Dad's Entertainment Life

Chapter 678 The Opening of the Exhibition (2)

Chapter 678 The Opening of the Exhibition ([-])

Cheng Heze, the general manager of Tonghua Games, saw Lin Qirong and others coming, so he hurried over to say hello. The sweat on his head showed how busy he was just now.

Lin Qirong smiled and said, "I see that there are quite a few people at the scene."

Cheng Heze nodded again and again, "This really surprised us, you know we didn't have any hope at first, we just came to learn."

Lin Qirong he mentioned knows that as a newly established company, Tonghua Games mainly focuses on making children's puzzle games according to his requirements, and strives to achieve roaming linkage, and has achieved certain results.

But compared with the cool games of major game companies on the market, there is still a big gap.

So in everyone's opinion, this time Tonghua animation is destined to steal the limelight, and Tonghua games can only be based on learning, which is regarded as accumulating experience.

However, when Lin Qirong explained this matter to Cheng Heze, he told him very seriously that he must go all out to do the exhibition work well.

"You have to remember that what you are making is a children's puzzle game, it is for children to play, not for young people, don't be blindfolded by those money-making games on the market.

Even if we really want to make those games, we must learn from game companies such as Blizzard and Riot Games, and use game quality and content to attract and conquer players, instead of making money by filling VIPs.

China's game industry has just started, you have a lot to do, don't lose your way from the very beginning.

In addition, what we are facing this time are game industry companies from all over the world. Don't underestimate your own products. Maybe you will gain more? "

Because of this, Tonghua Games also attaches great importance to this time and goes all out to do a good job in this exhibition. The result is today's scene.

"So what now?" Lin Qirong asked with a smile.

Cheng Heze said excitedly, "Boss, you are right. We really underestimated ourselves and ignored a very important factor: games are not just those cool action games or sports games, but also children's puzzle games. .

Those foreigners usually play those exciting large-scale games, but they are not as good in children's puzzle games, so they are very interested in our children's puzzle games. So far we have signed a lot of Cooperation agreement. "

"You have to understand one thing: no matter where it is, children's money is always the best money."

Lin Qirong said to him seriously, "Whether it is a Chinese parent or a foreign parent, as long as this game is good for children's physical and mental health and intellectual development, it can also allow children to learn knowledge such as language and understand scenic spots around the world. It is good for the healthy growth of children, they are very happy and even take the initiative to let their children play this game.

The resulting advertising effect and consumption-guiding effect are enormous. How could these shrewd businessmen fail to realize it? "

Cheng Heze couldn't understand it before, but now he understands.

Just like Tonghua Animation started by relying on children's educational animations such as "Peppa Pig" and "Dora the Explorer", they can also start by relying on these children's educational games that they look down on, and the starting point is It is much higher than the original Tonghua animation.

"Don't always take Tonghua animation as your goal, you should look farther away." Lin Qirong said.

"The game industry can do a lot, it depends on how you do it."

"Understood. After we go back this time, we will hold a plenary meeting to re-unify our understanding, work together to do the current work well, and then work towards a new goal."

When he thought of this, he couldn't help it.

"Boss, I'm going back to work first."

Lin Qirong smiled and nodded, telling him to leave.

This is a person who is full of love for games, which is why he chose him as the general manager of this company.

The helm of the company cannot be a person who only has business in his eyes. In this case, the company can only be reduced to an existence that does everything to make money. Lin Qirong does not want Tonghua Group to have such a company.

After walking around with Shirley and the others, they came to a lounge to rest, and began to prepare for tonight's opening performance.

As a world expo, it is natural to have a worthy opening ceremony performance.

The time is tonight.

At seven o'clock in the evening, the large square in the middle of the animation and game industrial park was crowded with countless animation and game fans, eagerly looking forward to the start of the party.

This is also one of today's highlights. Everyone has already learned about it through various channels, and they are all looking forward to it.

And I was a little tired after a day of shopping. It felt great to sit down and watch the show while eating.

It's a perfect day.

However, for some animation and game fans, today is still not enough shopping, because they have not visited all the places all day, and decided to come and continue shopping tomorrow.

I heard that there will be performances here every night. Bands and singers from all over the world will sing all kinds of classic and beautiful anime and game songs here. Even if you come here every day, you won’t get tired of it.

And tomorrow night, I heard that there will be a premiere of the new animated movie "Kung Fu Panda" produced by Tonghua Animation. This movie can tell what kind of animated movie it is, but it is extremely attractive.

Both Kung Fu and Panda are one of the characteristics of China, and they can even be said to be the most familiar, recognized and accepted cultural symbols by audiences all over the world. What chemical effect will the combination of the two produce?Everyone is looking forward to it.

We must arrive tomorrow night as well.

When the time came to 07:30, the opening ceremony finally started.

