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Chapter 374 King Shura wants to see you!

Chapter 374 King Shura wants to see you!

Suddenly, Fang Han thought of the illusion in the earth magic stone. Could it be that he not only preserved his strength, but also preserved the mysterious spear technique, but he was useless all the time, so he only discovered it now?
Thinking of this, Fang Han couldn't help but laugh. If this was the case, then he would be sure to kill for two days and three nights on this battlefield!
The spear technique in the earth magic stone is really good, no matter how many enemies come, they are not one-shot enemies!
bring it on!Let me see how good this marksmanship is!
"Kill the aliens!" The black-faced Asuras behind did not have any melancholy at all, and continued to rush towards Fang Han, holding up their axes to strike.

Fang Leng laughed. Although he didn't know why these black-faced Asura wanted to kill him, anyone who wanted to kill him would end badly!
He handed out the spear in his hand, and that mysterious and mysterious feeling came out again. Fang Han followed the mysterious and mysterious feeling and handed out the spear. His hand trembled. There were three holes in the chest of the black-faced Asura, and he fell down.

Fang Han was stunned, why don't these Asuras bleed?
He looked at the ground and found that it was not an exception, but that all Asuras did not bleed.

However, the Asuras didn't give Fang Han much time to think about this issue. Those black-faced Asuras rushed forward again, continued to shout "Kill the alien", and were killed by Fang Han.

The white-faced Asura standing behind Fang Han looked at Fang Han in a daze.They used to shout to protect Fang Han, an alien, but now they found that Fang Han was even stronger than them, and now they were protecting them instead.

Fortunately, they have always been big-hearted, so they just froze for a moment, then bypassed Fang Han, and rushed towards those black-faced Asuras, "Protect the aliens!"

Hearing Fang Han's black thread, Ma Dan, your whole family is different!
Fang Han's spear became more and more proficient, and he found that this mysterious feeling not only allowed him to use the spear, but as long as he was given a weapon, he could kill all directions. He even felt that even without a weapon, he would be very sharp.

It's as if the fighting instinct has been imprinted in his head. He can use the best moves to attack the enemy at any time. No matter how many enemies there are, he has a way to defeat them.

He even had a feeling that even if he was besieged by ten or eight people who were almost as powerful as him, he would be able to cope with it.If he had a fight with the weasel now, he felt that he could easily defeat it.

Thinking of this, he had the urge to let the weasel out and fight again.But after thinking about it, he finally gave up on this stupid behavior.

The sky gradually darkened, and the sound of horns suddenly appeared behind the battle formations on both sides.


Hearing this sound, all the Asuras stopped, then turned around and left!
Fang Han's eyes almost fell off. It is understandable not to hit him, but is it okay to leave the back to the enemy?If one side didn't retreat and took the opportunity to continue attacking, wouldn't it be possible to kill the other side?

Unable to figure out the situation, he didn't have much to do, and followed the white-faced Asura back.But just a few steps away, I felt someone walking behind me.

This made him nervous for a while, you must know that he was the last to leave, how could there be a white-faced Asura following him?

Turning her head quickly, she found that it was really a white-faced Asura.

It's just that these Asuras stood up from the ground, and there were many footprints on their bodies, and a lot of white mud on their faces was also trampled off.

They picked up the spears on the ground, then quickly followed the team and walked towards their own camp.

Seeing such a scene, Fang Han couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth. These people obviously didn't just fall to the ground because of injuries, because he had seen Asura injured before, even if his arms were cut off, as long as they didn't die, they would still continue to attack of.So, this group of people can't be resurrected, right?
This idea shocked Fang Han, but it seemed reasonable after thinking about it.

I don’t know how long this kind of war has been going on, but it can still maintain the scale of so many people. It is definitely not because there are so many Asuras. No matter how many people there are, they will definitely be used up one day, and it will definitely be too late in this life!

If it can be resurrected, then there is no need to worry about the source of troops, after all, there is no consumption!Just resurrect and then join the battlefield.

Then it's understandable that they don't bleed. After all, when they died before, they shed all their blood!

Thinking about it this way, it seems quite reasonable!
Reasonable fart!That is resurrection!
Fang Han looked at the Asuras standing up from among the corpses with a chill, and he didn't know whether he should say MMP in his heart.

This is the world of Asura!This is the Shura battlefield!Endless, endless, repeated battles, death and resurrection and death, repeating itself.

If this is the case, this should be a punishment!It's like eighteen layers of hell, otherwise, how could it be possible to use a resurrected race?

Fang Han felt that he seemed to have grasped some essence, but it was still hazy.


Fang Han, who was thinking wildly, bumped into a white-faced Asura, and the white-faced Asura looked at him dumbly, "Odd, King Shura wants to see you!"

King Shura?Shouldn't it be King Asura?
Before Fang Han could agree, more than a dozen white-faced asuras rushed up from around him, sandwiched him in the middle, and escorted him forward.

Shura is different from Asura.Although they are all the same tall and similar in appearance, they are all good at fighting.

Contrary to Fang Han's imagination, they didn't run out of blood, but they were born without blood.It is precisely because of this that they will not be really killed.

Asuras are bloodthirsty and will kill anyone who is not of the same kind.That's why they were so crazy after seeing Fang Han.

Asuras painted black mud on their faces because they used to smear the blood of their enemies. It was only after there were no other creatures in the world of Asuras that they used black mud instead.

And Shura is different, they are only aggressive, fighting is their interest, but they don't kill people easily.Moreover, their greater pleasure is to fight against Asura, and they will stop what Asura wants to do.

That's why they shouted to protect the aliens, but no one really wanted to protect Fang Han, and even a Shura knocked him into the middle of the battlefield.

Fang Han raised his head and looked at the giant who was five to sixty meters tall, King Shura!
This big man exuded an aura all over his body, which made Fang Han tremble like a cicada. He had a feeling that as long as King Shura moved his little finger, he could crush himself to death.

There is still such a powerful person in the world, how strong is he?Not being able to control his own destiny made Fang Han feel very bad.

No, I want to become such a strong person in the future, only in this way can I control my own destiny!
King Shura also looked at Fang Han carefully, "A human? We haven't seen a human for a long time! Is it 100 years or 200 years? I can't remember some of them."

(End of this chapter)

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