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Chapter 778 Shocking 1 Sword

Chapter 778 Shocking Sword

Li Jinlong laughed, "So what?"

"For the sake of a powerful monk, what's wrong with offending those who are not powerful?"

Several martial artists asked: "How can we be sure that Fang Han is that powerful monk?"

"Then let's take a gamble!" Li Jinlong said: "If you win the bet, Li Jiafei Huang Tengda, if you lose the bet, the ending is the same as if you didn't gamble."

Everyone was stunned, yes!If he didn't gamble, Fang Han would not let the Li family go, and there was no hope at all.But if you gamble, there is a 50% chance of going further, why not gamble?
"Okay!" The Patriarch of the Li family nodded and said, "I will send everyone to find those three people!"

Li Jinlong nodded, "The head of the family knows how to do these things, so I will leave first. The other families are still waiting for me!"

"Are you going to another family?" Everyone asked strangely.

"Of course!" Li Jinlong said: "I'm going to liberate their martial arts, and then mobilize them to search together. All the big families in our capital are dispatched, I don't believe we can't find those three people!"

Hearing this, the Patriarch of the Li family couldn't help but boost his confidence again.That's right, with the help of the major families in the capital, there is no problem at all in finding three people.

That night, the major martial arts families in the capital united again, but they no longer worked for the martial arts alliance, but for Fang Han.

The major families began to share information, and the Xu family had launched a lot of search work, and immediately targeted the entire Gyeonggi region.

Fang Han returned with his sword and landed at the door of Xue's house.

He went to the abandoned factory again today, found some ghosts, and then traced the direction those people left according to the descriptions of the ghosts.It turned out that the road led to the outside of the city, and there were very few ghosts in the wilderness. Fang Han wasted a whole day, and finally broke the clue.

Fang Han, with an ugly face, went back to the room and lay down on the bed.

Xue Zhirong walked in, "Have you gained anything?"

"I only know that they left the city. As for where they went, I have no idea." Fang Han said.

"There's no rush!" Xue Zhirong said, "It's useless to rush!"

Fang Han nodded and said nothing.

"By the way!" Xue Zhirong said: "I received the news today that all the big families in the capital seem to have taken action to help us find Xiaoxiao's clues. It should be you who did it?"

"Oh?" Fang Han was a little surprised, he didn't expect Li Jinlong to make such a big fight.

Seeing that he didn't deny it, Xue Zhirong said, "Thank you very much for being so dedicated to our family's affairs."

"I didn't do anything!" Fang Han said.He did nothing, but gave Li Jinlong a tree branch.That branch is nothing more than a small magic weapon, called the Stone Whip.

This is used by children in the world of heaven and man when they play. Together with the standing mirror, it forms a game similar to 123 wooden figures.After being photographed by the standing mirror, the child will be fixed in the body, and then can be moved after being lightly beaten with a driving stone whip.

For Fang Han, this thing is not a big deal at all.

But he didn't expect that Li Jinlong would be able to summon so many big families in the capital to help find Xue Xiaoxiao together.

Xue Zhirong thought Fang Han was modest, so he was even more grateful, "No matter what, thank you!"

The next day, Fang Han was bored and meditated in his room.

At noon, I heard a commotion outside.Fang Han went out and saw that the heads of the Xu family, Li family and other families came over. When they saw Fang Han coming out, they immediately bowed and said, "Mr. Fang, we have found the hiding place of those three people!"

"Oh?" Fang Han's eyes lit up, "How did you find it?"

Several family heads looked at each other and then told what happened.

It turned out that after these big families united, they investigated all major cities in the Gyeonggi area.However, this investigation is also focused. The Xu family set their target on Jinhai. After the other patriarchs learned about it, they also felt that it was reasonable, so they also sent a large number of people to scare them.

All of a sudden, the density of searchers in Jinhai became saturated, and there were searchers on almost every street.

It also happened that this morning, one of the three people suddenly appeared in a supermarket in the suburbs of Jinhai and bought a lot of food.

The people who were searched saw it, and the group followed up while reporting back, and finally followed to the abandoned factory area in Jinhai.These abandoned factories were all vacated by the relocation of the factories. Before they could be demolished, they became the footholds of the kidnappers.

Not far from the abandoned factory is the sea.It seems that this group of people has made up their minds, as long as things go wrong, they will immediately run away from the sea.

Of course, in order to avoid alerting others, those who followed did not alert the people inside.

When Fang Han heard this, he immediately asked Xue's family to prepare a car and went straight to Jinhai.

Jinhai is very close to the capital city. Before dark, everyone arrived at the abandoned factory area in Jinhai.

Fang Han jumped to a factory building and looked inside.This place is really big!And there are so many passages, it is quite difficult for ordinary people to find those kidnappers.


More than 20 vehicles drove over, and countless people got off from above.

Fang Han frowned and looked over, and found that they were all Wuxiu who went to Xue's house to find fault that day. What are these people doing here?He looked at those Patriarchs.

Those family heads were very happy at this time and took their martial arts cultivators to a slightly remote place to give instructions.

"Waiting for you, you must behave better!"

"You guys have to be more positive!"

"Bring it back and perform well, don't let other families compare!"

What is this doing?Show what?He had just seen the hiding place of the kidnappers, so what else do they need to show?
Fang Han jumped down from the top of the building, and landed quietly.Those patriarchs and Wuxiu immediately looked at Fang Han in awe, leaned over and said, "Mr. Fang, this is the Wuxiu of our family. We have surrounded the entire factory area. As long as you give an order, we will rush in." , catch those people.”

"That's right, Mr. Fang, don't worry, we will end the battle soon and guarantee Xue Xiaoxiao's safety."

"We also mobilized a large number of drones to ensure that none of the kidnappers can escape."

Seeing their positive appearance, Fang Han was a little bit at a loss for telling them to go back.He couldn't understand at all why this group of people were so active, and the active ones were a bit unbelievable.

Why is this so?
In fact, this is because of Fang Han's sword attack at the Jiang family!Xue Zhirong saw Fang Han wave his hand casually, summon a giant sword, and take down the Jiang family's courtyard wall.But he didn't see what the courtyard wall would look like after it collapsed, so he was just shocked inside.

The Jiang family saw what it looked like after the collapse. The sword marks that were more than ten meters long and more than 30 meters long were simply daunting.

And these Patriarchs and martial artists also went to see Jianhen last night.Patriarchs like the Li family who had a gamble mentality immediately felt reassured.

(End of this chapter)

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