Chapter 399
By the time Lin Qirong and Zuo Youran were ready for lunch, Chen Meng had almost finished talking with Ayimu.

"How is it? Sister Meng didn't bully you, did she?" Lin Qirong and Ayimu laughed.

Aimu repeatedly waved his hands and said, "No, Sister Meng told me about the company's affairs very carefully, so that I learned something and realized that our company is a very good company.

I am proud to be a part of Tonghua Entertainment. "

"I originally wanted to bully her."

Chen Mengjiao smiled, "But seeing her clear eyes and unreserved trust, I feel guilty for bullying such a girl.

So don't worry, I talked to her about our company's situation very formally, got a preliminary understanding of her situation, and will soon formulate a detailed training plan and career plan for her based on her actual situation.

Although we have few artists, our training system is still very complete. Both the trainers and the training equipment are very professional, and she can be trained effectively.

As long as she is not in a hurry to become famous and make money, we have enough confidence to make her a good star.

You have a good vision, she does have excellent talent and great potential, if you can maintain the innocence you have for acting, the future is limitless. "

"It's really difficult to maintain such original intention." Lin Qirong sighed, "Fame and fortune are so exciting. Surrounded by praise and induced by huge benefits, how many actors can have the determination to see clearly that they can control it?
It's totally understandable that your classmates will have this kind of thinking, maybe it will take a while for them to understand what is most important.

Aim Xuyuan, since you have joined our Tonghua Fantasy Entertainment, then my demands on you will only be higher.

I hope that even if you become famous, you will be the same as when I met you before. Practice wholeheartedly, work hard to make up for your shortcomings, calm down and slowly polish your acting skills without being disturbed by people and things around you. , don’t even know the news about the audition.

Don't be disturbed by the envious eyes of your classmates, and don't be disturbed by the so-called fans and endorsement invitations from the outside world. Everything will be easily obtained after you graduate.

Sister Meng's tailor-made plans and plans for you should be long-term, which is where you need to work the most at present.

If you put your energy into other areas, then you definitely don't have enough time to practice, and when you really debut in the future, you will find that you still have so many shortcomings.

Now that you have signed a contract with the company, the company will not reduce your salary, and it will definitely allow you to live comfortably. Every year, the company will at least fight for you to shoot one or two films.

The sharp edge of a sword comes from sharpening, and the fragrance of plum blossoms comes from bitter cold. Please remember this. "

Aimu nodded again and again, "I see, don't worry, Director Lin, I will definitely not be like other people, I don't even know how to open Weibo, calm down and study hard."

"That's not so exaggerated." Lin Qirong smiled, "Opening Weibo and slowly cultivating fans who like you is a very fulfilling thing, and of course it cannot be affected by things on the Internet.

After all, the Internet is too complicated, and you never know when something will be waiting for you.

I have a suggestion what do you think?
The matter of Weibo is left to the agent specially arranged by the company to take care of it, and you should try to visit it as little as possible.

Do you know our company's APP? "

"I know, I'm still a member." Ayimu said excitedly.

After knowing that Director Lin was the extremely popular Lin Qirong, she registered as a member and became a double fan of Lin Qirong and Tongtong.

This is a very common thing, because they are almost one father and daughter, and there is no problem in liking together.

"That would be even better." Lin Qirong said with a smile, "The company will give you a permission later, and you will officially become the third artist certified by our company on it, and you can have your own exclusive fan tribe.

You can communicate with them as much as you want on the above, I believe that those who can persist all the time should be your loyal fans, don't worry too much about some people with ulterior motives. "

"Is it really possible?" Aimu said pleasantly, the change from a fan to one of them is really amazing.

"Of course." Lin Qirong nodded with a smile, "Sister Meng, are you going to arrange a special manager for her?"

"Yes." Chen Meng nodded, "The company will arrange a professional agent to help her familiarize herself with various things and urge her to study and train.

Of course, I will always pay attention to her situation, and the previous things will not happen again. "

She has never forgotten the fact that she was betrayed by her most trusted old subordinates and entertainers who worked hard to cultivate.

Lin Qirong also knew that she couldn't let go, so he found a substitute for her.

Compared with those artists, Ayimu may have more potential to be cultivated. Looking at Chen Meng's eyes, Lin Qirong knew that Ayimu had aroused her interest, and he would definitely go all out to cultivate her.

This way, the sadness in her heart should be much less.

