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Chapter 756 Becoming a Monk Family

Chapter 756 Becoming a Monk Family
Tianjian Sect has now become the largest sect in the monastic world after Feiliu Sect.Since the Feiliu Sect's monastic conference, all the stronger monastic sects have become quieter. The Tianfu Sect has even announced that it will close its doors and will not be born for 100 years, just to prevent Fang Han from causing trouble to them.

"Get up!" The people from the supervision department took out a rope, tied up the four people, and took them away.

A few days later, after a rigorous investigation of the Rong Group, a large number of illegal operations were found and they were directly confiscated. The Rong family went directly from being rich in Tianhai to having nothing.

And Lingtong Mountain was closed by the Supervision Department. The head of the retreat heard about this kid, and immediately reversed his mana and exploded to death.

"Thank you, otherwise my brother would not survive!" Lu Ying hugged Fang Han and said.

"Which one of us is with whom?" Fang Han said while touching her pink back.

The two stayed in Tianhai for a while, and their relationship developed rapidly, breaking through the last line of defense within a few days.

Fang Han thought to himself that it is better to get along alone to enhance the relationship. On Tianjian Mountain, only old couples can let go.

After breaking through the most active defense line, Lu Ying also began to fight for her own interests.This is understandable, every woman in Fang Han has benefited a lot, Guan Xuanxuan brought a large number of family children to join Tianjianzong, Ximen Jing's parents are also in Tianjianzong, and even Zhang Mengmeng, a woman who has not had much ambiguity with Fang Han, can do it Being able to get a lot of spells for the family, she thought about something for her own family, which was not worth mentioning at all.

"I want my family members to join the Heavenly Sword Sect," Lu Ying said.

"Yes!" Fang Han was not surprised at all, but it would be surprising if Lu Ying didn't say that.Not everyone is Xue Ning's father, he made a mistake himself, so he chose not to see Fang Han.But even so, Fang Han didn't stop Xue Ning from going back to see him.

"However, what are you going to tell them?" Fang Han asked.

"Hmm!" Lu Ying thought for a while, but didn't come up with a good idea, "Why don't I stay at home for a while, and talk to them after my brother recovers from his injury?"

"Alright!" Fang Han nodded, "After all, if Lu Feng's injury is not healed, he can't move around."

"Hmm! I just took advantage of this time to think about my wording!" Lu Ying felt a headache. What she really didn't know what to say was that Fang Han had a lot of women.

After all, in today's society, there are not many people who can accept such a thing. After all, equality between men and women is emphasized now!

Fang Han stayed for a few more days before leaving, leaving Lu Ying to handle the affairs of the Lu family, and he believed that she could handle them well.

After Fang Han left, Lu Ying thought about how to tell her family.She thought of her mother first. After all, she told her mother that Fang Han might have other women.

"What did you say?" Lu Ying's mother was surprised when she heard that Fang Han really had many women, and they lived together like the ancients, "No, Xiaoying! You clearly know that he is like this? How could you still be with him? He is together?"

There was some embarrassment on Lu Ying's face, which was a bit hard to say after all.But she still said, "Mom, I really like him. And if I marry, our family will benefit too."

"Our family doesn't have the idea of ​​marriage!" Lu Ying's mother waved her hand and said.

"Mom, Fang Han's family is not someone who can get married if they want to!" Lu Ying said with a smile.

"What kind of hidden family is their family?" Lu Ying's mother said disapprovingly.

"His family is much stronger than the hidden family! He is a Taoist!"

"Cultivation?" Lu Ying's mother asked suspiciously, "What's that for?"

"Cultivating the Tao means cultivating to become an immortal and attain the Tao. He rescued my brother. The doctor judged my brother to be brain-dead at the time. In fact, it is not like this at all. My brother was kidnapped by someone, and Fang Han sent him back. He just woke up." Lu Ying said.

"Really? Don't lie to me!"

Lu Ying picked up an apple and said to her mother, "Mom, look!"

Lu Ying's mother looked at Lu Ying's hand, and was very surprised, because the apple was floating in the air, and the peel kept falling down by itself, as if several invisible knives were peeling it.

Putting the cleaned apple in her mother's hand, Lu Ying said, "This is an apple I peeled with my magic power. You should believe it this time, right?"

Lu Ying's mother looked at the apple in her hand in disbelief. The facts were right in front of her eyes, so she couldn't help but not believe it.

Sure enough, after talking about my mother, it was much easier for my father to talk about it.Although he knew that his daughter married a man with several wives, it made him very uncomfortable, but there was nothing he could do.

As for Lu Feng, it was easier to talk.He originally felt that Fang Han had special abilities, but he didn't expect that Fang Han's abilities were so great. However, he still said that if Fang Han bullied Lu Ying in the future, he would deal with Fang Han.

How could Lu Ying believe what he said, how could he deal with Fang Han with his abilities?

After convincing the whole family, Lu Ying asked her father to hand over the company to the manager, and then drove Qian Zhihe back to Tianjian Mountain, and asked Tianjian Mountain to send someone to pick him up.

Fang Han personally brought people over and took the Lu family to Tianjian Mountain.After arriving at Tianjian Mountain, the Lu family realized that there really is a place like a fairy world in the world.

Fang Han marked out a relatively large mountain, preparing to house the families of his women.Moreover, it was inconvenient for my father to live in Chiba Mountain, so he also moved there.

In this way, the planning of the entire Tianjian Mountain is much better. Because Qianye Mountain has planted many saplings from the Celestial Realm on the front mountain, it has directly become a nursery area, protected by formations, and turned into a back mountain.

Directly turn a mountain next to Chiba Mountain into a mountain gate, and everyone goes back and forth from here.Moreover, this mountain is the closest to East China, and it only takes more than ten minutes to reach the city of East China, and the transportation is also convenient.

With such an idea, the entire Tianjianzong began to get busy. The two mountains had to be built, which was also a huge amount of work.Fortunately, there are many disciples of Tianjianzong now, so I am not afraid that there will be no one to work.

Moreover, with the feces brought back from the God Realm, the plants of the Heavenly Sword Sect are booming, producing a lot of crops with more aura than the Heavenly Human Realm. Using these as rewards has also stimulated the enthusiasm of the Heavenly Sword Sect disciples to work .

After the Lu family arrived at Tianjian Mountain, they were not used to it at first, but after they practiced, they discovered a new world. From then on, the Lu family was separated from the ranks of ordinary people and became a monk family. .

Not to mention the monk family in the human world, even the heavenly and human world is the highest level.However, the Lu family is considered the lowest among the monk families, but they have already entered this threshold, and they only need to improve their strength, and the future will be limitless.

Fang Deyu also came back from Dongbao County. Fang Tingting did not come back. She was already preparing to go to school in Binjiang.However, Fang Han is not worried about her cultivation. She is already in the elixir formation stage, and she carries a lot of food with spiritual energy, so there is no need to worry about her lack of spiritual energy.

(End of this chapter)

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