Wanjie Upgrade APP

Chapter 373 Kill the Alien!

Chapter 373 Kill the Alien!
Because the strength of the host is too weak, the APP automatically upgrades and joins the trial task.Now the trial task is: Survive in the Asura world for three days!

what?Ashura Realm?This place turned out to be the world of Ashura?Is that the Asura in the six realms?Are those fierce Asuras?

Looking at the muscles of these people, Fang Han couldn't help but salivate a little. Judging from the corpses on the battlefield, there are at least tens of thousands of corpses here. What kind of tragedy is this?

Shouts came from both sides again.

Fang Han quickly looked to both sides, and was immediately dumbfounded. From a distance, he saw that there were people on both sides, ah no!It's Asura.

These Asuras stood on both sides, about four or five miles away, but the teams they listed were endless!
You must know that it is the plain, and Fang Han can see more than ten miles away with his penetrating eye.These Asuras are next to each other, and there is still no end in sight, so at least there are millions of people.

At that time, Liu Bei had a joint camp of hundreds of miles in Yiling, but there were only tens of thousands of soldiers. There was only one military camp a few miles apart, which was already considered a huge force.

But now seeing Asura's army formation, Fang Han felt that Liu Bei would go crazy if he came.

Seeing so many troops, Fang Han felt that his legs were shaking, and his heart felt like black clouds were overwhelming the city.


When Fang Han was still thinking about how to get out of here, he heard a sudden shout from both sides, and then the army formations of the two rooms began to rush towards the middle!
"I'm going!" Fang Han shouted loudly, and immediately took out the red magic umbrella, made himself invisible, then turned in one direction and rushed over.

There was no time to think about it. He just wanted to run out of the battlefield before the people on both sides rushed together!

The Asuras ran very fast, and the distance of four or five miles was completed in less than 3 minutes, and each of them was faster than the sprint champion.

At first, Fang Han was thankful that he was not running too slowly, but after he ran ten kilometers, he found that the army formation in front was still headless, so he wished his parents would give him two more legs!

"Kuang!" "Kuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!"The side with the white mud all used spears, and using the distance of the spears, they began to assassinate the side with the black mud from a distance.

Asura, who was covered with black mud, should be better at fighting. Many people can easily dodge the spears, and then rush forward to chop down their opponents with an axe.

The entire battlefield was a contest between spears and axes, and the fight was haphazard. Everyone fought independently. Those with white faces were killed more, while those with black faces were less killed.

They fought together, which made Fang Han even more helpless. He was holding the Hongluo Misoul Umbrella, and a small piece was sliced ​​off by an ax just now when he didn't pay attention, which almost made Fang Han invisible.

"Ma Dan, what should we do?" Fang Han dodged two spears, then dodged an ax close to the ground, and jumped up suddenly.

The invisibility time of the Hongluo Ecstasy Umbrella is limited, he must escape before the invisibility time is up!
When it fell, Fang Han stepped on the head of a black-faced Asura, and stopped his movement. When he realized it, a spear pierced his chest.

Seeing this situation, Fang Han could only say sorry helplessly!

Flying up again, Fang Han has already forgotten what happened just now. After all, he doesn't know that Asura, and if he wants to escape, he still needs to continue to step on other people's heads. If he feels guilty, he Isn't it a life of guilt?
Another step on the head of a black-faced Asura, Fang Han soared into the air again, leaving sorry again!

But the further he walked, the more shocked Fang Han's face became!He has traveled more than 100 miles, and this battle has not ended yet.

And he couldn't go to both sides, because there were more Asuras rushing over on both sides of the battle formation. If he wanted to leave from both sides, people would definitely find out, and no matter which one he encountered, he would be exposed.

Running, Fang Han suddenly found that Ashura in front of him suddenly stopped attacking each other, and looked at him instead.

He immediately understood that the time for the Red Luo Ecstasy Umbrella had come, and he had revealed himself!

Seeing a black-faced Asura in front of him raise the ax in his hand and slash at him, Fang Han's heart trembled, and then he picked up the mana, sprayed it from the bottom of his feet, and sent himself into the air.

Those black-faced Asuras immediately saw Fang Han escape, and immediately yelled, "Kill all the aliens!"

Fang Han was startled, Ma Dan, are your reasons for killing so strong?
But what happened next made Fang Han feel much warmer, because those white-faced Asuras also shouted, "Protect the aliens!"

Hearing this, Fang Han quickly turned around in the air and flew towards the white-faced Asura.

After landing on the ground, Fang Han patted the arm of a white-faced Asura and said, "Thank you!"

But that white-faced Asura didn't see him at all, and bumped into him directly, knocking him back a few steps.

"Damn! So strong?" Fang Han was speechless. He thought he could lift an elephant, but compared with this white-faced Asura, he was still many levels behind.

"Kill all the aliens!"

A loud shout came from behind his head, and Fang Han felt the back of his head tighten and quickly ducked to the side.A big ax that reached his waist hit the spot where he was just now.

"Protect aliens!"

The white-faced Asura who just bumped into him immediately pointed his spear at the black-faced Asura who was attacking Fang Han.

The black-faced Asura flashed past the white-faced Asura, then raised the big ax with a smirk on his face, and stabbed the white-faced Asura with the tip of the axe.

The white-faced Asura was about to die, when suddenly a spear flew out from below, piercing the black-faced Asura's throat!
A hint of surprise appeared on the face of the white-faced Asura, and he saw Fang Han as soon as he lowered his head.

Seeing that he finally found himself, Fang Han immediately waved to him, "Hi!"

The white-faced Asura squeezed out a stiff smile, "The alien is here!"

When the Asuras around heard this, they immediately turned their heads and looked over.

"Kill the alien!" The black-faced Asuras rushed over immediately, their big axes flying up and down, watching Fang Han rushing over with hatred on his face.

Seeing such a situation, Fang Han couldn't help but twitched the corners of his mouth, looked at the white-faced Asura and asked, "You are an idiot! Shout out!"

"What is an idiot? Is it this?" White-faced Asura pointed at the white mud on his face and said, "Then I am an idiot!"

Hearing this, Fang Han couldn't help rolling his eyes, this guy is really an idiot!

"Kill the alien!" The black-faced Asuras had rushed forward, raised their axes, and slashed at Fang Han.

"Go to hell with the aliens!" Fang Han was furious in his heart!He casually thrust out the spear in his hand, and the spear pierced the chest of the black-faced Asura, killing him!

Pulling out the spear, Fang Han was stunned, how did he do it?This feeling is very familiar. How did you do it?
(End of this chapter)

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