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Chapter 479 Good Tea

Chapter 479 Good Tea
"I can't tell that Brother Carpenter is quite elegant!"

"These are not mine!" The little carpenter waved his hand, "It's all left by my father. He is a scholar, but he didn't get any fame, just following the trend!"

Fang Han doesn't understand these things, but he thinks these things are very good, and they seem to have a faint sense of morality.

"I think it's pretty good. When I go back, I will definitely get some calligraphy and paintings from the celestial and human realms, which are much better than those written by our human realm!"

Speaking of this, he couldn't help asking the little carpenter: "Brother carpenter, don't you know what the heaven and man world is for money?"

"We use spiritual stones to settle the settlement!" The little carpenter took out a spiritual stone and handed it to Fang Han, and then said, "Father spent hundreds of spiritual stones to buy these calligraphy and paintings!"

Lingshi!Fang Han is in a bit of trouble, he doesn't even have a single spirit stone!
When the little carpenter saw him in trouble, he knew his situation, "Brother Fang, as long as you help me find enough wood, I will give you 1000 yuan of spirit stones as a reward."

Fang Han thought for a while, and stretched out a hand to the little carpenter, "Five hundred! I still want to get some good things from Brother Carpenter."

"Okay!" The little carpenter nodded happily, pointed to the yard and said, "There are a lot of things in my yard for daily practice. Brother Fang can take whatever he likes, even if he takes it all away, there is no problem."

Fang Han looked in the direction he pointed, and found that there were a lot of things there, all of which were made of wood.

"Hiss!" He looked at the little carpenter in surprise, "Brother carpenter, aren't you reckless?"

The little carpenter waved his hand, "Brother Fang, it's a compliment. Those were just made when I was practicing, and they couldn't even be sold on the countertop. I can't even bother to sell them. If I don't really want to, I've already used them as firewood!"

Hearing what he said, Fang Han's mouth twitched, as if he had just made a loss-making business!But it doesn't matter so much with the little carpenter.The quality of these items is still pretty good, even if they are taken to Qianye Mountain, those disciples will snap them up like crazy, they are enough for novices to use!
Nodding his head, Fang Han started to get straight to the point, "Brother Carpenter, I don't know what's going on with the ruins of the deserted city? Can you tell me something about it first?"

"Brother Fang, wait a moment!" The little carpenter immediately stood up, took a map, and put it on the table between the two of them. To go [-] miles, it takes half a month to walk.”

"Let's go on foot?" Fang Han asked in amazement. There are planes in the human world, so why can we only rely on the 11th route when we get to the heavenly human world?

The little carpenter blushed, "Brother Fang is troubled. I'm just a carpenter. I can't do it and can't buy a flying magic weapon. And along the way, there are many flying birds with extraordinary strength. Once you meet a flying bird in the catastrophe stage or even the ascension stage , with the strength of the two of us, we can't even escape, we can only become Asuka's lunch!"

Only then did Fang Han nod, no wonder!I asked how the world of heaven and man is still so primitive. It turns out that the sky is too dangerous.

"Of course, we don't have to walk, I have made some puppets, and we will use puppets to walk!" The little carpenter added.

There are mounts, too!Fang Han nodded with satisfaction, and then began to study the map.

It has to be said that the place where the little carpenter lives is too remote. According to the records on the map, one has to climb a high mountain before going to the official road, and then follow the official road through more than ten towns before arriving at the ruins of the deserted city.

Fang Han took a closer look. There were quite a few ruins marked on this map, but the ruins closest to the little carpenter were the ruins of this deserted city, and the others were at least [-] to [-] miles away.Now Fang Han can't wait to do somersaults, and make a somersault for a thousand miles!
Taking advantage of this time, the little carpenter made a pot of tea and came back, and handed a cup to Fang Han, "Brother Fang, drink tea!"

Fang Han didn't pay much attention, and ended up taking a sip from the teacup.As a result, a wave of spiritual energy rushed straight to his forehead, and he felt as if his limbs and bones had been rearranged, and all the impurities inside had been washed out.

Feeling comfortable, he couldn't help moaning, and shouted: "Sweet!"

The little carpenter looked at him in astonishment, not quite understanding why Fang Han was like this?

Fang Han quickly asked: "Brother Carpenter, what kind of tea is this?"

"It's just ordinary spiritual tea, which is very common in the world of heaven and man. I steamed it with mountain spring water, which will improve the quality, but even so, it won't improve too much. Brother Fang just exaggerated!"

"Exaggeration?" Fang Han laughed, "Brother Carpenter, this is all the result of my suppression! After that sip of tea, I felt that my limbs and bones were transparent. I have never felt that way before. I felt it!"

The little carpenter looked at Fang Han suspiciously, and found that Fang Han didn't seem to be lying.He looked at the teapot in his hand suspiciously again, got a cup for himself, and then took a sip, smacking his mouth, it still tastes the same!

Fang Han took another breath, still feeling the same way, but to a much lighter degree.After drinking a cup of tea, the feeling dissipated.

When he thought about it, he knew what was going on.

"Brother Carpenter, the Celestial Realm is richer in aura than the Human Realm. Everything here contains aura. This is the first time I have eaten something from the Celestial Realm. This is the only way to have such an effect. After drinking this cup of tea, the following The feeling will gradually fade until it doesn't work."

"So that's it!" The little carpenter finally understood and said with a smile: "I thought this spiritual tea was divided among people!"

"After I go back, I must bring back some more tea for my family to drink." Fang Han looked like he had met a baby.

The little carpenter waved his hand, "It's not easy, this kind of spiritual tea can buy a carload with one spirit stone. At that time, buy a water bag, fill it with water in the back mountain, and bring it back. It's enough for you to drink for 100 years, Brother Fang." !"

Fang Han's eyes lit up when he heard it. He estimated that things like spirit tea would be effective for the first two years.He can definitely share it with others, so that more people can practice Taoism. If he gives some spiritual tea to Guan Xuanxuan, will she jump with joy?

"Brother Carpenter, let's study the route."

The little carpenter didn't care about this. He knew that when Fang Han came to the world of heaven and earth for the first time, he would definitely bring more things back.So they explained the specialties of some towns along the way, and then the two of them decided on a relatively tortuous return route, which was more than twice as long as when they went there!
(End of this chapter)

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