Dad's Entertainment Life

Chapter 278 The Stage

Chapter 278 The Stage
In the joyful atmosphere, Chen Xiaofeng brought a very joyful song.

"The sun winks at me, the birds sing to me, I'm a hard-working, clingy little elf..."

A song "The King Called Me to Patrol the Mountain" was sung by Chen Xiaofeng and Chen Yuxin, full of joyful atmosphere.

Chen Xiaofeng is not a professional singer, and he can't sing a song well, even a little out of tune, but he continues to sing in a serious manner, as if nothing happened, making the audience laugh up and down.

Chen Xiaofeng ran farther and farther on this crooked road.

But the effect is very good.

Chen Yuxin also participated in the chorus, full of cuteness, and won warm cheers from the audience.

Lin Qirong watched Chen Xiaofeng and Chen Yuxin's performance in the background, and couldn't help showing a smile on his face. This song is fun and fun, and does not require high singing skills, which is just right for Chen Xiaofeng, a non-professional singer.

When Chen Xiaofeng got this song, he still had some resistance, but he quickly fell in love with it.

"It's nice to be able to sing this song with my little princess as a memory for us."

He smiled happily, "Anyway, I think I like this style quite a bit, it's not as restrictive as pretending to be a male god."

But Lin Qirong knew that there was a bit of bitterness under his smile, and he and Liang Huixin seemed to have some conflicts in this regard.

Liang Huixin doesn't like her husband pretending to be crazy and stupid all day long, and hopes that he will be a male god and a heartthrob.

But Chen Xiaofeng felt that it was good for him to be like this, it was very comfortable without restraints, and Chen Yuxin also liked him like this, and found it amusing.

Moreover, his career has also developed a new development because of this, and now his fame has surpassed that of Liang Huixin, which makes him more determined that this style suits him, and hopes to stick to it.

Liang Huixin has ideas about this.

In addition, Chen Xiaofeng told him more than once that he didn't want Chen Yuxin to participate in various activities too much, and he didn't want her to say Liang Huixin's well-designed words under the camera, which made him very distressed.

Looking at Chen Xiaofeng who performed the funny "mountain patrol dance" and Chen Yuxin with a bright smile on the stage, Lin Qirong could only silently bless them.

Hope they can continue to be happy.

Soon after, Lin Qirong saw Li Junxi finally appearing.

The audience erupted in an instant, and the screams of countless girls gathered together, almost toppling the entire stage.

This shows how amazingly popular Li Junxi is.

Sure enough, this is a world of desperate looking at faces, but this "face" seems to have some deviations from ordinary aesthetics.

Li Junxi, who is painted with makeup and full of femininity, has become the male god in the hearts of thousands of girls, and people can't help but sigh.

Li Junxi brought the performance of two songs, he is a typical South Korean performance, the combination of singing and dancing is still in place, coupled with dynamic music, dance moves full of ambiguous hints and psychedelic lights, the audience in the audience The emotions were completely aroused, and the atmosphere almost exploded.

Sure enough, the style of South Korea is also popular here.

After Li Junxi finished his performance, he returned to the backstage covered in sweat, and happened to pass by Lin Qirong. The tangy aroma made Lin Qirong a little uncomfortable.

Lin Qirong nodded to him.

However, Li Junxi did not accept his kindness, gave him a cold look, and walked over directly.

It seems that he has not forgotten the humiliation he suffered before.

Perhaps in his mind, this could be called humiliation.

"Hehe." Lin Qirong didn't take it too seriously, and shook his head and laughed a few times.

He only needs to worry if Lee Joon Hee shakes his hand warmly.

This kind of performance is normal, and he is looking forward to what kind of counterattack he will have next.


After a few more shows, it was finally his turn to appear again.

"Come on, Dad." Tong Tong cheered him on in a low voice not far away.

Lin Qirong gave her an OK gesture back, tidied up his appearance, and walked onto the stage from the backstage passage with an ocarina in hand.

Walking from the back stage to the front stage, the sight suddenly opened up, the roaring voices and fiery breath rushed towards his face, making his heart boil all of a sudden.

Although there have been many performances, it is the first time for him to be on such a big stage with tens of thousands of people.

Tens of thousands of people waved fluorescent sticks and shouted, converging into a sea of ​​lights, and the scene was extremely shocking.

Is this the stage for the party?Lin Qirong was very sure what the beating heart in his heart meant.

He likes this kind of stage.

There is already a string orchestra waiting in the center of the stage, and they will complete this work with him.

The piano, violin, and cello have everything, and the scene is shocking, and there has been a huge change from the first time he played this song.

But Lin Qirong somehow remembered Zuo Youran.

It was a pleasure to work together to complete this work.

Maybe it would be even better if she was sitting at the piano and working with herself on this song.

