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Chapter 742 The feeling of being connected by blood

Chapter 742 The feeling of being connected by blood
When Fang Han heard this, he couldn't help blinking his eyes, because he has been practicing for a long time, and he has been using fake Heavenly Tribulation Thunder.

But this fake Heavenly Tribulation Thunder is already so strong, so isn't it really stronger?Thinking of this, Fang Han couldn't help but look forward to it, if he could really cultivate the real Heavenly Tribulation Thunder, wouldn't he be invincible in the world?
"However! With your aptitude, it is impossible to cultivate a real catastrophe in a short period of time!" Thunder Beast pulled Fang Han out of his self-confidence.

Fang Han looked at him unkindly, is there such a thing as hurtful!

Thunder Beast said with a smile: "However, it is very easy to defeat that skeleton spirit. You don't need to practice the real Heavenly Tribulation to defeat it."

"Really?" Fang Han asked in surprise, "Quickly tell me, what can I do?"

The thunder beast smiled and said: "You can't defeat it because it is actually suppressed by its understanding of Tao. I have a thunder beast horn. As long as you bring it, you can purify your heavenly tribulation thunder. It’s easy to defeat it by breaking through its evil spirit.”

"Great!" Fang Han said happily, "Give it to me quickly!"

"I can give it to you!" Thunder Beast said, "But you have to promise me one condition!"

"Okay!" Fang Han nodded, "What are the conditions?"

"Before you enter the Tao, don't come to the God Realm again!" Thunder Beast said.

After hearing the thunder beast's words, Fang Han was stunned for a moment.What kind of condition is this condition?The world of gods is undergoing great changes, and there is no telling when it will be in danger.This condition is not so much a condition as it is protection.

But what makes Fang Han more puzzled is why the Thunder Beast treats him so well?Although he didn't show much last time, thinking about it now, it seems quite strange.

How did the little thunder beast get its injury?Even if it was caused by a fight between the Little Thunder Beast brothers, could it be that the Thunder Beasts are really incapable of curing it?You must know that he is Lei Tianzun, much stronger than that old man in Tiangong. Is there really no fairy medicine for gods?
The more Fang Han thought about it, the more doubts he found. He took a deep look at Thunder Beast, wanting to ask what happened.But considering that he didn't disclose anything about the God Realm before, it might be a waste of time to ask.

The only thing Fang Han can be sure of is that the Thunder Beast will not harm him.

"Okay, I promise you!"

The Ultralisk smiled, and then spat out a Ultralisk horn from the innermost part.This thunder beast horn is more than 40 centimeters long, straight, with a very sharp tip, like a dagger.Holding it in his hand, Fang Han felt that it was connected by blood.

Something is wrong!Shouldn't this feeling appear on things related to oneself?For example, if an arm is broken and then connected again, there will be a feeling of blood connection.Another example is seeing a child you have never met before, and you will feel connected by blood.

But what is the situation with this thunder beast horn?Why did it give him a feeling of being connected by blood?Am I a thunder beast?How can it be!

Fang Han couldn't explain what this feeling was about, but when he held the Thunder Beast Horn, he knew all its abilities.

"Let's go!" Thunder Beast didn't say anything about Fang Han, but started to chase people away, "Remember what I said, if you haven't entered the Tao, don't come to the God Realm again."

Fang Han was blocked by Thunder Beast when he was full of words.What happened in the God Realm?Why don't you let me come again?What exactly is going on?

Unable to understand, Fang Han simply didn't think about it anymore.Having obtained the Thunder Beast Horn, his confidence doubled. Fang Han directly opened the Myriad Worlds Passage, ready to go back to the Demon Realm to seek revenge from the Skeleton Sage!
You bastard, you just bullied me, right?Now it's time for me to bully you!

The scene in front of him changed from Leishan to Demon Realm.Fang Han stood in a huge pit, looking around in astonishment, he just left not long ago!When he just re-opened the Myriad Realms Passage, he could see it very clearly. It didn't even last an hour. How did this place become like this?So what happened?
Fang Han never thought that this big hole was actually created by the Skeleton Sage out of anger after he discovered that he was missing.

Seeing that there was no one around, he slowly flew up with the Purple Gold Sword.Just after flying not too high, I saw the lump of ice that had frozen the Qianji Sword.This ice lump was also at the bottom of the pit, but it was a bit far from Fang Hanli's, and he hadn't seen it just now.

Flying in front of the Bing Tuo, Fang Han wanted to test the power of the Thunder Beast Horn, so he gently sent a bolt of lightning into the Thunder Beast Horn, and then pointed at the Bing Tuo.


There was a thunderclap, and lightning struck the ice lump.The ice lump was split open, and the Qianji Sword fell out of it.And the lightning sealed in the ice lump was released, and continued to bombard in the direction before it was sealed!

The lightning struck a stone and split it into pieces.

He put away the Thousand Machine Sword and stood up again. Since the Skeleton Sage did not take the Thousand Machine Sword away, what about the six-headed monster?This was summoned from the Celestial Bell.If he dies, it is still unknown whether the Celestial Bell can still be summoned!
But after searching around, Fang Han didn't see those monsters.Looking at the sky again, I found a cloud of black air moving to the north, it should be the Skeleton King.

Fang Han immediately poured mana into the purple gold sword and chased after him from behind.

The Skeleton Sage waited in place for a while, and felt that it was not the case to wait here stupidly. If Fang Han didn't come back in a short time, wouldn't it be in vain to wait?

So it thought it would be busy with its own affairs first. The hill had been bombed and the tunnel inside could not be found.Based on its understanding of those luminous creatures, it can't be said to have been transported to that world.

Those luminous organisms are actually called plankton, which can travel through various dimensions.The passages of all walks of life are created by the floating light emitted from them, and this floating light can be adjusted, and the floating light of different brightness can connect different worlds.

Plankton feed on light, especially the light with Tao in it, the closer to the Tao, the more they like it.The Heavenly Tribulation Thunder can be said to be the closest luminous body in the world, that's why the Skeleton Sage wants to get Fang Han's body.

However, after a channel is determined, it can only connect to one world and will not change. If you want to change it, you need to dig a new channel and re-cultivate plankton.Now it's going to find other plankton, where it got those plankton before.

Fang Han chased after him at the fastest speed, but after chasing for a long time, he found that he couldn't catch up at all.This Skeleton Sage is really strong, and he has not been tired after running so far.Fang Han was so tired that he had to slow down and fell far away.

Fortunately, there was a cloud of black energy on the head of the Skeleton Monkey King, which guided Fang Han in the direction.Otherwise, Fang Han might have lost track of him.

After flying for more than a day, Fang Han felt that the surrounding temperature began to drop, snow appeared on the ground, and a twisted light flashed across the sky.

The surrounding scenery made Fang Han feel very familiar. This should be the polar region, right?Have you come to the North Pole of the demon world?

(End of this chapter)

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