Dad's Entertainment Life

Chapter 621 Special Effects (2)

Chapter 621 Special Effects ([-])

Feeling the unusualness of Tianqin Special Effects Company, everyone was not surprised by what they saw next.

From the first floor to the top floor, countless staff members can be seen busy, and various props are placed on each floor, which is very realistic.

Everyone looked very carefully from bottom to top, and they were very curious about the exquisitely crafted props. They also visited a staff member's ongoing work from time to time, and had a basic understanding of the situation of Tianqin Special Effects Company.

Cui Haohao cleared up everyone's doubts, "According to the fields of work, we are divided into animation, advertising, TV dramas, movies and many other business departments, which undertake the production of special effects in these fields.

Our employees are mainly from Tonghua Group, Ant Group, Fengteng Group, Hongda Group and other companies engaged in this field, and then introduced a lot of urgently needed talents from the United States, Europe, Neon and other places. formed a fighting force.

At present, we have received a lot of special effects production work for advertisements, cartoons, and games, and have been well received by many customers. There are also some TV dramas. I believe that there will be more special effects production tasks for movies in the future.

Our goal is very simple, that is to produce special effects that truly belong to the Chinese style, which can meet the needs of many special effects in China. Even if there is still some gap with the level of special effects in the United States, it cannot be too far behind.

In this regard, we are currently confident and will be even more confident in the future. "

Because of the special effects experience and visit experience just now, everyone did not doubt his words. Several major groups have integrated their resources together, not to mention catching up with the special effects level of the United States, but there is no need to doubt the number one in China.

This is already very powerful.

Moreover, the future of this company is completely needless to worry about. It is backed by super-capital giants like Ant Group and Hongda Group, as well as entertainment giants like Tonghua Group. The business of these companies alone is enough to feed it.

Although I don’t believe it, but if this special effects company really has special effects technology comparable to the special effects of Light & Magic in the United States, does it mean that they can also find this company to do special effects in the future instead of spending a lot of money to find foreign special effects? The studio does it, but the effect cannot be guaranteed?

All of you here are well-known figures in the entertainment industry, and they are very clear about the importance of special effects, especially for movies. I have suffered a lot from poor special effects before, and a good movie was rejected. destroyed.

Even if you are ambitious and spend money to find special effects studios in the United States to do special effects, because of different ideas, the special effects they produce are often full of Omi magic style. If it is a chivalrous style or an ancient style, it will make people feel out of place.

This was the case with a commercial blockbuster before, no matter the plot or the actors, but because of the special effects, the box office reputation of this commercial blockbuster, which invested hundreds of millions, went straight to the street, and the investors almost jumped off the building.

Moreover, the special effects studios in the United States are more tempered than the other. They don't have the sense that customers are God at all. They can do whatever they want, and they don't care about your feelings at all. It's very aggrieved to cooperate.

If this Tianqin special effects company really has comparable technology, then everyone will naturally be happy to cooperate with it.

Because of this idea, although I knew that Lin Qirong and others intended to promote this company, they didn't feel disgusted.

People have such abilities, and you can't do it, and even ask them in the future, why do you feel disgusted?
After chatting for a while, Cui Haohao invited everyone to a small auditorium and watched the special effects samples carefully produced by Tianqin Special Effects Company.

When the lights dimmed, people were in a trance for a while, and then felt that they had come to a primeval forest. The lush forest, melodious birdsong, and gurgling water made people feel refreshed.

"It's so beautiful." A guest said with emotion, just being able to create such a scenery is already very powerful.

While everyone was admiring the scenery, the forest suddenly shook violently, and then all kinds of small animals and even ferocious beasts ran out from all directions, running like desperately.

In the sky, there are also all kinds of strange-shaped animals flapping their wings desperately, and also running wildly.

All kinds of animals are very delicate, and the textures on their bodies are very clear, without any sense of disobedience. People who know the art understand that this is a very rare thing.

"Earthquake?" A question arose in people's minds, and then they saw the volcano erupting violently in the distance, and then endless magma rushed in, directly submerging the forest and drowning the animals that were not running fast.

Everyone turned their attention back to the front, ran wildly with various animals, shuttled through the forest, and finally came to a safe place and stopped after a while.

At this time, the sky had already darkened, and everyone saw a huge lake in front of them. The moon rose, shining on the surface of the lake with strands of thin silver scales.

