Movie martial arts

Chapter 312 Boy's Art

Chapter 312 Boy's Art

"He's scary!";
Han Wen left, but this did not prevent Hua Manlou from talking with Lu Xiaofeng, Hua Manlou smiled and gave such a comment, blinded to the heart, he could feel the strong murderousness and blood on Han Wen's body!It looks like it has just been fished out of a sea of ​​corpses and blood!
Lu Xiaofeng nodded, not many people dared to say that in front of him, but he just said it in Korean, and he couldn't do anything about it, grinning, Lu Xiaofeng said: "It's probably not just his that's terrible. Martial arts, and his identity—too mysterious!"

"Oh? Why did you say that?" Hua Manlou asked with great interest.

Lu Xiaofeng pondered for a while, and said: "Extraordinary swordsmanship! The fast sword is as fast as thunder! In the battle at Jin Jiuling's house, his last move, even Ximen Chuuxue, who is known for his fast sword, could not But he is close to him! And his slow sword! The "Taiji Swordsmanship" that really got the essence of Wudang School is superb! Counting all the seniors in Wudang Mountain, that achievement can also be ranked in the top ten !"

"Hiss! That's really... a bit scary! Combining fast and slow, and splitting into two poles, but all of them can achieve this level of cultivation, it can't be achieved in a day! Could it be that he is a high-ranking disciple of the Wudang sect? But I have never heard of him in the world. Name!" Hua Manlou also took a deep breath.

"Not only that, but also his boxing skills. His left hand will turn into a fist like Vajra Buddha. The fist is extremely powerful. He can catch any magic weapon with his bare hands! It's "Great King Kong Fist", I can't figure it out!"

Lu Xiaofeng shook his head again and again, and said: "His lightness kung fu is not inferior to Sikong Zhaixing, and his palm technique is the "Ice Frost Palm" that has been lost for more than a hundred years! His claw technique! It can be compared with Taoist Jizu Competing with "Chicken Foot Kung Fu"...these are what he showed, what about what he didn't show?"

yes!This is what he revealed, so what didn't he reveal?What else can he do?I'm afraid no one knows!

"Known in every field, good at every door! No wonder he can so easily kill Dugu Fang of 'A Thousand Miles Walking', and Xiao Qiuyu of 'Broken Swordsman'! Moreover, he almost crushed them to death with his hands! Do you think...his that Is this explanation true?" Hua Manlou asked.

Han Wen's answer was indeed a bit nonsensical. Lu Xiaofeng frowned slightly, pouted his lips, and sighed, "So what if you believe it? So what if you don't believe it? It doesn't matter whether you believe it or not! I just want him not to do something too embarrassing." Otherwise, there is really no way to end it! We should go too! I am not very comfortable staying here, and I have to find someone!"

On the other side, Han Wen, who was riding a fast horse to the capital, had a frosty face, Dugu Fang, the "lonely traveler of a thousand miles", and Xiao Qiuyu, the "heart-broken swordsman", were they really killed because they broke into his room?Did they really feel that they were looked down upon because Lu Xiaofeng wouldn't let them act with them, and they wanted to fight against Han Wen?

no!Others don't know the identities of these two people, but Hanwen knows!All three of them belonged to Huo Xiu!And now, Huo Xiu started to test himself!In other words, Huo Xiu was going to kill himself!This is something that Korean can't tolerate!

He is pissed off!He wants to kill Huo Xiu!This is also the purpose of his return to the capital!And this time, he wasn't going to tell anyone!He wants to fight a real master to the death in a place where no one is around, and then... talking about it!

All the way to the capital, Han Wen found Gongsun Lan first, and after meeting him, he said directly: "The transaction plan has been cancelled! Also! I want to ask you, what level of disguise is your disguise technique? answer!"

Seeing that Han Wen's complexion was not good, Gongsun Lan did not dare to be as dissolute as before. Instead, she pondered for a long time and replied very firmly: "Unparalleled under heaven!"

"very good!";
Han Wen nodded and said: "I will bring back a dead body soon, you have to disguise himself as him! This is what you have to do! As for Du Tongxuan and Li Yanbei, I talked to Lu Xiaofeng, Li Yanbei won't touch you, if Du Tongxuan doesn't understand you, kill him!"

After finishing speaking, Han Wen hurriedly left the room where Gongsun Lan was, and the few twinklings disappeared without a trace, leaving only Gongsun Lan in a daze. After a long time, Gongsun Lan sighed, this... just for fun what exactly is it?
Hanwen naturally had his reasons for doing so. After buying some wine and food on the street, he rushed to the residence of Huo Xiu, the world's richest man, but he didn't go in, but stayed in a jujube grove outside the manor Eat and drink in the middle, close your eyes and rest your mind, waiting for the battle to come!

Wu Luotu left, the moon looked particularly round tonight, and Huo Xiu was also dressed in black, and came out of the manor in a hurry. He was going to the chief helm of Tsing Yi Building to deal with some matters!Including tentative information on Korean, the progress of things and more!Going straight to the direction of Zaolin, Huo Xiu's movement is like the wind, and he is extremely fast, rushing towards him!