"Be prepared mentally," Lin Qirong and Ayimu said with a smile, "it will be very hard in the future."

"I'm not afraid." Aimu said firmly, "The fragrance of plum blossoms comes from the bitter cold. I like acting, and I like to make everyone laugh or be moved through the roles I play.

To do this, you have to work hard, I understand that. "

Although she didn't quite understand it, she knew that Lin Qirong and Chen Meng were doing it for her own good and sincerely thinking about her, and that was enough.

And patience and hard work, she has not lacked since childhood.

"Smart." Lin Qirong nodded.

"Director Lin."

"It's fine to call me Senior Brother in private, or Brother Rong." Lin Qirong said, "You don't need to be so polite."

"Okay brother."

Ayim followed good example and asked courageously, "Do you know about Chen Pengyi and the others?"

Lin Qirong nodded, Yaoyao told him the matter immediately.

"Then will you still find them to film in the future?"

Lin Qirong was stunned for a moment, looking at Ayimu's worried eyes, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart, she is really a kind girl.

This is really rare in the entertainment industry.

I hope Tonghua Entertainment can protect her kindness.

"I will." Lin Qirong nodded and replied, "They will still be the first choice for the next season of "Love Apartment". If there are other roles suitable for them in the future, I will not exclude them.

If they want to be paid according to their status, no problem, as long as they can reach that position, we will not be stingy with that.

But if they want to get remuneration that is not commensurate with their strength and status, then I'm sorry and I will choose to replace them. "

"That's good." Aimu breathed a sigh of relief, she was afraid that Lin Qirong would be disqualified from filming the next movie directly in Lin Qirong's rage.

As for changing people, this is normal, people can't be greedy, right?

Zuo Youran and Chen Meng at the side showed clear smiles.

That Lin Qirong would say this just showed his disappointment with Chen Pengyi and others, and his business-like attitude was definitely not a good thing for Chen Pengyi and others.

In fact, if Chen Pengyi and the others didn't make such a fuss, with Lin Qirong's habit of being willing to support others, coupled with the relationship between seniors and brothers, they would get more opportunities every minute, regardless of whether they signed with Tonghua Entertainment or not.

Now that Lin Qirong decided to do business, they would not have a perfect opportunity to hug their thighs.

Picking sesame seeds and losing watermelon is perhaps the most vivid metaphor for the consequences of Chen Pengyi and others' choice.

But these Ayim can't understand, and don't need to understand.

"Okay, let's have dinner." Lin Qirong clapped his hands and smiled, "It's just to celebrate my beautiful primary school girl joining our big family of Tonghua Entertainment."

"You are lucky." Chen Meng and Ayimu laughed, "You must know that compared to his performance in screenwriting, music, and directing, he is the best in cooking, which will definitely make you swallow your tongue .”

Aimu showed a look of honor, she also knew that Lin Qirong's cooking skills are very good.

It's just that some people have been discrediting his cooking skills on the Internet, thinking that what he shows in the show is fake.

Just like what the director of a gourmet show said, before the guests record the show, the director team will arrange someone to fry the dishes to be fried first to ensure the effect of the show.

Some gourmet shows even use superfluous tricks, the stars only show their faces in the mirror, but the one who cooks is another person.

Of course, she didn't believe this statement.

This was quickly confirmed when she took the first bite of the dish.

It was much more delicious than she imagined.

Sure enough, the senior brother is exactly what the school said, he is a good man who is almost perfect, and the girl who can become his woman must have saved the earth in her previous life to be so lucky.

She involuntarily glanced at Zuo Youran, it seemed that she would have no problem matching up with her senior brother.

But it must be very happy to be able to eat the meals cooked by the senior brother himself every day.

This alone is very enviable.

"If you want to eat the dishes cooked by your senior brother, just come here."

Seeing her thoughts, Zuo Youran couldn't help laughing, it seems that Lin Qirong has another little girl.

"I'm fine at home." Lin Qirong nodded and said, "Anyway, the school is just behind, very close, you can come over anytime."

"Is it really possible?"

"Of course. I think Tongtong will also like you as a big sister."

Thinking of Tongtong's cute appearance, Ayimu couldn't help laughing happily.

She also likes this beautiful and lovely little girl, especially when she plays the piano, she is really beautiful.

Thank you sister Yaoyao, the advice she gave me is really great.

Sure enough, joining Tonghua Entertainment is the best choice.

(End of this chapter)

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