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Chapter 779 The information is wrong!

Chapter 779 The information is wrong!

Such sword marks are not something humans can make at all, they are made by gods!Following such a person, what monks are afraid of!

So, there is today's scene.

However, this made Fang Han very helpless. He originally wanted to do it himself, but in the end he could only watch these guys encircle the abandoned factory.

Speaking of which, in order to make Fang Hangao take a look, these patriarchs used all kinds of means.The Jiang family dispatched more than 200 drones, the Xu family mobilized satellite images, and the Li family came to thousands of black donkey hooves...

"Mr. Fang!" Li Jinlong walked up to Fang Han and handed back the branch. "I have gathered all the big families in the capital together. Let them work harder today to make up for the mistakes they made before!"

Fang Han raised his hand and blocked the branch back, "You can keep it and play!"

Li Jinlong's face beamed with joy, is this a reward for himself?It seems that Mr. Fang has affirmed his job!
Fang Han didn't know that he had so much drama in his mind, and he had plenty of stone whips, so he didn't take it to heart at all.What he is more concerned about now is how to catch those kidnappers, and then find out their behind-the-scenes instigators.

"Someone is here!"

The kidnappers in the abandoned factory are monks, although they are not strong.But that was relative to Fang Han. Compared with those martial artists, their strength was much stronger.Therefore, when the martial artists were far away, they were known by the people inside.

"How many people are there?" The leader of the kidnappers was a monk in the concentration stage, that is, the one who knew illusion.

"A lot!" said one of the kidnappers, "I'll go outside and have a look."

The cultivator in the concentrating stage nodded, but felt unsafe, and said to the others: "Follow the other two, if we can deal with them, we will deal with them. The rest are ready to prepare, this place has been exposed, we have to change to another place!"

"Yes!" The six kidnappers nodded immediately.The two walked to the side of the wooden box, lifted the wooden box with all their strength, and walked towards the back door.

"I don't know how the master's plan is going!" The robber in the concentrating stage muttered, then followed the robber who carried the wooden box and left.

The remaining three robbers came out from the main entrance, looked left and right, and found a large number of drones appearing in the sky.

"Hey? So many drones? This is a waste of money!"

"Yes! That's a lot of money!"

"The other party is a big family, so it's normal to spend some money!"

A robber picked up a brick from the ground, compared it to the drone in the air, and then threw the brick out!
"Crack!" The drone was smashed to pieces, and the parts scattered all over the ground.

"A drone has been attacked!" The drone command center was right behind Fang Han, and he could clearly hear the voice inside.

"Confirm the location and send it to nearby people!"

"We know!" The Xu family replied immediately after hearing the voice coming from the earphones.

They are the closest to the place where the drone was attacked just now, and the headquarters asked them to go and have a look.They immediately ran towards the location they were sent to, but before they got there, they saw three men looking at them with their clothes hanging loose.

The members of the Xu family recognized the faces of these three people, "The kidnappers have been found!"

"Don't conflict with the target, we will mobilize manpower to support you!" the command said.

But the Xu family didn't listen to the headquarters. They looked at the three people and found that they didn't have the slightest momentum, just like ordinary people.

Several people looked at each other, and immediately saw the eagerness in each other's eyes.This is the credit for getting it!If you wait for other people to come, you will be taken away by others. How can you enjoy eating alone?
The Patriarch told them just now that they must perform well, and now the opportunity to perform has come!

Thinking of this, they immediately took off their earphones and walked towards the three people.

"Where's Xue Xiaoxiao?" The Xu family asked.

"What Xue Xiaoxiao?" The three said amusedly.

"Pretend to be confused with me, right?" The Xu family snorted coldly, pointed to one of the three and said, "A few days ago, you and two other people kidnapped Xue Xiaoxiao, and those who knew her would let Xue Xiaoxiao go, otherwise , don’t blame us for being cruel!”

When the three kidnappers heard this, they couldn't help but get down.

"Haha! These people are really funny!"

"Yeah! I'll leave these to you, who made you recognized?"

"Okay!" The one who was recognized nodded and walked towards the Xu family, "What kind of ruthless method do you want?"

When Xu's family heard this, there was a trace of cruelty on their faces, "Since you want to know so much, then we will help you!"

As they said that, they tore off their coats, revealing their strong muscles, and beat the kidnapper!
The Xu family's martial arts condensed mana in his fist, and when the mana fluctuated, his fist would flash a layer of light.This made him look even more powerful. Ordinary martial arts people would be frightened when they saw this layer of light.

But the kidnapper didn't move, instead he looked at the light cat on his fist jokingly.

Sure enough, he was an ordinary person, and he was scared stupid!Wu Xiu sneered in his heart, such a guy dared to kidnap Xue Xiaoxiao.

Wait, he suddenly felt something was wrong, wasn't it a monk who kidnapped Xue Xiaoxiao?

Unfortunately, by the time Wu Xiu reacted, it was too late, his fist had already hit the kidnapper on the opposite side, and he couldn't take it back even if he wanted to!
At this moment, a flash of light suddenly flashed on the kidnapper, and a shining shield covered him in it.Judging from those rays of light, the energy that makes up the shield is clearly mana, and the intensity is stronger than that in Wuxiu's hand!

All martial artists felt that this scene seemed familiar!

Wu Xiu's fist hit the shield, and the kidnapper remained motionless.He sneered at Wu Xiu, raised his foot, kicked Wu Xiu's stomach with his mana-filled thigh, and kicked him flying.


Wu Xiu fell to the ground and looked at the kidnapper in astonishment, with a flustered expression.

"Damn it! He is also a monk!" Another martial artist said bitterly.

"Oops, the information is wrong! They don't only have one monk!" Another martial artist said.

"What now?"

"What else can we do? We've already started fighting, we can only fight! We can't fight alone, let's fight together! I can't do it, so many of us can't beat them!" A martial artist said fiercely.

When the kidnapper heard what they said, he couldn't help but sneered, "Are you trash like you? You want to defeat us? There is no need for them to take action, I am enough!"

When Wu Xiu of the Xu family heard this, his face immediately flushed red.They lost to Fang Han a few days ago, they admit it!
After seeing the remains of the Jiang family yesterday, they knew that the distance between themselves and Fang Han was thousands of miles apart.But there is only Fang Han in this world, and other monks cannot have that kind of strength.The strength that the kidnapper showed just now is indeed far worse than Fang Han!
So when I heard the kidnapper's arrogant words, I couldn't help but snorted coldly: "Arrogance! I want to see how you defeat us! Let's go!"

With a greeting, a dozen or so martial artists rushed forward, punching and kicking the kidnappers.

(End of this chapter)

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