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Chapter 600: Magical Treasure of Artifact Level

Chapter 600: Magical Treasure of Artifact Level

Passing through the thick smoke, they directly formed a huge black wall in the sky and swooped towards Fang Han.They obviously also knew that Fang Han's speed was so fast that even the sonic attack could not catch up, so they outflanked Fang Han.

Fang Han saw this, of course he knew what they were calling attention to!He took a step to the side, stood on the Qianji Sword, held the Zijin Sword in his hand, and poured a lot of mana into it, turning the Zijin Sword into a giant sword!

When the beetles saw the giant sword, they all felt a little moved.They have seen all kinds of monsters, but this is the first time they have seen a flying sword that can grow bigger.

Just when they were thinking about how the flying sword would grow bigger, the giant sword flew over suddenly, directly piercing a hole in the black wall they formed.

The beetle that was stabbed by the giant sword was split in half, and the body fluids were like raindrops sweeping towards the ground, and fell on the stone, making a sizzling sound.

Fang Han followed closely behind the giant sword and got out from the middle of the beetle!
The beetles saw that Fang Han wanted to escape, and immediately released sound waves to attack Fang Han.This time, because the distance was very close, Fang Han did not dodge, and was hit by more than a dozen sound wave attacks.

"Pfft!" Fang Han couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of blood.

The sonic attack was too overbearing, more than a dozen of them hit him at the same time, shaking all his internal organs.This high-frequency movement directly tore the internal structure of his body and caused him internal injuries.

Fortunately, he had the Vajra Talisman on his body to maintain his physical strength and alleviate a lot of shock damage.Otherwise, after these dozen or so sound waves attacked, he might be powerless to fight anymore!
Even so, the severe pain in his body was too much for him to bear.The pain made both of his eyes red, and then he entered killing mode.

It was the first time for Fang Han to passively enter the killing mode.

The painful expression on his face disappeared, replaced by numbness, and the killing intent in his eyes poured out continuously.As soon as he stretched out his hand, he held the giant sword in his hand, turned around with the Qianjijian, and rushed to the vicinity of the black wall. With a wave of his hand, the giant sword turned into a purple light in the air and cut into the black wall.

The sword energy flew, and the carapaces that the beetles were proud of were easily torn apart by the sword energy, and then the sword energy penetrated into their bodies, turning their body tissues into a paste.

"Crack!" "Crack!" "Crack!"——

Countless beetles were killed in ignorance, and then fell from the sky, forming a beetle rain.


Those beetles that were still alive were even more annoyed in the sky, screamed restlessly, and then rushed towards Fang Han suddenly.While rushing, he shouted loudly!


The calls of countless beetles were connected together to form a huge sonic attack, and it was still indiscriminate.Sound waves came from all directions, squeezing Fang Han in the middle, making it impossible for him to escape.

But Fang Han didn't show the slightest sign of fear, he stepped a little harder and jumped into the air.Then the whole body turned quickly, and the giant sword also turned, and released a large amount of sword energy. The sword energy drove the air, forming a huge storm, wrapping Fang Han inside.


The sound and vibration of the storm offset the vibration of the sound wave.Then, the storm didn't stop, but continued to expand, raging towards the beetles all around.

The beetles want to see the storm approaching, want to fly away.But after they flapped their wings, they found that what they produced was an attraction instead, and this attraction was pulling them towards the storm.

After being involved in the storm, the beetle was trapped by the ubiquitous sword energy, and then felt its carapace slowly being torn apart and its body slowly being torn to pieces.

They want to struggle, but are unable to struggle, and can only experience the coming of death bit by bit.

At a certain moment, their consciousness disappeared, and then the remaining carapace became lighter and was thrown out of the storm, or directly torn into pieces by the sword energy in the storm.

The beetles that were far away fled one after another. They were very smart and knew that they could not defeat the storm, so they would not go crazy and attack the storm.

When there were no beetles around, the storm gradually subsided, and Fang Han landed on the Thousand Machine Sword again.Countless beetle fragments in the air were thrown away because they were no longer stirred by the storm, and fell into the ashes below.

Fang Han's mana was consumed a lot, he drove the Qianji Sword back to the city wall, and recovered his mana while taking the healing medicine.

After the elixir was taken in, the wounds in his body healed quickly under the protection of the Vajra Talisman. By tomorrow, they should be almost healed.

It's just that Fang Han didn't know whether Beetle would give him time, so he stood on the city wall holding a giant sword and kept staring at the city.

The beetles seemed to be scared, and they didn't dare to appear in front of Fang Han. They didn't even dare to go beyond the range of the flames, and kept shrinking inward, hiding among the weeds that hadn't been burned yet.

After the flames burned through seven or eight blocks, a roar suddenly came from the city.


This roar was violent and prolonged, definitely not something that ordinary ferocious beasts could make.And after the roar, Fang Han found that the flames that had been burning towards the center of the city suddenly went out!
What's happening here?Fang Han squinted his eyes and looked into the distance, hoping to find the answer.But there was no answer. He saw nothing. He only saw the beetles running out in panic and crawling two blocks before stopping.

There is something in it, something that beetles are afraid of, even more afraid of that thing than themselves!
This gave Fang Han a bad premonition, but he did not turn away and instead focused on the high platform in the distance.What is this treasure guarded by such weird beetles and beasts?

He didn't know where he got the treasure map of the mink, but the mink lived in Tiangong most of the time, could he get it from Tiangong?

If this is the case, then this treasure is definitely not simple, is it a magic weapon of the divine level?

Let's call it that for now!He really doesn't know what the magic weapon at the artifact level will be called?Innate magic weapon?Or innate treasure?As for the title of top-level, there will never be such a title, because it was made up by people who wrote novels. In reality, no one calls magic weapon like that.

At this station, Fang Han stood all night, and only came down from the city wall at dawn the next day.

In one night, his injuries were completely healed and his mana was fully restored. It was time to move on.

This time he did not choose to fly over from the sky, because the target was too obvious, he chose to walk over on the road.Without the encumbrance of the three women, he believes that with his own speed, he has the ability to fight back against any opponent, and as long as he fights back, the opponent will never get better!

Thinking of this, he gently swung the two flying swords with both hands. The Thousand Machine Sword kills strong people and the Purple Gold Sword kills everyone. He can handle any situation he faces.

(End of this chapter)

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