Wanjie Upgrade APP

Chapter 418 This deal is too lucrative!

Chapter 418 This deal is too lucrative!

The little old man turned around and said to Fang Han: "Everything is different. Although you have obtained the friendship of our Little True Monarch, you need to complete the transaction with the Little True Monarch first. Otherwise, you have friendship." It's no use either!"

"Why?" Fang Han said dissatisfied.

"Because the transaction is void, I will immediately send you back to the human world!" said the little old man.

Fang Han looked at Xiao Zhenjun who ran away, "Then give me back the candy!"

"Didn't you exchange candy for the friendship of our Little True Monarch?" the little old man said with his eyes narrowed.

"Hehe!" Fang Leng laughed, "I haven't received Xiao Zhenjun's friendship yet, and the candy is mine."

The little old man opened his mouth, but he didn't find any reason to refute Fang Han.

Why did Fang Han make him think for too long, and immediately said: "I don't care, just return the candy to me now!"

The little old man felt helpless for a while, could he get back what was taken away by Xiao Zhenjun?If Fang Han went to ask for it, it might still be possible, but if he went by himself, he would never come back!

But how to deal with this mortal in front of him?Taking a deep breath, the little old man knew what Fang Han was thinking. This kid wanted to blackmail people.Moreover, knowing that he blackmailed people, there was nothing he could do about it.

Enduring his depression, the little old man took out a needle from his sleeve and handed it to Fang Han.

Fang Han took the needle and quickly used the APP to check the properties.

Lightning Rod: No matter how much lightning strikes the user, it cannot cause damage to the user.

Good stuff!It happened to be useful for going to Leishan. With such a lightning rod, the thunder and lightning on Leishan would have no effect on him.

Wait, why does the name Lightning Rod sound so familiar?
Let me go, isn't this the point on the building?Do I have to put a needle in my head too?
"No, how do you use this lightning rod? You won't let me stick it in your head, will you?" Fang Han looked at the little old man angrily.

The little old man almost didn't spit out a mouthful of old blood, "The brain is a good thing, but if it doesn't move, it's no different from paste!"

After complaining, he suppressed his anger, "You put mana into the lightning rod, and it will automatically show off your wealth on your head."

"Oh!" Fang Han tried it, and only input a little mana, and the lightning rod really floated to the top of his head.

Although I was a little happy in my heart, I didn't show it on my face, "This needle looks a bit unreliable! Is there anything else?"

The little old man's face darkened, "Don't give it back to me, I still don't want to give it to you!"

"How could it not be possible!" Fang Han quickly put away the lightning rod, turned around and ran to the railing, and jumped off.

He lost a pack of snacks, so he must come back with something!How could the little old man ask for the lightning rod back.

Although this lightning rod can only be used on specific occasions, but this time I really can't do without him when I go to Leishan.

He had just seen it on the map. Running out from the Thunder Beast's lair, 30 seconds was enough for him to run out of half of the Thunder Beast's range.As long as you are careful, there will be no problem at all. If you don't get discovered by the Thunder Beast for the first half of the journey, there will be no problem at all.

Seeing him turn around and leave, the little old man immediately ran after the railing and shouted at him, "Come back!"

"So picky?" Fang Han looked at the little old man speechlessly, isn't it just a lightning rod, the God Realm is so powerful, wouldn't it be over if you build another one?

He waved his hand to the little old man and said with a smile, "It's okay, don't send me off!"

Then the magic power gushed out from under his feet, and he flew in the direction of Leishan!
The little old man looked at Fang Han Feiyuan in astonishment, and couldn't help stamping his feet, "This idiot, I haven't told him what the Thunder Beast looks like yet!"

At this time, a heavenly soldier behind him, holding a pair of gloves, asked the little old man: "If he doesn't wear gloves, will he be electrocuted?"

"It's okay, lightning is not fatal to him!"

After leaving Tiangong, Fang Han has been immersed in the joy of taking advantage.A package of snacks is exchanged for a magic weapon, this deal is too lucrative!

If I pack all the candy from the human world and bring it to the god world, can I change it to a Tiangong as a villa?

The more he thought about it, the more beautiful it became, until he heard a beast roar from ahead.

He took out the map and looked at his location. He had already arrived at Leishan.

Leishan is also floating in the air, Fang Han couldn't help thinking about the principle of its floating.Such a large mountain floating in the air requires unimaginable buoyancy. If the buoyancy is caused by mana, then the mana is also unimaginable. Fang Han can't imagine who has such powerful mana.

Even in the God Realm, Fang Han didn't think there would be a single person with the mana that could make this mountain float.

Suddenly, Fang Han thought of the rules. Only by changing the rules can this be done. The legendary supernatural powers should be able to do it!
While thinking wildly, he recovered his mana. He had consumed too much mana during the flight just now.And just use the time to restore mana, waiting for the recharge of the Vajra Talisman.

About an hour later, Fang Han recovered all his mana.The recovery speed of the God Realm is really fast. If Lei Shan is not too dangerous, he will definitely choose to practice first to improve his strength.

But when he heard the roar of beasts coming from the mountain from time to time, he gave up this idea.

Fang Han looked at the big birds that occasionally flew by in the sky, and did not dare to continue flying in the sky, but chose to climb the mountain.

Fortunately, the pupil of insight increased his eyesight, allowing him to avoid the beast far away after seeing it.

There are many wild animals on Leishan, including wolves, tigers and leopards, and most of them are unknown to Fang Han.

Because he didn't know the vision of these beasts, Fang Han could only choose to avoid them to avoid being discovered by these beasts.Fortunately, he has already learned the spell of restraining breath, otherwise, how many beasts would find him!

On the mountain in front, two unknown beasts fighting for territory fought together, each of them was hundreds of meters high, smashed a hill with one claw, and rolled down the trees and stones on it.

Fang Han hurriedly ran to the side cliff and jumped onto another mountain peak.

He ignored them and continued to move forward. He was still a long way away from the range of the Thunder Beast.

A cliff appeared in front of him, Fang Han used his mana to fly up, and then continued on the road after fully recovering his mana.

He was so careful along the way that he walked very slowly, and it took him five days to reach the place that he could reach within a few hours.

When he saw on the map that he had stepped into the range of the Thunder Beast, a very satisfied smile appeared on his face.It was not easy, and he was almost discovered many times along the way.He didn't even dare to sleep, for fear of being discovered by wild animals and then eaten.

He raised his arms and shouted silently to express his feelings.

"Then the next step is to find the Thunder Beast!" Fang Han thought about looking down the mountain. There was a sinkhole below the mountain. No wonder the Thunder Beast could only move within this range!Because they can't get out!
(End of this chapter)

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