Dad's Entertainment Life

Chapter 400 Broadcast

Chapter 400 Broadcast
Busy time always passes quickly. When Lin Qirong was immersed in creation, the second season of "Where Are We Going, Dad" officially aired.

Compared with the first season, the second season has new changes while maintaining the original framework.

The guests are still five groups of guests, two actors, one singer, one sports superstar and one director.

It's just that there is one more child than in the first season, because one of the guests brought his lovely mixed-race twins. The two mixed-race twins, one male and one female, are very cute and fascinated many audiences as soon as they appeared on the stage.

The difference is that compared with the first season, these five groups of guests have significantly improved their status, and there are many top stars among them.

It can be seen that the influence and attractiveness of this program has made the first-line top stars willing to give up their principles and bring their children to this program.

However, the popularity of the first season has already demonstrated the excellence of this program. It can accompany children while working, and can help children grow while gaining popularity. Such a program is especially rare.

Although parent-child programs began to flood this year, Blue Ocean Satellite TV's "Dad Is Back" also received very good results.

But among these programs, "Where Are We Going, Dad" is still the only one, and its status cannot be shaken.

So it is not difficult to understand that they are willing to come to this show.

Another change is that the program's sponsorship has almost doubled compared to the first season, and Shonan Satellite TV has once again made a lot of money.

The promotion of the coffee position has brought more traffic and attention. The ratings of the first episode are naturally very impressive, and they won the ratings champion of the night in one fell swoop.

It is conceivable that throughout the second quarter, other variety shows can only struggle to survive under its suppression.

The first episode of the program came to Guanzhong, a place with unique charm.

On the Loess Plateau, the enthusiastic villagers greeted the guests with a grand waist drum dance, which made them feel the enthusiasm and cultural charm of the Guanzhong area.

In the evening, a local band composed of many middle-aged and elderly people, which is very popular in the Guanzhong area, sang the Huayin old tune, which brought an extremely shocking effect.

With Lin Qirong's planning and Wen Ziyuan's strong cooperation, the first episode of the program achieved very good results. While the program almost swept the top ten hot searches that night, it also allowed everyone to see the unique history and culture of the Guanzhong area. charm.

Many viewers have the urge to travel to this place.

The next day, father and children came to the world-famous Mausoleum of Qin Shihuang and visited the magnificent Terracotta Warriors and Horses.

Without the strong support of the local government, it is impossible for this type of program to get the opportunity to shoot.

Wen Ziyuan played a very important role in this, and also allowed audiences across the country to see the spectacular beauty of this world miracle from another angle.

Then the father and the children walked into the museum. After visiting and learning about the history, they learned how to make terracotta warriors and horses under the guidance of technicians, allowing everyone to experience the process of making terracotta warriors and horses personally.

When it came to the second period, the focus was on the local ancestor worship ceremony.

Dad and the children participated in the whole process of the ancestor worship ceremony from beginning to end, and felt the charm of thousands of years of cultural history.

And the audience still felt extremely heavy through the TV screen.

The Guanzhong area showed its unique beauty to audiences across the country, and it is the only one in China.

With the popularity of the show, I believe this land will welcome more tourists.

For this reason, Wen Ziyuan called Lin Qirong to express his gratitude.

Regardless of the impact on the local tourism industry after the program is broadcast, at least through this program, the Guanzhong area has gained a strong sense of existence and has become a place for people to check in with Internet celebrities. achievement.

Lin Qirong is not surprised by this result. There will be more and more such situations in the future. After all, variety shows must go to various places and combine with local characteristic culture, so as to continuously produce excellent content.

The Guanzhong area was the first to eat crabs, and naturally made the most money.

Seeing Zuo Youran's happy smile, Lin Qirong felt that everything was worth it.

In May, after a period of publicity and preparation, the sitcom "Love Apartment" directed by Lin Qirong was officially broadcast simultaneously on Blue Ocean TV and Red Maple TV, and the Fengteng video was also broadcast simultaneously online.

In the early stage, Blue Ocean Satellite TV, Red Maple TV and even Fengteng Video all carried out vigorous publicity, and the core point of the publicity was Lin Qirong.

Since cooperating with Xiao Ying to perform an amazing song in the "Singer" finals, Lin Qirong has almost disappeared from everyone's sight, at most he gave a speech in "Let's Talk".

Perhaps in the industry, Lin Qirong's news is constant, he is making a TV series, and he is acquiring Fantasy Entertainment, every handwriting is a shocking existence.

But for the general public, Lin Qirong doesn't have much news, and he is far behind those celebrities who can't wait to be searched every day.

