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Chapter 601 A Piece of Ghosts

Chapter 601 A world of ghosts

When passing those beetle shells, Fang Han took out the treasure bag and put them away.These carapace purple swords are impenetrable, and it is good to take them back to make armor.It would be even better if he could refine these carapaces into magic weapons after he figured out how to refine them.

Stopping and stopping all the way until almost noon, he finally came to the new gathering point of the beetles.

The beetles also saw Fang Han. They looked at Fang Han anxiously and kept backing away. They were obviously frightened by Fang Han and did not dare to fight against him.

When Fang Han saw their acquaintance, he didn't make things difficult for them anymore, but walked in through the channel where they flowed out. He wanted to see what the beasts inside were!
It looks like a lion, but with a very big mouth and a small body, like a big-headed son in the animal world.

Its eyes showed a kind of lazy meaning, and it didn't pay attention to Fang Han at all.The height difference between Fang Han and it is more than ten times, and he looks like a child in front of it, and it makes sense not to be looked down upon by it.

Fang Han looked at it warily, he didn't know what kind of beast this beast was.But with its size, it can be refined.However, although the beast in front of him had a high IQ, it didn't seem to be turning into a human form at all, which meant that it didn't become a spirit, but a beast.

Fang Han will not look down on it because of this, because he has seen a more powerful beast - Thunder Beast!
Fang Han has always been cautious about these ferocious beasts. If it were to be in charge of one element like the Thunder Beast, then his carelessness would only cause him to die here.

But the ferocious beast in front of him didn't have such thoughts at all, just lying there, the other side ignored him coldly.

Fang Han hesitated, what should he do if he changed it?It may be difficult to get over it.But go back!He was not reconciled, so he gritted his teeth, turned directly to the side, jumped into the ruins next to him, and wanted to go around!

After stepping into the ruins, Fang Han realized that the ruins were very strange.They were originally stone buildings, but when you step on them, they feel like you are stepping on sand.how so?
He thought of the hill of sand under the inner wall of the city wall. Could it be that something hammered the stone into pieces?
broken?Shattered?Fang Han rubbed the sand on the ground with his feet. This pile of sand should have looked like a stone before.

How much sound is needed to shatter stones?

Suddenly, he remembered the huge roar she heard on the city wall yesterday, and then looked at the beast not far away in surprise. Could it be that he really roared.

At this time, the beast stood up, looked at Fang Han playfully, and then opened its mouth wide! , and yelled at Fang Han.


Fang Han immediately felt that an ancient bell was ringing in his ears, and his brain was about to burst from the shock.

He quickly opened his mouth, then covered his body with mana, and blocked the Qianji Sword in front of him.

The sound wave hit Qianjijian and was weakened a lot before it hit Fang Han's shield, tearing the shield easily.Fortunately, Fang Han defended in time, and the remaining sound could no longer cause him too much damage.

After surviving the roar, Fang Han's legs softened and he lay down on the sand.He coughed violently, and a mouthful of blood spurted onto the ground. Then he felt like he couldn't hear or see, and his breath was filled with the smell of blood.

His seven orifices were bleeding, and there were wounds everywhere in his body. If it weren't for the protection of the Vajra Talisman, his muscles might have been torn and fallen off his body.Fang Han quickly sensed his condition. This was the most serious injury he had ever suffered, which made him very angry.

He has encountered many powerful enemies, whether it is the stage of distraction, the stage of crossing the catastrophe, or the stage of ascension, even when facing King Shura and King Asura, he has never been hit so hard.But today, an unknown beast nearly killed him.

But while he was annoyed, he was also staying awake. The beast's attack method also used sound waves to attack.And its attack speed is faster than that of a beetle, at least twice the speed of sound.

In other words, even when he used the flying sword, he might not be able to dodge its sonic attack.

He resisted the feeling of dizziness and quickly thought of countermeasures in his mind. If he couldn't find a way, he wouldn't be able to retreat even if he retreated.

At this moment, the beast showed a disdainful look, and then walked over.She lowered her head and sniffed in front of him with her nose, then gave him a disgusted look.

Fang Han's expression changed, the beast approached, and his chance came!

Thinking of this, with a movement of his hand, the Qianji Sword flew out and directly stabbed the beast's neck.

"Poof!" The beast was unprepared and its neck was pierced.But it didn't suffer much damage, and his vitality wasn't around his neck.The blood that flowed out soon stopped, only staining some red on its chest.

But being attacked made the beast very irritable, he opened his mouth wide, took a deep breath, and wanted to completely shock Fang Han to death.

He suddenly roared at Fang Han, but he couldn't make any sound, instead there was a powerful breaking wind.


The beast was surprised. Why couldn't he make a sound?why is that?
Fang Han raised his head with a smile and opened his blood-red eyes, "I cut your vocal cords!"

When the beast heard this, it immediately became furious, and opened its mouth to bite Fang Han.Since it can't shock you to death, then eat you up!
Fang Han saw the ferocious beast approaching with its mouth wide open, and immediately waved his right hand, and the Zijin sword stabbed out.While stabbing him, he injected mana into the Zijin sword, and the Zijin sword instantly turned into a giant sword, directly cutting the beast's head in half!
The beast's body stood on the ground for a long time before falling to the ground, stirring up a burst of dust.

Fang Han restored the Purple Gold Sword, took back the Thousand Machine Sword, and then threw a pill into his mouth.He stared coldly at the beast's body. He should have struck first just now!

Um?Fang Han's eyes froze. After the corpse of the beast fell, something fell out on the ground.He walked over slowly, and when he pushed aside the sand, he saw that it was a big bone.

This big bone looks like a chicken leg bone, but the joints are much bigger than Fang Han's head, and the whole bone is half as tall as Fang Han's.It seems that its original owner was a monster!

After comparing it with the chicken essence that he killed not long ago, Fang Han found that this unknown bird essence was much larger than the chicken essence, at least with the strength to transcend the tribulation stage.

Could it be that many monsters have visited this place before?Fang Han thought suspiciously.He looked around, and saw that the ruins he was in had completely changed.

Some of the buildings that were still preserved were completely shattered by the loud roar just now, and the ground was covered with sand.On these sands, countless buried corpses were exposed, including those of animals, birds, and insects. Each one was of superior strength, and none were below the stage of transcending tribulation.

"This is simply a ghost!" Fang Han exclaimed!

He had to sigh, this piece of bones alone belonged to at least forty or fifty monsters, so it is not an exaggeration to be called a monster cemetery!

(End of this chapter)

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