europe, right! And this guy's attributes... how can he be a superhero now? Come on!"

You must know that the comparison target of these attribute values ​​​​is the extreme attributes of human beings, not the average attributes.

You must know that extreme properties only exist in theory, and no one can achieve them in reality!Now it seems that there is nothing wrong with calling this guy a monster. . .

As for the difference between the ellipsis at the end, it should be no different from the attributes of ordinary rabbits. At most, Brother Ba has good physical fitness, which is a little stronger than ordinary rabbits, but it is still within the normal range.

"I can feel it! It's so strong!" Brother Ba poked on the spot and murmured, "It seems to have endless strength!"

Immediately, Brother Ba looked at Cheng Chumo with evil eyes: "Hey, boy, it was you who kicked Brother Ba just now!"

"You... What are you going to do..." Looking at Brother Ba who was walking towards him, Cheng Chumo subconsciously took a few steps back.

"Of course I'm fucking you! I'll hit you!" After Ba Ge finished speaking, his figure rushed to Cheng Chumo in an instant, jumped up and kicked towards Cheng Chumo.

"Your uncle!" Seeing this, Wang Yin quickly grabbed Cheng Chumo and pulled him aside.

With Brother Ba's current attributes, Cheng Chumo would be dead if he stepped down. . .

"Bang!" Under the effect of inertia, Ba Ge flew out and hit the wall beside him, making a hole in the wall of the old house. . .

After recovering, Cheng Chumo looked at the cobweb pattern on the wall in the distance, and swallowed subconsciously. . .

If he had been kicked just now, wouldn't his life be gone. . .

Ba Ge slipped down along the wall, turned his head to look at his 'masterpiece' and froze in place.

Originally, he just felt that his strength had increased and wanted to play tricks on Cheng Chumo, but he didn't expect to be able to cause such severe damage!

"If I kicked that ugly guy just now, wouldn't he belch..." Brother Ba murmured: "Look at how good brother and they are usually, if he belches, brother will definitely send me to bed!" For the dining table…”

Thinking of the possible consequences, Brother Ba managed to scare himself out of the urine.

Well, it was really peeing. . .

"Huh... Fortunately, nothing happened..." Brother Ba let out a sigh of relief: "Otherwise, Brother Ba, I just far surpassed their human speed..."

"Huh?" Brother Ba was stunned for a moment: "Far faster than their human speed?..."

Thinking of this, Brother Ba's smile gradually turned abnormal, and then he let go of his feet and ran wildly in the yard.

"Wahaha, I didn't expect my Ba Ge to run so fast!" Ba Ge was also shocked by his abnormal speed, the more he ran, the more he ran, the more he ran, the more he ran!

Under the window sill, on the wall, in the room. . .There are afterimages of Ba Ge having fun everywhere.

"Brother still said it's not a monster..." The three brothers looked at the afterimages running around and felt that their brains were not enough.

Wang Yin had black lines all over his head: "You're not a fucking Erha, you still want to demolish Brother Yin's house?!"

"Hehe, big brother, although I respect you as big brother," Ba Ge squatted on the roof and looked at Wang Yin with a smile, "But no one can control me from now on, from now on the world will be big, let my Ba Ge gallop! "

"I'll give you three seconds to come down." Wang Yin glanced at him and said calmly.

"Hey, big brother, you can't catch me now." Brother Ba yelled at Wang Yin with his buttocks: "Catch me, catch me."

Brother Ba reappeared on the wall next to him with a squeak, and continued to point his butt at Wang Yin: "Big brother can't run as fast as me, so I can only stare blankly, oh yeah!"

"Made's staff!" Wang Yin cursed, and then disappeared.

A second later, Wang Yin reappeared on the same spot, holding a Spartan-looking Ba Ge in his hand.

"'s impossible!" Brother Ba muttered to himself, "What the hell happened..."

The three brothers were completely petrified.

They could barely see the afterimage of Brother Ba's fast speed before, and this was a monster in their eyes!It is impossible for a human to catch this rabbit.

The result now?
In the blink of an eye, Brother Yin caught the rabbit?Didn't even see an afterimage!

Could this be Brother Yin's true strength?

But then the three of them were relieved: I almost forgot!Brother Yin is a fairy!Since he can turn this rabbit into a monster, he has a way to deal with it!

Thinking of this, the three of them immediately looked at Wang Yin eagerly: "Brother gave this rabbit something to eat...can you give us something? Hehe."

As early as when Brother Ba woke up, Qin Huaiyu stopped training, stood aside and watched all this silently, and now he is also looking at Wang Yin eagerly.

Isn't this the tile-throwing that I have been pursuing?
"Okay," Wang Yin said without turning his head while holding Brother Ba, "But after eating, you'll all be covered in long hairs, and you'll be as virtuous as this guy."

"Uh... then forget it..." The four of them immediately gave up when they thought of the price of becoming neither human nor ghost.

"Just kidding you~" Wang Yin looked at the lost four and said with a smile, "Yes, but I don't know to what extent the effect can be achieved."

"Does that mean we won't become monsters?" The four of them immediately lit up little stars in their eyes when they heard this.

"Of course not." Wang Yin got a pile of firewood while talking, and set up a grill.

"That's great!" The four of them suddenly said excitedly, and then asked while rubbing their hands: "When will Brother Yin give us some..."

"No hurry," Wang Yin said while tying Brother Ba tightly with a rope, and then put an iron stick through the rope and put it on the grill: "It will be a while."

"Brother... what are you...doing?..." Brother Ba looked at Wang Yin with a miserable face, and asked tremblingly.

"Now you know you're afraid?" Wang Yin rolled his eyes at him: "Didn't you just listen to the scorn? Being so cowardly doesn't fit your character at all."

"Brother! You are wrong!" Brother Ba said with a serious face, "I have never lost in a competition!"

"Not bad, great." Wang Yin gave Brother Ba a thumbs up, casually perfunctory, then took out the lighter and lit the firewood below.

"I'm going to die! I'm going to die!" Brother Ba writhed on the grill like a maggot baby and cried, "Brother! Please spare me! I won't dare again!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a puddle of fresh rabbit urine remained, and the small flame that had just risen was extinguished in an instant. . .

"Made? This is all right?!" Wang Yin looked at this scene with a painful face. . .

"Then you should reflect on it carefully." Wang Yin gave Brother Ba a head, and he didn't bother with it anymore.

"Hmm... Where am I?..." At this time Wangcai Youyou woke up, blinking his eyes in a dazed expression.

"Brother Yin, your dog is awake." Cheng Chumo looked at Wang Yin and said.

"Huh? What smells so bad?!" Wangcai was confused for a moment, and then cursed: "You damn rabbit, peeing randomly!"

After speaking, he rolled his eyes and passed out. . .

"Did he faint from the smoke?" Cheng Chumo looked at Wangcai uncertainly and said, "This rabbit's urine smells so strong? Why didn't I ask?"

"Doesn't this dog eat shit? Why is it afraid of smell?" Cheng Chuliang was also puzzled.

Wang Yin also had a painful face: You are really a person, Wangcai, if you can be fainted by rabbit urine. . .Dog talent!
(End of this chapter)

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