Only his fans can get his news and dynamics updated from time to time on the Tonghua World APP, knowing what he is doing, and they are happier than people outside.

So Blue Ocean Satellite TV and Red Maple Satellite TV used him as a publicity point, which played a big role.

The topic of "Lin Qirong's directorial debut" has become one of the hottest topics for a while. Many viewers who have watched the TV series written by Lin Qirong are all looking forward to what kind of works Lin Qirong can produce.

If it is another TV series like "The First Half of My Life" or "Don't Talk to Strangers", then everyone will really be lucky.

Lin Qirong didn't care that Blue Sea Satellite TV, Red Maple TV and Fengteng Video used him to promote him, and he was happy to achieve results.

But he is very clear that the ratings are ultimately determined by whether people like to watch it or not, and whether they recognize his works.

In such anticipation, the TV series was officially aired in prime time, and it became the most popular TV series that night.

But what followed immediately was polarized word of mouth and opinions.

Some viewers directly complained that this is simply a bad drama. The plot is far-fetched, the acting skills are exaggerated, and it is deliberately funny. It has completely lost the level of screenwriting that Lin Qirong should have.

On the contrary, the actors in it are quite beautiful, which may be the only bright spot of this drama.

Other viewers are very fond of this drama.

"It's obviously a special kind of sitcom, and it's a bit too much to compare it to a real TV show."

"The screenwriter and director obviously put their focus on being funny, and everything is for the sake of making everyone laugh.

So the problems those people criticized, in my opinion, were deliberately highlighted by Lin Qirong, in order to form a strong contrast and produce a funny effect. "

"No matter what, I am a fan of this drama. I laugh and laugh every day. I am really happy. What kind of plot do I need? What kind of moving do I need? What deep understanding do I need? I just need to be happy and happy. "

"Life is fucked enough, why are we required to look at those deep things?
The young people in "Love Apartment" brought us a lot of happiness, and that's enough. "

"The young acting skills make people feel very suitable, and they just play out the states of several young people.

If it was performed by those old drama talents, it is estimated that this drama will not be called "Love Apartment", but "Tearing the Apartment". "

The two completely different views formed a stark contrast, and they were incompatible, which also produced a lot of conflicts and caused a wave of online public opinion wars.

This wave of public opinion wars has also spread to Strawberrynet, a professional film and television review website. The ratings of "Love Apartment" on it show a trend of fluctuations, sometimes high and sometimes low, and it has become a battlefield for both sides to wrestle.

Affected by this, the ratings of "Love Apartment" showed a steady upward trend. More and more people are interested in this TV series that has caused polarized comments. They want to see what kind of TV series it is, so that netizens They are so against each other.

This is also the reason why Red Maple Satellite TV and Blue Ocean Satellite TV did not make any statement on this public opinion turmoil.

As long as the ratings continue to rise, what does it matter what the outside world thinks?
Maybe there is their push behind this.

When "Love Apartment" played to the tenth episode, a statistic released by Fengteng Video surprised everyone.

The number of hits on the platform of "Love Apartment" exceeded one billion, and the average number of hits per episode exceeded [-] million, and it is still rising rapidly.

Although there is still a long way from the 100 billion standard, for this TV series with mixed reviews, such data is already amazing enough.

An entertainment media analyzed this.

"Lin Qirong's debut novel surprised everyone.

The work "Love Apartment" he brought this time chose the theme of sitcom, and almost all of the people who were used were newcomers who were still studying in school. Naturally, he had his consideration.

After the broadcast, the word-of-mouth was polarized, but the ratings kept going up all the way, and the data of Fengteng Video surprised everyone, and the result was better than everyone imagined.

Here, we have to ask why?What kind of reasons are hidden behind such achievements?
After careful analysis, the author discovered an astonishing fact, that is, Lin Qirong may have really made this drama deliberately.

His goal was very clear from the very beginning, and he aimed at the main force in the TV drama market: young people—young people who have active thoughts, face huge work and life pressure, and urgently need to reduce stress.

This can be seen from the split into two groups. Most of the viewers who don't like this TV series are middle-aged.

They have experienced a lot and their thinking is very mature. In their opinion, this TV series is very naive and has no merit at all.

But in the eyes of another part of the audience composed of young people, this drama is just right for everyone's appetite and fully meets everyone's needs.

What do you need?Joyful and happy.

Humorous language, slightly exaggerated acting skills, frequent golden sentences, various novel funny jokes and actions, all make everyone happy watching and laughing.

Why did the Fengteng video of this show break through [-] million on average?It's very simple, because the main force of watching videos is young people. "

No matter what, "Love Apartment" has achieved unexpected success, and everyone involved got what they wanted.

(End of this chapter)

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