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Chapter 743 New Ability

Chapter 743 New Ability

Sure enough, walking forward, the snow was getting thicker and thicker, and there was a vast expanse of whiteness everywhere.The animals on the snow are also white. If you don't pay attention, you can't tell what they look like.

Fang Han felt a little strange, the Skeleton Sage couldn't stay in a place where the spring is warm and the flowers are blooming, what's the reason for staying here and running to the North Pole?It's really puzzling!
At this moment, he suddenly saw a ray of light appearing in front of him.It was like a fire, but much darker.Flying forward for a while, he finally saw what it was, it was magma.

The black air of the Skeleton King continued forward and flew to the center of the magma. This place is very famous in the demon world and is called Purgatory.Because no matter what falls into these magma, it will be burned to death, including the soul!
Because of its remote location and extremely dangerous location, people and monsters from the demon world always come here.So they just know that there is such a place, and they don't know what's there.

The Skeleton Sage is different. Because it is special, it is not afraid of these magmas at all.So only it knows that there are the most precious treasures in the world, plankton!

Above the magma, those plankton are swimming gently, living freely.They swim from this magma crack to that magma crack, and when they get tired of eating, they will change another one. It can be said that life is very comfortable.

Fang Han looked at the plankton on the magma with a solemn expression, very shocked.How can there be so many plankton here?Is this the birthplace of plankton?What does the Skeleton Sage want to do here?Catch plankton?

This kind of guessing is not just guesswork by Fang Han. The opening of the second passage to the demon world and the human world, the stone room where it is located is obviously just developed by people. As long as these planktons are put into it, the passage can be opened.

When the Skeleton Sage reached the area where the plankton was the most dense, he suddenly released the magic energy on his body. It didn't use the magic energy to freeze the plankton, because doing so would be futile.

The magic energy dug out a pile of magma, and the bright light emitted from it was really more dazzling than the cracks in the magma.This caught the attention of plankton, and they flew over quickly, circling around the magma, devouring the light it emitted.

Fang Han hid in the distance, saw the Skeleton Sage's movements, and immediately knew that the tunnel was made by him.This guy actually knows how to build the Myriad Worlds Channel, so it must not be left behind.

Thinking of this, Fang Han held up the horn of the thunder beast, and was about to give it a blow.

But I heard the Skeleton Sage say: "Come out! I knew you were coming!"

When Fang Han heard this, he immediately flew out from behind the stone, "How did you know I would follow?"

The Great Skeleton Sage said with a smile: "This northern land has never been inhabited. If there is one more person behind, who else can it be except you?"

Only then did Fang Han understand why it knew he was following, but he couldn't do anything about it, the place was really too open, there wasn't even a place to hide.Moreover, the monster's eyesight is also very good, it can see clearly from dozens of miles away, and it is too late to hide.

"Now all the conditions are in place, this time I can reopen the passage to the devil world!" The Skeleton Sage looked at the plankton with admiration.

"Really?" Fang Han held the Thunder Beast Horn tightly in his hand, "Then let's see who is stronger!"

"Wait!" But the Skeleton Sage didn't intend to fight here, "Let's go out and fight, this is not a good battlefield."

Fang Han didn't know why, but the temperature here was too high, and he felt uncomfortable staying there, so he nodded in agreement.

The reason why the Skeleton Sage didn't want to fight in Purgatory was actually because it was afraid that after killing Fang Han, his body would fall into Purgatory, so that it would be defeated.

But Fang Han didn't know that now that he had the Thunder Beast Horn in his hand, he wasn't afraid of the Skeleton Sage at all, and it was the same wherever he fought.

The two left Purgatory, flew to the snowfield, and faced each other across the air.

The Skeleton Sage raised his brows and looked at Fang Han, "To be honest, you really surprised me, you actually expelled all the evil energy in such a short period of time. With your talent, if given time, you will definitely be able to cultivate Above me. But what a pity! You are going to die here today!"

"It's not certain who will die!" Fang Leng said coldly, "You can only know after you beat him!"

"Hehe!" The Skeleton Sage didn't pay attention to Fang Han at all, "Do you still need to fight? Just now you have so many treasures and you are no match for me. Where do you have the confidence now?"

"This is my confidence!" Fang Han shook the Thunder Beast Horn in his hand, "With it, I can easily defeat you!"

"Naive!" The Skeleton Sage glanced at the thunder beast horn, but it didn't recognize what it was, "I don't know where I got a beast horn, but you dare to fight me again, you really don't know how to live or die !"

"Whether you know whether you are alive or not, you will know in a while!" Fang Han shook the Thunder Beast Horn, "I will show you my new ability!"

As he said that, Fang Han didn't wait for the Skeleton Sage to reply, and directly poured lightning into the Thunder Beast Horn Man, and then wrapped himself up.

The gap between him and the Skeleton Sage is too big, so don't be careless!Therefore, he didn't wait for the Skeleton Sage to attack first, and directly pointed at the horn of the thunder beast, and directly struck with a bolt of lightning!


The sound of thunder shook the four fields, and the arc in the air was very fast, directly hitting the Skeleton Saint.

Seeing Fang Han's attack, the Skeleton Sage didn't think at all. He stretched out his hand, facing the lightning with a cloud of demonic energy, "You are really forgetful, have you forgotten how I froze your lightning before?"

But this time, it was completely different from what it had imagined. The lightning directly pierced through the magic energy, and then hit its hand all of a sudden, breaking its hand apart!
"Ah!" The Skeleton Sage felt a pain that pierced his soul, and couldn't help screaming.Then it looked at Fang Han in horror, "How is it possible? How could your lightning be so close to Dao?"

Fang Han saw that the blow worked, and a look of joy appeared on his face. It seemed that the Thunder Beast Horn really purified his own lightning.Hearing the Skeleton Sage's words, Fang Han sneered and said, "How is it? How does it taste? Do you still have the confidence to kill me now?"

The Skeleton Sage repaired his hand with demonic energy, while looking at Fang Han with resentment, he roared, "Don't think that I can't kill you, no one can stop me from entering the heart of the demon world!"

After shouting the last word, the black cloak of the Skeleton Sage suddenly floated up, and countless demonic energy appeared in his whole body, rushing towards Fang Han.These demonic energy turned into tentacles one after another, trying to penetrate Fang Han's thunder net, and once again dormitory his body.

Seeing these tentacles, Fang Han sneered, and with a shake of his hand, a lightning whip formed on the Thunder Beast's horn, and then flicked it into the air, knocking out several tentacles!With another flick, a few more tentacles were scattered!

(End of this chapter)

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