Dad's Entertainment Life

Chapter 622 Meeting

Chapter 622 Meeting
After visiting Tianqin Special Effects Company, everyone came to another venue.

The huge site stretches as far as the eye can see, and there are buildings on it, ranging from ancient cities to modern military buildings.

"This is the place to shoot war scenes." The person in charge introduced, "The huge venue provides enough space for shooting large-scale war movies. Whether it is the galloping horses of ancient wars or the tank charge of modern wars, it can be perfect here. to reproduce.

The buildings here are all modularized, and there are many models to choose from. When shooting, you can choose the model you want. For example, the city style of the Tang Dynasty or the city style of the Song Dynasty are completely different. We can choose according to Shooting needs to build the required war buildings.

We can even recreate part of the Great Wall here if needed. "

"It seems that you are very thoughtful." Xu Anshun sighed.

Lin Qirong replied, "Both Hongda Group and Longhai Group have many experienced designers who have conducted in-depth research on architectural modularization, and they have played a very important role in this regard.

War blockbusters, especially ancient war blockbusters, are actually very particular things. All kinds of weapons and equipment and war buildings need to be carefully studied. The staff here are dedicated to this, no matter which crew comes to us Shooting, can get our full support.

That is to say, here can not only provide you with a large enough shooting venue, but also provide you with various knowledge and technical support to help you shoot better tricks.

We believe that the green background may be able to solve the shooting needs of most movies, and only need to add special effects in post-production. This is also the future development trend.But at any time, real-time shooting is indispensable. The beauty and shock brought by the real lens are not available in special effects.

We are not opposed to special effects. In fact, we have invested heavily in this area, but we must also pay attention to the construction and shooting of real scenes. "

Xu Anshun nodded, "So, is Tonghua Group planning to enter the film industry?"

Lin Qirong laughed lightly, "As a screenwriter and a director, it is impossible for me to say that I have no idea about the film.

In fact, our group has already entered the film industry in the field of animation, and has achieved good results. We will definitely shoot our films in the future.

China's film market is far from saturated, and there is a lot to do. "

"That's right." Xu Anshun nodded and stopped talking.

At this point, everyone also ended the tour of the film and television culture city, and returned to the hotel where they stayed.

The visit this time has brought a lot of shock to everyone. Originally, it was thought that there was no difference between the Film and Television Culture City and the Blue Ocean Film and Television Base, which were led by Lin Qirong and invested by many capital giants. Unexpectedly, the facts gave them a huge surprise. slap in the face.

Lin Qirong and others didn't pay attention to the Blue Ocean Film and Television Base and many other film and television bases at all. From the very beginning, they set their goal at the level of shooting blockbuster movies, and all the building facilities and various configurations were aimed at this goal.

Unique shooting location, Tianqin special effects company and other post-production teams, a huge technical support team, and commercial operations...
This film and television cultural city has shown its uniqueness from the very beginning.

This understanding also gave everyone a little more thought.

With hardware and software, is China's film industry finally starting to rise?
In that case, shouldn't we also think about it, what should we do?
Otherwise, it will be difficult to catch up when the pioneers of Tonghua Entertainment are left behind.

In such a disturbed mood, everyone ushered in the second day of the meeting: Huaxia Film Art Symposium.

This is a conference initiated by Tonghua Entertainment, Ant Pictures, Fengteng Pictures, and China Film Group, with the purpose of conducting discussions and exchanges on the current situation of the Chinese film industry.

However, due to the arrival of Xu Anshun, Wen Ziyuan, Ma Chang, Luo Jiaze and others, the standard of this seminar is obviously much higher, and everyone has new ideas about this seminar.

Not to mention other things, at least I can meet the newly appointed Xu Anshun at this meeting and understand some of his ideas face to face, which will be very helpful for everyone's decision-making.

The meeting is divided into two parts: morning and afternoon. In the morning, some guests give speeches and express their opinions on the film industry.

The afternoon is free time for communication. In the form of a forum, everyone can put forward their opinions and ideas on the stage.

In the morning, three guests represented investors, directors and actors to give speeches on stage, expressing their views and suggestions on the film industry.

Because the profession is not the same, everyone's views are not the same.

