Chapter 757
Fang Han also started to practice, and he wanted to hit the ascension stage.Only after fighting against the Skeleton Sage did he realize the inadequacy of the Transcending Tribulation Period. Without the help of the Thunder Beast, he would not be able to defeat the Skeleton Sage at all.Even so, the Skeleton Sage still escaped, even though it was in the demon world, it would not be able to harm the human world for the time being.

But if the Skeleton Sage wants the human world to be chaotic, it's actually very easy.You only need to open a channel and send a large number of monsters to the human world!

"Honey, the Guan family has received a distress letter!" Guan Xuanxuan suddenly broke into the practice room.

"Letter for help?" Fang Han was stunned, "Whose letter for help?"

"From the Xue family in the capital!" Guan Xuanxuan said, "They sent the distress letter to the Guan family. The Guan family didn't know what happened, but they saw that they specifically said they would hand it over to you, so they sent it to me."

"Give it to me?" Fang Han was puzzled, "I don't seem to have any intersection with the Xue family in the capital!"

Guan Xuanxuan said pointedly: "Didn't you talk to that girl from the Xue family at the Zheng family's wedding back then?"

"Hehe!" Fang Han rolled his eyes at her, "I said a few words at that time, but I really have nothing to do with them!"

Seeing him like this, Guan Xuanxuan also knew that he was not lying.This guy is very stubborn when he doesn't lie, and he will only soften when he does something wrong.In this way, she also became curious, Fang Han and Xue's family had no intersection, why did they send Fang Han a distress letter?
"Why don't you take a look first?"

"Give it to me!" Fang Han frowned as he accepted the request for help.

"What's wrong?" Guan Xuanxuan asked quickly.

Fang Han handed the letter to Guan Xuanxuan, "It seems I really have to rush there."

Guan Xuanxuan was also stunned when she looked at the letter.The letter said that the Xue family was suddenly attacked by unknown forces, and even Xue Xiaoxiao was taken away.The old man of the Xue family, from the clues, realized that this might have something to do with the Zheng family's wedding last year, so he wanted to ask Fang Han to help investigate!

"I don't know if this is an excuse!" Guan Xuanxuan first thought whether the Xue family would be deceiving, but she agreed with Fang Han's statement, "It seems that you have to go for a visit."

The Zheng family's wedding last year was too strange, and there were many secrets that had not been revealed.Guan Xuanxuan couldn't forget the experience of almost dying that day, and now thinking about it, she still feels lingering fear.

How could a family as big as the Zheng family be wiped out suddenly, and why did it affect other families attending the wedding?There is also the mysterious Ao family, which is even more like a mystery, because Guan Xuanxuan has never heard of the Ao family, they seem to have popped out of nowhere.

Fang Hanyu drove Feijian to the capital, and found Xue's house according to the address written in the distress letter.

The Xue family is worthy of being a big family in the capital, and they live in a former royal mansion. This big courtyard can be worth several villas with sea view.

The courtyard of the Xue family looked very lively, and from time to time everyone came to visit with invitations. It seemed that the Xue family had asked many people to help.

Fang Han didn't go in, but walked around the hall first.

"Why do you think the Xue family is so lively? Hey! You are not from the capital, right? Now the whole capital has spread that the Xue family has offended a mysterious big family, and the business of the whole family has been suppressed, and the funds of this mysterious family They are from abroad, and they are very rich," said the owner of a shop near Xue's house.

"You said that the Xue family was suppressed, that's right! There was such a thing, but I can't say it's all right. I heard that it was the previous enemies of the Xue family, and this time they came for revenge. But it's not just foreign forces. , There are also helpers in the country, many families in the capital chose to stand by and watch, and some even took the opportunity to kill Xue's family, and I don't know if they are with that mysterious force." One brother said so.

"Yes, Xue Xiaoxiao hasn't come to school for a long time. It is said that she is missing. But it's no wonder that she is so beautiful. Someone must miss her, and she was kidnapped! In this society! Being beautiful is also a very important thing. Dangerous things, look at me, that's—hey, don't go!" Said a narcissistic classmate of Xue Xiaoxiao.

After visiting around, Fang Han got a lot of gossip and a lot of useful information.

It seems that the Xue family really encountered difficulties, and it was an all-round blow.In the stock market in the past few days, Xue's stock has plummeted, and more than 100 billion in market value has been evaporated.

Although such a blow cannot kill the Xue family, if this continues, the Xue family can only delist a few listed companies in the end.In this case, they will lose a lot, and even withdraw from the ranks of the first-line family.

Moreover, the Xue family seems to have several rivals in the capital, and they are also attacking the Xue family.As long as the Xue family's company is delisted, they will start to run on the Xue family's company. After losing a large amount of cash, these companies of the Xue family may go bankrupt, making the Xue family lose its financial support!

A big family like the Xue family will inevitably collapse without financial support.Because many of their members are used to a luxurious life, and they are used to being extravagant. If they don't have money, they will be alienated from the family.If someone provokes them again, there will definitely be a separation.

As the saying goes, it is difficult for an honest official to decide on family affairs, and separation of families is nothing new since ancient times.A big family is good at first, but after the family is separated, it will inevitably fall apart.If a genius cannot appear, it is impossible to rise again!
There are countless big families throughout the ages, and each family relies on countless people to guard the interests of the family diligently.

But after being separated, few want to rise.In that branch, there will be people who are ancient and modern, and they will rise rapidly. Once there are people who are insane and faint, it may lead to the demise of the family.

A very famous poem, in the old days Wang Xietang Qianyan flew into the homes of ordinary people!

The Wang family and Xie family mentioned here are representatives of them.During the Eastern Jin Dynasty, the Wang family and the Xie family were all in power, but within a few decades, they fell into a mess.And when Liu Yu established the Song Kingdom in the Southern Dynasty, there was no such thing as the Wang family and the Xie family in the court!
The Xue family is suffering such a huge disaster right now, if they get through it will only be a small loss of strength.If you can't pass it, then it will disappear completely.

However, Fang Han didn't know whether this disaster was related to the Zheng family's wedding.But Fang Han still decided to go and have a look. If it was really related to the Zheng family's wedding, he happened to have some worries.

Back then, the Zheng family had a good relationship with him. When the Zheng family perished, they didn't know if they survived. If they survived, Fang Han would give him a hand.For him, raising an old man is no problem at all.

Arriving at the door of Xue's house again, Fang Han was about to hand over the distress letter, when he heard someone behind him say impatiently: "Rang Rang, why are you so blind? Didn't you see that the Patriarch of the Wen family has arrived?"

Fang Han stopped, looked back, and saw a large group of people surrounded by an old man getting off the extended Rolls-Royce, at least 20 meters away from Fang Han's place!
(End of this chapter)

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