The sky full of stars hangs above the sky, the beauty is fascinating.

All of a sudden, from extreme movement to extreme stillness, it brought a huge visual impact to everyone.

What made them even more surprised was that the switching during the period was very smooth, without any sense of disobedience, and they knew very well what this meant.

The forest under the starry sky is very beautiful. The moonlight leaks through the gaps in the leaves, casting mottled light and shadows. There are countless fireflies flying in the forest, twinkling and twinkling, which is very beautiful.

"It's really beautiful."

While everyone was admiring, the stars in the sky suddenly flickered rapidly, and then everyone felt their sights rising rapidly, and the next moment they came to the sky.

The stars began to move, and slowly turned into shooting stars across the night sky. The scene was magnificent and shocking.

The line of sight gradually increased, and soon came to the universe, the blue earth was at the foot, and then everyone saw groups of purple-red nebulae slowly rotating not far away, which was extremely magnificent.

Suddenly, a large wave of meteorites rushed over, and there was a violent vibration under the feet, and then a large meteorite appeared in front of everyone, which surprised everyone.

The next moment, everyone felt the world spinning, as if sitting in a spaceship and plummeting in space, which made people's hearts tighten.

With a loud "boom", all light and shadow disappeared.

Then, the lights came on.

Only then did everyone realize that the sample video had finished playing.

"Papa papa." The shocked guests calmed down and clapped vigorously.

If these are all produced by Tianqin Special Effects Company, then this company is really amazing and worth looking forward to.

"I don't know much about these things, but I can feel the intentions of the producers, and I was deeply shocked. This is a very good sample."

Xu Anshun said, "I also know one thing, that is, if you want to shoot commercial blockbusters such as sci-fi themes, special effects are an indispensable part. Wasn't that the case with the promotional video of Shonan Satellite TV's "Singer" finals before?
Ordinary romance films, comedies, and reality-themed films can only be shown in our Chinese market, while war blockbusters, science fiction blockbusters, martial arts blockbusters, and superhero movies are the ones that can really go to the world and bring our cultural concepts to the world. Cinematic form for a world audience.

And these are all special effects that must be used. It can be said that the level of our special effects technology in China will directly determine the level of development of our film industry in China.

At this point, you are already ahead of the curve. "

The famous director Lin Yu sighed, "Xu Ju really hit the point. Those of us who make movies, it's not that we don't have good ideas, it's not that we don't have funds, it's not that we don't want to make films that have both content and visual impact. Blockbuster, the conditions are really limited.

Technology is not the biggest problem, but special effects are the biggest limitation. This is the pain in the hearts of many of our directors.

If you find a foreign special effects studio to do it, the technology is fine, but because of the different concepts and aesthetics, the styles that come out are often nondescript, which makes people very helpless.

If the Lyra special effects company can really reach that level, then I really hope to have the opportunity to cooperate with them to produce a real high-level commercial blockbuster. "

Xu Anshun chuckled, "Then it's up to Qirong and the others. I'm happy to see it happen."

Lin Qirong smiled and said, "Director Lin has this wish, so we are naturally willing to cooperate. You can send someone over to investigate and put forward your requirements for this movie. We will make a sample for you. If we can meet your requirements, we will cooperate again. Not too late."

He looked back at the crowd of bigwigs in the circle, "Actually, our Tianqin special effects company has just been established, and the business of our companies alone has already overwhelmed it, but if everyone has a need for cooperation, we will not shirk it. It will be completed in accordance with your requirements with quality and quantity guaranteed.

In the next step, we will further expand the scale of this company, introduce more special effects technicians from all over the country and the United States, and then open studios in various places to undertake various special effects production businesses. "

Lin Yu and the others felt Lin Qirong's strong confidence, and they couldn't help but look forward to Tianqin Special Effects Company even more.

Maybe you can really think about it.

"Haha." Xu Anshun laughed loudly, "Is Qirong planning to promote your company on the spot?"

Lin Qirong replied with a smile, "Compared with leaders who personally sell products such as high-speed rail when they are abroad, I am still far behind."

"That's true." Xu Anshun nodded and said, "It seems that I also want to learn from you. When we go to a place, we can recommend our excellent film works to each other."

"If that's the case, then we'll be very happy."

(End of this chapter)

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