Han Wen's eyelids twitched, his figure flashed, and he stood in front of him. A sword slipped out of his sleeve, and the sword was out of its sheath!The voice was as cold as water: "Master Huo is in a hurry, where are you going?"

Huo Xiu's figure suddenly froze, and he flew down. Against the backdrop of the moonlight, he saw Han Wen's face, but he still refused to admit his identity. With his hands behind his back, he pretended to be stupid and asked in a daze, "The landlord? What the landlord?"

"Of course it's the host in Tsing Yi!" Han Wen sneered, and he threw several packages over, which were round and smelled of blood!
First, the head of Dugu Fang in "A Thousand Miles Alone"!

Second, the head of "Heartbroken Swordsman" Xiao Qiuyu!

Third, the head of the Iron Judge!
Fourth, the head of the soul hooker!

These are all carefully prepared by him!

After looking at the heads of these four people, Huo Xiu's eyelids twitched, his shriveled lips were pursed together, and his thin and stooped body stood like a javelin!Unrivaled sharpness!The wide sleeves of the robe were instantly inflated by inner energy!aggressive!
"You know too much!" Huo Xiu said slowly and gloomily: "I must kill you to silence you!"

"But you are too greedy!" Han Wen did not back down, his body was like a sword, and he confronted him tit-for-tat: "Greedy is almost stupid! You dare to set my mind! Then I will kill you!"

"Young man! Are you a little too impulsive? That's good! Then let's make a bet!" Huo Xiu said speculatively: "Do you know how much property I have? The flower family with the most real estate in the world, The Yan family with the most jewels! They can't even buy one of my legs! Hehe!"

"You are not bragging! I often hear people say that you are the richest man in the world, the richest man in the world! Even the emperor Laozi is inferior to him! It is said that you have so much money that you will not be able to spend it in ten lifetimes. I eat 1 taels a day, and I may not be able to spend it in three to five years!" Han Wen sneered again and again: "So what? Kill you! It's all mine!"

"Hahaha! That's right! I'll kill you! Your money is mine too!" Huo Xiu looked at Han Wen greedily and said, "Your batch of jewelry is nothing more than the batch of dart silver from King Pingnan. And Jinghuaxuan's casino! Tens of millions of taels of silver! I like it!"

"I'm so tired of you disgusting thing! You'd better go to hell!", Han Wen snorted coldly, only listening to the humming sword edge's long chant, like a flash of lightning in the dark night, Huo Xiu only felt A bolt of lightning burst out, the dazzling light forced people's eyes to be unable to open, and the whole body felt cold!
He actually has this level of martial arts?It's no wonder that the four first-class masters under him will all die!Huo Xiu was startled, obviously he did not expect Han Wen's strength to be so strong, but he was not in a hurry, his energy shook, his body no longer felt cold, instead white air came out from the back of his head!
The kung fu practiced by Huo Xiu is a stupid kung fu!The reason why I say this is stupid kung fu is because this kung fu is not very good!It's for——"Children's Skills"!
This kung fu has been widely spread in the world!It's a big guy!But again, this is also a top-level kung fu, but, except for eunuchs, few people can practice it to the extreme!Because only eunuchs have no desire/desire between men and women, which is why there are so many masters among eunuchs!

But who is Huo Xiu?Sitting on the wealthiest family property in the world, he can pamper any woman!But he didn't!Because all he loves is money!So he only has greed!No desire/desire for men and women!He has succeeded in cultivation, for decades like a day, his martial arts is what Lu Xiaofeng also called one of the top masters in the world!

With an unremarkable punch, the air creaked, and a huge fist hit Han Wen!Smashed his blade!
Korean eyes are cold!Another wave of the long sword in his hand!Instantly!The sky is filled with silver light!The drowsy and gloomy world flickered with the cold light, and the silver light rose, turning white!As if being pulled by an invisible silk thread, the sword light was like a dragon, and it suddenly turned into a white thread and flew out.

This is a very high-level sword, unparalleled in sharpness, and Huo Xiu's fist shadow was cut into pieces!But Han Wen knew that, based on his own strength alone, Huo Xiu, who had 60 years of child martial arts and had reached the peak of his martial arts, was stronger than himself!It's a fact, he won't deny it!

If he can't come up with something else today!He will die!He knew this, and so did Huo Xiu, so he said, "Young man! It seems that I am the winner tonight! You are still too impatient!"

Huo Xiu's meaning is very simple, he admits that the strength of Korean is very strong!Especially at his age, he is still very young, he can definitely hone it for a few years, but now, it is just a premature death!

People who can make a big name in the arena, sometimes, it can be said that they are all lucky, because they were not killed when they were still weak!

Han Wen sneered again and again, without any fear on his face: "Who wins and who wins, who lives and who dies, is not based on lip service?"

(End of this chapter)

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