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Chapter 544 Don't fight, it will affect you badly!

Chapter 544 Don't fight, it will affect you badly!

When Guan Xuanxuan heard her boyfriend talking nonsense, a smile appeared on her face.She is very clear about the information of his restaurant, 100 million is not worth it, but Fang Han is not lying, it is indeed not as big as the Caesars Palace.

Deng Jiaqi didn't think too much. In his mind, if Fang Han's family didn't have any money, they wouldn't be able to catch up with Guan Xuanxuan.He just thought that Fang Han's family owned a second-rate hotel chain, and he couldn't help showing a smug look on his face.

"It's normal. The investment in Caesars Palace is very large. My family took out [-] million U.S. dollars, and only participated in Caesars Palace in Australia. The shares in the world can't afford to invest in it. These real estates are more than the fiscal revenue of a small country. gone."

"That's right!" Fang Han raised his eyebrows, not paying attention at all.

Guan Xuanxuan was holding back a laugh. She could see that Deng Jiaqi was realizing that she was better than Fang Han, but she didn't mean to be angry at all.Comparing billions of family assets with millions of people is a complete act of degrading one's status, which makes people laugh.

Seeing the smile on Guan Xuanxuan's face, Deng Jiaqi was a little confused for a while.After thinking about it, she roughly guessed what Guan Xuanxuan was thinking. She probably thought that her boyfriend had integrated into her circle of friends, right?
Innocent!Deng Jiaqi sneered in his heart, but the smile on his face became even brighter, "Caesar's Palace is the Caesar's Emperor in the hotel industry. You should know Caesar, right? The founder of the ancient Roman Empire, the uncrowned king, and the creator of the European order."

"If he hadn't been assassinated by a conspiracy, he would have been the first emperor of the Roman Empire. His adopted son, Octavian, ascended to the position of Emperor of the Ancient Roman Empire by relying on his subordinates, and helped him avenge him. In three years eradicated all those involved in his murder..."

Guan Xuanxuan couldn't help putting her hands on her forehead, what is Deng Jiaqi talking about?Just eat when you eat, how can you talk about history?
On the other hand, the chef next to him had a smile on his face. It turned out that these Chinese people were not all nouveau riche, but they knew so much about the noble history of Europe.

Fang Han didn't speak. Deng Jiaqi's words came in through his left ear and out through his right ear. He had already focused his attention on the little fox beside him.

The little fox drooled a little when he saw so much food on the table.But she still knew how to hide herself, so instead of staring at the middle of the table, she stared at the things in front of Fang Han.When she saw French baked snails, she couldn't help being curious, what kind of dish is this?How come I haven't seen it before?

Seeing her staring at the snail, Fang Han thought she wanted to eat it, so he pushed the plate with snails in front of the little fox.

Everyone was stunned there!
Guan Xuanxuan knows that her boyfriend is informal, but such behavior is disrespectful to the chef in Western food. If the chef cares about it, there may be conflicts.She wanted to stop her, but thinking about her boyfriend's temper, she gave up.

Deng Jiaqi has been showing his superiority, and his boyfriend probably couldn't stand it anymore, so he wanted to embarrass him, right?It fits his character very well.

This time, she really wronged Fang Han. Fang Han really didn't think so much. He just saw that the little fox wanted to eat, so he gave it to her.

Deng Jiaqi's eyes widened, feeling very annoyed.I've been talking here for a long time, it's fine if you don't show admiration, after all, you're a bumpkin, it's normal if you don't understand.But you can't tease a fox!You are disrespecting me!
Moreover, my snail costs several hundred dollars, and you just feed it to the fox?This is a snail flown from France. Do you know how precious it is?
But he couldn't say it directly. Guan Xuanxuan was here, and he had to maintain his gentlemanly demeanor.When he glanced out of the corner of his eye, he found that the chef was standing aside looking angrily at Fang Han, and a smile immediately appeared on his face.

He clenched his fist over his mouth and coughed softly.


The chef standing aside immediately looked over.

As a famous French chef, he has long disliked Fang Han.But this time he was invited because the employer offered so much money that he couldn't refuse.

For the sake of money, he can tolerate anything.In his heart, Huaxia people are nouveau riche, and it is not surprising to make any kind of move.

Seeing Fang Han feeding his carefully crafted snails to his pets, he couldn't hold back his anger anymore.But thinking about money, he still restrained himself, just stared at Fang Han and didn't express it.

Deng Jiaqi's cough caught his attention, and he looked over immediately.If the employer wanted to excuse the man who had blasphemed the noble French meal, he would not have done so without ten thousand euros.

But he was obviously different, because he saw Deng Jiaqi winking at him, asking him to stop Fang Han's behavior.

This is not in line with the character of you Chinese people!Didn't you throw money at me when something happened?If you do this, won't I lose my [-] Euros?
Thinking of this, the chef's anger flared up again.

He stepped to Fang Han's side in two steps, and said angrily in blunt Chinese dialect: "Sir, please respect the fruits of my labor!"

Fang Han raised his head unexpectedly, "Who are you?"

The chef almost choked, didn't you hear what I just said?But he still explained: "I am Andrew, the chef for this meal."

Guan Xuanxuan looked indifferent, and continued to eat, not interested in the conversation between the two people next to her.She knows her boyfriend's abilities, and this chef can't do anything to him.

Deng Jiaqi was very happy when he saw this scene. Guan Xuanxuan didn't speak for Fang Han, which shows that their relationship is not very good.He seemed to see a crack, as long as he inserted the hoe into the crack, the crack would continue to expand.

And now is a good opportunity to swing a hoe.He looked at Fang Han with a smile on his face, "Brother Fang, this Andrew is a famous French chef. I spent [-] euros to invite him from France. He is very famous all over the world. You will The food he makes for pets is disrespectful to him. I know you didn’t mean it either, just apologize to Andrew and forget about it!”

When Andrew heard Deng Jiaqi's words, he immediately straightened his back, and the condescending Fang Han said: "Yes, after all, ignorant people are not guilty, since it's your first time, as long as you apologize, I will choose to forgive you! "

Guan Xuanxuan next to her was drinking and almost spit out a mouthful.Then he looked at the two of them with a strange face, you two want Fang Han to apologize?I'm afraid you're not trying to die, are you?
She stroked Fang Han's back with her hands, and said in a low voice, "Don't fight, it won't affect you well!"

Deng Jiaqi and Andrew looked at Guan Xuanxuan puzzled, wondering what she meant by this.

Fang Han nodded. With his current strength, it would be so embarrassing to have a conflict with these people!

(End of this chapter)

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