Dad's Entertainment Life

Chapter 616 Planning (3)

Chapter 616 Planning ([-])

"Manfei Universe?" Xiao Yunfang repeated it softly, "I know, it is a common overhead world centered on superhero movies, a series of movies independently produced by Manfei Films based on the characters in Manfei comic publications .

It is like the Manfei main universe in the comics, which is established by common elements, settings, performances and characters through cross-border works.

Manfei Pictures relies on this universe to produce a series of superhero movies. They can use a certain hero to make his own story, or they can gather these heroes together to shoot more spectacular movies.

At present, this series is the most popular movie series among the many commercial blockbusters in the United States. Every film released can sweep the global box office. It is an indispensable part of the declining American film industry.

It can be said that without these series of films, the film industry in the United States would lose a large part of the box office, especially in the world. "

Lin Qirong nodded, "Manfei Universe is a fictional world of animation that Manfei Pictures has accumulated and perfected over a long period of time, and it is an inexhaustible film and television resource.

It's like Aoxue's Azeroth game overhead world and Foxx's X-Men world, both are independent overhead worlds with a complete world view and time plot line, and can continue to develop and improve.

This is the solid foundation for the prosperity of the animation and film industry in the United States. Although it is not all, it is undoubtedly what we must learn. "

Xiao Yunfang said thoughtfully, "That's true. They set up a fictional world, lined up the main line and timeline, and then have a variety of heroes, each of which can be taken out separately to form a story, and then combined. Together they form a huge story.

We all enjoy watching these superhero movies, but we don’t think about the problems behind them.

Such a complete overhead world can be continuously expanded and added with various characters, generating new story lines, and continuously providing shooting materials. "

Lin Qirong nodded and said, "Yes, everyone says that the difference between us and the United States lies in technology, ideas, and talents. These do exist, but this is also a big problem. Our works are all the same. In a complete fictional world, naturally what you want cannot come out.

If we can also build our China's Manfei universe like them, even if we don't have the conditions to make a movie now, we can start with comics and animations and gradually form our own overhead world.

This is the real future of Tonghua Animation, a major event that determines the long-term development of our Tonghua Group, and we have a natural advantage in this aspect, but no one has noticed. "

Xiao Yunfang looked up at Lin Qirong.

"Do you still remember Teacher Bai Xilin?" Lin Qirong asked.

Xiao Yunfang nodded, "I know, that animal expert, his students are still working in our company, and they have played a very important role."

Lin Qirong said with a smile, "At first I just wanted to ask him to help restore some rare birds and beasts in fairy tales. Each has its own characteristics.

So I thought, if that's the case, then I'll just bring them together, fully employ this team as employees of our group, and greatly expand the team members. Their duty is to help smooth out our fairy tales. It writes the story of each character, and maybe it can be used as materials for everyone to create works in the future.

Later, I had a bigger idea, why can't we put these together and create an overhead world that belongs to China? "

Xiao Yunfang's eyes glowed, does it belong to Huaxia's overhead world?It's really exciting.

Lin Qirong continued, "China has a long cultural history, and there are many stories that can be called myths. I divide them into four stages.

The first stage: the age of ancient mythology, this era belongs to the era of various mythological characters, such as Pangu, Fuxi, Nuwa, Luya Taoist, Gonggong, Zhurong, Tiandidijun, etc. According to race, they are also It can be divided into monster clan, witch clan, and human race. This is a mythical era in which mountains and seas are moved with a wave of hands. Every character should have his own story, and there are many connections between them. We can do a lot of articles.

The second stage: the age of heroes, this era belongs to the age of heroes of the Yellow Emperor, Shennong, Chi You, Xingtian, Yinglong, Kuafu, Jingwei and even Rao Shunyu. .

The third stage: the age of gods. How many wonderful characters are there in "The Romance of the Gods"?Yuanshi Tianzun, Zhuxian Four Swords, Jiang Ziya, Shen Gongbao, Nezha, Yang Jian, Lei Zhenzi, Tota King Li Jing...

These characters also have countless story lines, why can't we dig them all out to form a complete overhead world?