When everyone was unprepared, familiar music suddenly sounded on the stage.

"Thump, thud, thump..."

As soon as the prelude came out, the audience couldn't help but smile knowingly. They were so familiar with this piece of music, and it belonged to the kind that could be recognized as soon as it appeared. As soon as it appeared, the monkey from the stone would come to mind. The screen that pops up.

Yes, this piece of music is known as the originator of electronic music. It has been popular in China for countless years and is still known as the opening song of the classic TV series "Journey to the West". It represents generations of Chinese people. Youth memory.

However, when the light shines on the stage, it is different from the situation that everyone imagines that an orchestra is playing this piece of music. There is only one person and a harpsichord in the center of the stage, and a beautiful girl in a white costume is bowing her head and playing intently. It is from this instrument that the beautiful music is uploaded.

"My God? What's going on here? How could such a complicated music be played by one person?"

Many audience members exclaimed. You must know that this song "Yungong Xunyin" was jointly performed by the National Philharmonic Orchestra. It involves a combination of Chinese and foreign instruments to produce such an amazing effect. , A musical instrument came out?
"It's a double row key."

Some foreign audiences are very familiar with this instrument, because it is more common in foreign countries.

"There are nearly a thousand kinds of timbres, the sound quality is close to real musical instruments, and the timbres can be edited according to the needs of the music, such as the strength of the attack, such as the speed and amplitude of the string vibrato. Each row of keyboards can superimpose several different timbres.

It claims to be able to play the effect of a band, with a magnificent momentum.

The effect of this instrument is incomparable to that of an orchestra, and it does not have enough vitality and artistic sense, but when placed in this place, the effect is unusually good. "

"But this music is very good, very visual."

"That's right, great music. Judging from the looks of those Chinese people, it seems to be a very famous piece of music."

"It's completely understandable. I also like this piece of music."

When everyone was amazed, the passionate music suddenly changed into a melody full of movement and joy.

"Oh, it's Super Mario."

Some game fans immediately realized that this is also one of their most familiar melodies.

"It's a bit strange that there is such a melody suddenly in between this piece of music."

After a section of the melody of "Super Mario", the girl on the stage flicked her finger and returned to the passionate melody. The switch was seamless, which caught the audience a little off guard.

This was not enough, and after a while, the melody changed into another familiar melody.

The audience in the audience couldn't help laughing.

"Haha, is it Fighting the Landlord this time?"

"My God, it's so good at playing."

"Does this mean that Monkey King went to the Heavenly Palace, met Super Mario on the way, and the two decided to go to the Jade Emperor and Fight the Landlord together?"

"Fighting the Landlord, haha..."

The scene became very joyous.

The girls on the field were smiling, and their fingertips pressed the notes one by one, forming the melody of a certain classic cartoon or a certain classic game, which brought people back to a certain memorable time.

Chinese, American, European, neon...
This young musician used double keys to bring together the melodies one after another, bringing the audience into deep memories.

Every time a familiar melody appeared, they would react instantly and shout out the name of that anime or game.

The atmosphere at the scene became extremely lively, especially the interaction on and off the stage.

Some viewers suddenly realized, "So that's it, is she going to combine the music of these classic anime and games? It's a great idea, and she really did it, it's really amazing.

Moreover, such a program really fits this roaming show very well, and it is the most suitable opening song. "

Amidst the joyful music, the girl ended the performance this time, took a curtain call and left the stage amidst the cheers of the audience. As soon as she returned to the backstage, she saw a smiling Lin Qirong.

"Ms. Lin." She hastily saluted respectfully.

"It's really not easy to perform well." Lin Qirong was full of emotion. The combination of so many pieces of music is a very big challenge for the musicians.

"But the effect is also very good, isn't it?"

The girl nodded and smiled, "I have to thank Teacher Lin for giving me advice and allowing me to be the first to appear on such a stage. Thank you very much."

"Because you have such talent and can create such effects, you can get such an opportunity."

Lin Qirong said seriously, "You will get more opportunities like this in Tonghua Entertainment in the future. Please continue to work hard. Yuan Lerong, your talent in double row keys is unmatched. Please don't let down the talent God gave you. "

Yuan Lerong nodded respectfully, "I know, Teacher Lin."

 "Yungong Xunyin", also known as "Journey to the West Prelude", was composed by composer Xu Jingqing and created in 1986. It opened a precedent for the combination of electroacoustic music, orchestra and folk music, and is known as the originator of electronic music. classic.In order to fit the plot, the version performed by Wang Xiaowei, the Miracle of Nine Moons, is selected here, but her performance is only a combination of "Yungong Xunyin", "Super Mario" and "Fighting the Landlord", and the time is only more than one minute. Here I have added more songs from other animations and games, and the time will naturally be longer.

(End of this chapter)

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