Wanjie Upgrade APP

Chapter 480 World Ranking

Chapter 480 World Ranking
When eating at noon, the little carpenter prepared some very light dishes.Because he is far from the town and lives alone, he doesn't have much good food.Fang Han didn't dislike it either, he wanted to try the taste of the food in this world of heaven and man, and let the little fox get entangled like that.

As a result, as soon as a green vegetable was eaten, it immediately turned into juice and entered the stomach by itself, which was extremely delicious.And the dishes are full of aura, Fang Han feels that he can advance to the baby stage within a month just by eating alone.

Eating and drinking can increase cultivation, so wouldn't the animals and plants of the celestial beings be even better?This is really a blessed place for cultivating Taoism, and there are treasures everywhere.

He even compared it with the God Realm. The intensity of spiritual energy was only slightly thinner than that of the God Realm, but the difference was not far behind.

Fang Han arranged the several worlds he had been to. The one with the highest concentration of aura is the God Realm, followed by the Demon Realm, then the Celestial Realm, the Demon Realm, the Asura Realm, and finally the Human Realm.

Apart from the underworld, which I have never been to before, the world of heaven and humans is actually ranked third.

This really caught him off guard.

The people in God Realm and Demon Realm are too strong and overbearing, Fang Han can't get too many things.But when he arrives in the Celestial Realm, after having commercial activities, he can definitely get some good things back to the Human Realm.

Anyway, what he paid was just spiritual stones. Are the spiritual stones of any use to him? When he just looked at the spiritual stones, he realized that these spiritual stones are just stones that can store mana. Absorbing mana from them will not make him The strength is stronger, and the function is equivalent to the blue bottle of automatic compensation.

Blue bottle?Fang Han suddenly thought that when his mana was exhausted several times, if he had a spirit stone by his side at that time, wouldn't he be able to replenish his mana at any time?It seems that I have to bring some more spirit stones with me!
From this point of view, the 500 Yuan Lingshi given by the little carpenter is not enough at all!He tried it, and if he absorbed all the mana in a spirit stone, he could only recover one-twentieth of his mana.This is only a sign of the alchemy stage. If the birth stage, the distraction stage, or even the tribulation stage and ascension stage later, wouldn't the spirit stones needed be gone?
This is a bit difficult!

After thinking about it for a while, Fang Han didn't have any good ideas!

In the end, he simply gave up thinking about it. There must be a way for the car to reach the mountain, and the boat will naturally go straight to the bridge.Check back later!In the worst case, I will keep a hundred spirit stones for myself to ensure that I will need them during the baby period, and the other 400 yuan will be all bought and brought back.

He felt that with the app, he would definitely not lack spirit stones in the future. The safety of his family was the most important thing. There was no need to reserve too much in advance. Reasonable development was the last word.

After staying at the little carpenter's house for a day, the two set off early the next morning.

The puppet that the little carpenter used to drive was a horse, riding on it was bumpy at all, and the speed was also very good, at least much faster than a real horse.Because of the magic circle above, these puppet horses don't need to worry about being broken, and they don't need to worry about being unable to run. Until the evening, the two finally arrived at the first town.

This rather old-fashioned real has a strong defense force, and the police officers on patrol in adulthood are all distracted, and ordinary people really dare not commit crimes.

Although it is impossible to keep the door closed at night and pick up lost things, the whole town looks orderly and the people are kind.

Living in this world full of spiritual power, you can practice Taoism as an adult, eat delicious food every day, and live a very comfortable life. What is there to be dissatisfied with?
Fang Han ate his food while looking at the vendors on the street.The peddlers sell a lot of things, each of which seems to be helpful for cultivating the Tao, and they will be looted if they are taken back.

"This is heaven!" Fang Han was extremely envious.

After staying overnight, the two continued on their way.The little carpenter also has the strength of the alchemy stage, but he is not good at fighting, so he can't insist on traveling at night, otherwise, Fang Han will definitely set off overnight.Anyway, the puppet horse will not get tired and can always run to the ruins of the deserted city!

In this way, both of them went to the city to rest in the evening, and started on the road the next morning. More than ten days passed quickly, and they gradually approached the ruins of the deserted city.

After getting off the horse outside the inn, the two put away the puppet horse, and then walked up to the second floor.This is the last place to go to the ruins of the deserted city. The two of them will spend the night tomorrow, so they need to get supplies.

Fang Han walked to an empty table and sat down, only to find the little carpenter stopped at the stairs, he couldn't help waving and saying, "Brother carpenter, come quickly!"

This sound startled the cultivators with swords on one side.As soon as they turned around and saw the little carpenter, one of them immediately laughed, "What a coincidence! I didn't expect to meet you here!"

Fang Han heard the playful tone and looked over immediately.These people were dressed like knights in martial arts movies, and they all looked majestic. If it wasn't for the little carpenter they were laughing at, Fang Han might have thought they were joking.

The little carpenter had an ugly face, and walked up to Fang Han without even looking at them.It is useless to retreat at this time, it will only make these people think that they are afraid, so just pretend not to see them!
Fang Han didn't say anything, just looked at the little carpenter and gave him a questioning look.The little carpenter shook his head, signaling Fang Han to leave this matter alone.

It seems that something is wrong here!Fang Han had just arrived and didn't understand the situation, so he didn't speak.He can leave the Celestial Realm at any time, but the little carpenter has to live in the Celestial Realm. If he does it himself, these people will trouble the little carpenter in the future. What if he is not around?Didn't that pit the little carpenter?

With the idea of ​​calming down the matter, the two asked the child to order some meals.

But those people didn't want to do that. The person who greeted the little carpenter stood up, walked up to the little carpenter with a half-smile, and said to him, "Brother carpenter? When did you have such a nickname?"

The little carpenter frowned, not wanting to talk to this man.

"What? Didn't you hear me?" The man said funnyly: "Or do you mean you don't dare to talk to me?"

Hearing what he said, the little carpenter knew that he couldn't do anything anymore, so he said annoyedly: "Qu Zong, don't you say that we have never been in touch with each other? Why are you bothering me now?"

That Qu Zong was not angry at all when he heard the little carpenter say that. Instead, he patted the little carpenter on the shoulder, "We grew up together after all, how can I ignore you cruelly? You are also going to the ruins of the deserted city this time. Right? Don’t say that my brother doesn’t take care of you, my brothers and I are distracted, so there is no problem in protecting you. As long as the time comes, you can help us find Jinhuaimu!”

Golden locust tree?Fang Han raised his eyebrows, he didn't know what kind of wood it was, but it seemed to be very rare, otherwise Qu Zong would not find a carpenter.But what puzzled Fang Han was that these people were all in the distraction stage, why did they look for a little carpenter who was still in the alchemy stage?
(End of this chapter)

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