Investors complain about the high investment risk and low rate of return. People who don't know the industry and are not familiar with the industry are basically afraid to touch the field of film investment, because the risk is too great.

The risk of investing in bad movies, the risk of the box office hitting the street, and even the money invested in it was spent by the crew, and nothing was shot, so we can only continue to invest more, otherwise we can only watch the money we invested go to waste. .

"I think the film industry, and even the entire entertainment industry, urgently need to establish an effective rule that can protect all parties, especially our investors, otherwise, who would dare to invest in a film?
In the end, it's still the same group of people playing around, one company falls, and more companies stand up, and then the original endless cycle continues. "

His opinion made many people nod and approve frequently. To invest in a movie, not only must you have money, but you must also have a relationship, otherwise the routines in it are too deep, and you don’t know what’s going on if you give the crew a routine every minute.

Isn't this how Jian Guangyuan, Zhao Mingchuan and others make money?

As a director, I have my own opinions on this.

The high cost, the low level of technical personnel, the high salary of actors and poor acting skills, and the fact that they are easy to play big names are what they feel most helpless.

"Don't watch a movie and invest hundreds of millions, but there are really not many that are actually used for shooting. Most of it is spent on actors' salaries, venue fees, and props. The remaining pitiful funds are for filming. It's really hard to get the effect you want.

As directors, what we can do is to make movies within our ability, but in the case of insufficient funds, we can only reduce some aspects of funds, especially in terms of special effects.

This is why many viewers feel that many movies only have special effects for [-] cents, because there is really no money to burn special effects.

In addition, compared with the high salary of actors, the salary of technicians is very low. In contrast, it is inevitable to complain. The result is that these technicians have little motivation to improve their skills, and it is difficult for these technicians to have the patience to work slowly and carefully.

In this case, it is completely conceivable how good the quality of the film will be. "

When it is the turn of actors to speak on stage, they also have their own opinions.

The situation of actors' remuneration is not what others say, not all actors can get high remuneration, but there is a [-]-[-] rule, a small number of people get high remuneration, while most people get not high remuneration .

"The most important thing is not the level of pay, but that it is linked to popularity and traffic, not to acting skills and effort.

To put it bluntly, an old drama player contributed the most exciting content of the entire movie in the movie, but the reward he can get may not even be a fraction of what other people get.

And celebrities with popularity and traffic can not only get the leading role, but also can call a sky-high salary, get the greatest exposure, and get a bigger commercial endorsement.

In this way, they are still not satisfied, and they are still unwilling to play a good role seriously. It is not uncommon for them to find it hard, play big names, have poor acting skills, and even rely on cutouts to act.

Behind these problems is the market's eagerness for quick success, the pursuit of interests, and the result of the pursuit of the whole society, which is the fundamental error of market orientation.

It is not the quality of the film and the acting skills of the actors that determine the box office, but the popularity and flow of the actors. This is the tragedy of Chinese films and an important reason that hinders the development of the Chinese film industry. "

Three guests, three different views, all have their own reasons, and no one can convince the other.

In fact, everyone knows this problem, but they can't think of any solution.

"Everyone was very candid about their opinions today."

Lin Qirong took the stage at the end and concluded.

"This fully shows that everyone has their own thinking about the Chinese film industry, and they have also put forward their own opinions.

Although the situation you said is not optimistic, seeing that you have such a sense of urgency, I think there is still a lot to do, because our hearts are not cold yet, we are still thinking and working hard for it.

In this regard, I think Xu Ju is the happiest and the most visible. "

Xu Anshun in the audience laughed happily, "You kid, are you pushing all the problems on me now?"

Lin Qirong shrugged, "I can't help it. The so-called seeking a job in his position, who makes you tall? If we don't look for you, who will we look for?"

Everyone laughed happily. Xu Anshun's appearance here has already explained a lot of problems, and everyone is full of expectations.

"I know everyone has a lot of ideas about Xu Ju, but unfortunately, we can only wait until the afternoon to ask Xu Ju to express his opinion.

Now I have a few thoughts to share with you. "

Everyone nodded seriously.

Today's Lin Qirong is no longer an ordinary screenwriter or director. Behind him are the Tonghua Group, the Ant Group and other capital giants, Xu Anshun, and the Wen family.

So no one can ignore his opinion.

(End of this chapter)

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