The fourth stage is Journey to the West. There are many stories about Heaven, Demon World, Buddhism, Tang Sanzang, Monkey King, Zhu Bajie, etc., but we always focus on Monkey King, which can be said to be very wasteful.

These four eras can be said to be in the same line, and each has its own splendor. If we can perfect them in the form of comics and animations, and give each character a story line, each character can be separated and combined to form that era. This will be an inexhaustible treasure for our Tonghua Group.

In addition, have you read the legendary book "The Legend of Shushan Heroes"? "

Xiao Yunfang shook her head, "I've heard of it, but I haven't seen it."

"It's also a complete world of fairy tales, the pros and villains have rich experiences, the three heroes and the two clouds are the protagonists, and Qi Jinchan, Shi Sheng and other characters can be deeply explored.

Some people in Hong Kong Island have made similar movies before, but they did not achieve great success due to special effects and other reasons, but this does not mean that they cannot be done. When our special effects technology improves, these can become our materials. "

Lin Qirong sighed, "Except for these mythical stories, we still have many historical heroes to film.

"The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" is basically full of big scenes, such as the battle of Chibi, but in fact, each character can have its own story line. For example, Zhao Yun's life is full of legends, but no one considers filming his story.

Teacher Bai Xilin and the others have helped us clarify many stories. It would be a pity if we didn't make good use of them.

I hope that you Tonghua animation will take action first to make this part, first create the comics first, and then make animations. You must have a big picture, don’t make some obvious mistakes, and the plot can be simpler instead.

The setting of each character must be cautious, not too facial.

When the conditions are ripe, I will also consider shooting a live-action movie and bringing our epic movie to the big screen. I believe it must be worth looking forward to.

This will be the future of our Tonghua Group. "

Xiao Yunfang nodded vigorously, "I will organize people to do this."

Such an important event directly determines a major event in the future of Tonghua Group. It is proud that Tonghua Animation, which she is in charge of, will start.

She sighed leisurely and said, "The manpower that was considered abundant at first is not enough now."

"The stall doesn't have to be so big all at once." Lin Qirong said with a smile, "This is a long time of work, so there's no need to be in such a hurry, just keep doing it.

We may lack animation talents in China, but there is no shortage of Neon and Miguo. There are many animation writers who like our Chinese culture very much. We can recruit them as much as possible. No matter when, talents are the most important. "

Xiao Yunfang nodded, "I see."

Dare to make such a grand plan, dare to come up with such a shocking idea, only Brother Rong, and being able to work with him is really a happy and challenging thing.

She didn't have any doubts that Lin Qirong couldn't complete his plan, because he never disappointed, before and now.

Follow him, and then go to create miracles together, and take a look at the scenery at the top of the world, it must be beautiful.

After leaving Tonghua Animation, Lin Qirong breathed a sigh of relief.

Since the establishment of Tonghua Group, he has spent a lot of time smoothing out the affairs of the group, and the work of each company is gradually on the right track.

Tonghua Animation and Tonghua Entertainment are what he is most concerned about, because other companies can do things step by step, but these two companies need enough imagination.

He didn't want the staff of these two companies to be limited in their horizons. This is also the reason why he came up with the scripts carefully selected during this period.

With these scripts, the two companies can clarify the direction of the next step of development, and the goal is the same, that is, to make Tonghua Group a world-class cultural giant.

Learning the flying universe, the structure belongs to Huaxia, and belongs to the overhead world of Tonghua Group, which is his idea that has been slowly sprouting over the past few years, and then continues to grow and finally be implemented.

If Tonghua Group wants to go global, movies are the best means, and under the pressure of Hollywood in the United States, it is difficult to surpass many commercial blockbusters in Hollywood no matter what themes are.

What belongs to the nation belongs to the world, and only these stories belonging to China are irresistible to Hollywood, and they are the best breakthrough.

Of course, the premise is that Lin Qirong can shoot them with effects comparable to Hollywood blockbusters.

In this regard, Lin Qirong still needs time to do it, and now he is just getting started, animation is the first step, and then he will slowly prepare for the shooting of live-action movies.

He didn't know what the future would be like, but he was just working hard in the direction he thought was right.

He believes that this should be what he came to this world to do.

(End of this chapter)

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