"Mr. Lin, can we start?" The director's voice came from the earphones, bringing him back to his senses.

Laughing at himself, he was getting more and more strange.

He and the backstage nodded slightly, indicating that it was time to start.

Then the string orchestra behind him began to play, bringing a slightly sad prelude.

The originally noisy scene slowly quieted down, and they all looked at Lin Qirong on the stage.

Under the light, he was dressed in a white suit, with a tall figure and a smile on his face. Although he was not as handsome as Li Junxi, he had a special temperament that made people want to know more about him.

Lin Qirong smiled slightly, raised the ocarina in his hand, and the moving flute sound flowed out of it, perfectly blending with the strings, covering the entire stage together, and then slowly spreading to the entire party scene, drawing all the audience into Into the familiar picture scroll drawn by the music like the sounds of nature.

Before their eyes were the tall and straight green hills of their hometown, the verdant tea gardens, the gurgling water, the bright moonlight, the kind faces and caring eyes of their parents, and the vicissitudes of the years left by the wrinkles.

The moon is very round tonight, and my heart is also very sensitive today. Listening to the music like sounds of nature, homesickness arises spontaneously.

Many viewers' eyes were red when they heard it.

In the background, Xiao Ying quietly enjoyed the song with her eyes closed.

Compared with the version listened to in the water town, this scene has added string music, making it more complete, and the artistic conception is more profound and more emotional.

But in her heart, the version in the water village is the most perfect version.

Because of that mountain, that water, because she is also a person in the song.

"It's really a foul. Playing such a song on such a festival will make everyone cry."

She sighed and opened her eyes, but her eyes were full of smiles.

Lin Qirong's talent is amazing. Every time you listen to this song, you will have a different feeling, as if your whole body has been washed and your heart is empty.

This is music that really touches people's inner souls.

At the same time, Li Junxi, who had finished the performance, was also watching Lin Qirong's performance on TV, his eyes were full of coldness.

The fact that he was forced to bow his head and apologize to Lin Qirong had been echoing in his mind, resentment was like a poisonous snake, biting his heart non-stop.

Since returning to China, wherever he went, he was worshiped as an uncle. How had he ever suffered such humiliation?

This reminded him of the unbearable past in South Korea.

My heart became even more distraught.

Just a lowly musician, who can write one or two scripts at most, how can I have such great value?
But why did Shonan Satellite TV choose to stand on his side instead of on its own?

Even if he threatened to withdraw from the party, he fought back without hesitation?

If the news got out, how could I hold my head up in the circle?
But ask Sheng Ping to vent his anger on him?He didn't dare, that woman was not a fuel-efficient lamp, and he didn't know how much it would cost to let her help him out.

The more he thought about it, the more depressed he became, and he threw the water glass in his hand against the wall with a bang.

The assistant next to him was startled and quickly looked around.

Fortunately, there was no one else nearby, otherwise news might spread that Li Junxi was playing a big role in the background.

For a popular niche like Junxi, his every move is watched by others, which will cause a wave of public opinion.

He leaned forward and whispered, "Junxi, I thought of a way."

"What did you think of?" Li Junxi asked.

"The way to stink Lin Qirong and make him unable to step down."

The assistant smiled sinisterly and said, "We can't do anything to Xiangnan Satellite TV, but Lin Qirong is not Xiangnan Satellite TV, so it is not difficult to deal with him.

I checked his information and found that he was just an ordinary screenwriter, with some talent at most.

There is no company support behind it, and there is no backer. At most, it has a close relationship with Red Maple Satellite TV and Shonan Satellite TV, but it is all because of business contacts.

As long as it has nothing to do with the TV station, they shouldn't offend you and Qianhua Entertainment because of him. "

Li Junxi took a closer look before nodding.

"How to do it?"

"We just need to do this, you know, your fans are very crazy, if they know that you have been wronged here, why don't they blow it up?

As long as we arrange a few people to guide you a little bit, and reveal that it was Lin Qirong who insulted you backstage at the party, they will directly target Lin Qirong.

Anyway, they are very stupid, it would be a pity not to take advantage of them.

And with so many people present, it's too normal for the news to leak out. As long as we don't admit it, who dares to say it's us?

Teach Lin Qirong a profound lesson, and then you will come forward to appease the fans, be more magnanimous, and win a wave of attention. "

Li Junxi thought for a while before nodding.

"Hurry up and make arrangements, and don't leave anything behind."

"Don't worry, I know."

Li Junxi looked at Lin Qirong on TV and sneered.

"What do I see you do this time?"

He is very confident in the fighting power of his fans.

 "The King Called Me to Patrol the Mountain" was originally sung, written and composed by Zhao Yingjun. It was released on November 2015, 11. Jia Nailiang and Jia Yunxin sang the ending song for the movie "Unexpectedly: Journey to the West".

(End of this chapter)

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