Dad's Entertainment Life

Chapter 169 The Helplessness of Ichiro Nomura

Chapter 169 Nomura Ichiro's Helplessness
Hearing his words, Nomura Ichiro was slightly startled, and then smiled slightly.

"You know that I have lived in China for many years, and I am very concerned about the development of China's animation industry.

It can be said that your animation industry has developed very rapidly in recent years, which surprised me very much. "

Lin Qirong couldn't help but roll his eyes in his heart. China is developing rapidly, and now it is the second largest economy in the world, with the most dynamic and largest market.

But when it comes to the development of the animation industry, it is really not flattering. Even if Neon's animation industry is no longer brilliant, it is not comparable to Huaxia.

Nomura Ichiro's words are a bit false.

Seeing Lin Qirong's expression, Ichiro Nomura felt a chill in his heart.

He knows that Huaxia people are very face-saving, saying a few more good words can make the other party happy, and it will be much easier to talk about business.

For so many years, he has relied on this to be invincible.

But today it seems that the other party doesn't care.

He put away his thoughts, thought about it and said, "Recently, "Peppa Pig" is very popular, so I naturally learned about it in detail, and the more I understand it, the more interesting it becomes.

This is a very good action cartoon, very suitable for preschool children to watch, of course, children of other ages and even adults are also suitable for watching.

It is characterized by anthropomorphic animal images, a plot close to reality, and a simple and direct style of painting, which is very attractive.

I think it should also have a big market outside of China.

In this regard, I have rich experience and the most perfect channels to develop the market to the greatest extent.

I am willing to obtain the agency rights in markets outside of China at the price of 2000 million Huaxia coins per year, and at the same time work hard to promote the broadcast of "Little Piggy Peggy" around the world.

In this way, while your company is sitting and making money, it can also extend your influence abroad.

I think your company will not reject such an excellent partner. "

With both fame and fortune, Nomura Ichiro is worthy of being a master of Huaxia, and he has a very thorough understanding of the psychology of Chinese people.

For the so-called influence, Huaxia's companies or individuals are willing to give up a lot of benefits.

He has seen this a lot, so he is full of confidence.

There is one thing he didn't say just now, that is, the style of "Piggy Pig" is not the traditional Chinese style, but more like a Western style, full of humor and education.

He believes that such a cartoon will achieve excellent results in Neon and even the world.

At that time, he just sits and waits for the money to be collected.

Li Gaojie on the side was a little excited, this Nomura Ichiro has a lot of handwriting.

If Tonghua Entertainment really signed this agreement, it would be a big hit in China's animation industry circle.

You must know that there are not many animation companies that can make a name for themselves in Neon and other countries.

Lin Qirong was like a bright mirror in his heart. The current Nomura Ichiro is eyeing the amazing potential of "Piggy Pig".

After all, that was an existence that could receive one billion dollars in copyright fees every year in its previous life.

Although it may not be possible to reach that height in this time and space, there is no doubt about its potential.

I would be foolish if I was blindfolded by the cake he drew.

"It seems Mr. Nomura is very appreciative of our work."

He smiled happily, "It is our honor, and we are also very happy to cooperate with Mr. Nomura.

We have excellent children's animations, and you have excellent sales channels, and cooperation will benefit both. "

"Yes, that's exactly what I thought." Nomura Ichiro replied with joy in his heart.

"Before talking about specific cooperation, I have a few questions I would like to ask Mr. Nomura."

Nomura Ichiro sat up straight, "Lin Sang, please tell me."

"Mr. Nomura, do you want the agency right of Neon in one place or all other markets except Huaxia?"

"Besides China, it naturally refers to all other countries." Nomura Ichiro affirmed, "If it's just neon, I will suffer a lot."

"Okay," Lin Qirong nodded, "How many years does Mr. Nomura want to sign?"

"It can be as little as five years, or as long as ten or twenty years. I have no problem. I hope it will not be too short. After all, the layout also takes time."

Lin Qirong nodded, "Last question, is Mr. Nomura representing yourself or your company?
In other words, does Mr. Nomura want to work with us personally or in the name of your company? "

Ichiro Nomura froze for a moment, then said, "I hope to cooperate in my own name.

Please rest assured that I have sufficient ability and resources to achieve this cooperation. "

As long as he gets the agency right, he can subcontract it to manufacturers in various regions, where it needs to be distributed to the company.

If it wasn't for this, if he submitted the plan to the company, the company might not have assigned him to take charge of this matter.

Of course, whether the company will recognize its plan is still unknown.

After all, only animation powerhouses like Neon, Europe and the United States have sold these peripheral products to Huaxia, and there are very few products that Huaxia can sell in these places.

It is difficult for the head office, which has always been proud and proud, to accept the reverse role.

That's why he had such an opportunity.

Hearing his answer, Lin Qirong didn't react, but Li Gaojie's face became a little interesting.

All in all, you said so much, so it was all bragging. I thought you were here to discuss cooperation on behalf of your company.

If that neon-famous company took a fancy to the company's products, he would be happier.

It turned out to be a lot of fun.

His impression of Nomura Ichiro suddenly changed a lot.

"I'm sorry Lin Sang, I didn't mean to mislead you." Nomura Ichiro said with some embarrassment.

"Actually, this is just my personal opinion. I think "Peppa Pig" should also be very popular in other countries outside China. It is not the opinion of my company."

Lin Qirong waved his hand, "I understand you, Mr. Nomura, this shows your recognition of our company's products, and we should be happy.

Although I asked such a question, it does not mean that there are no opportunities for us to cooperate. I just want to confirm Mr. Nomura’s thoughts.

In fact, if Mr. Nomura is representing your company, we should be worried. "

Nomura Ichiro was stunned for a moment, and then he came to his senses.

This is because he is worried that the company behind him will use some means to make Tonghua Entertainment suffer. After all, the strength difference between the two parties is too great.

It's as if Huaxia managed to release a blockbuster cartoon in the past, and when it achieved good results, it was successfully acquired by a giant animation company in the United States.

The huge popularity left by this cartoon was fully utilized by this giant company, and the various peripheral products developed have made a lot of money in the Chinese market.

The team that made the cartoon in the first place got only a meager return.

Apparently, Lin Qirong didn't want Tonghua Entertainment to follow the same old path and suffer the same loss again.

Compared with a behemoth company, I seem to be more suitable for cooperation?

His mind suddenly became active.

"Don't know how to cooperate?"

(End of this chapter)

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