Wanjie Upgrade APP

Chapter 301 You can go to the competition

Chapter 301 You can go to the competition

"It seems that we can only find someone to take over." Yue Yang sighed and said.

"Looking for the third child..." After Yue Yang finished speaking, he called Fang Han.

The others were also taken aback, why did they find Fang Han, he thought there was nothing special about his long-distance running

"Hello? Who is it? What's the matter?" Fang Han, who was looking through medical books, was racing against time. When he answered the phone, he asked in a clear and concise manner.

"Fang Han, I'm Yue Yang. The sixth child was pushed off the stands. I guess he won't be able to participate in the competition this time. I wonder if you can replace him."

"What? The sixth child was pushed back from the stands? Wait for me, I'll be there soon." Fang Han quickly put down his books and ran to the playground.

He didn't need to think twice to know that it was the group of students from the Physical Education Department who were responsible for the trouble. They used such dirty methods last year, and they used them again this year. Are they really the Media Department easy to bully?

He didn't read any bullshit medical books. He read them for several days without any clues. He decided to avenge his brother first.

Fang Han came to the playground, only saw Yue Yang and the second child, and ran towards them.

"Lao Liu, how is it now?" Fang Han asked hastily.

"Lao Liu has already gone to the infirmary, and Lao Si and the others have gone to take care of him. Now there is no one in Lao Liu's place, so please help." Yue Yang said.

"No problem, leave it to me. Damn, these students in the Sports Institute really think that there is no one in our media department?" Fang Han took Xu Wei's number plate and walked directly to the direction of the runway.

Xu Wei was injured last year, and the media department missed the first place. This year, with himself, Wei Ning will not be able to take the first place.

The second child asked Yue Yang: "Brother, can the third child do it?"

He remembered that Qian Han didn't seem to have any athletic talent in the past!Since we are looking for someone, we should find someone with better physical fitness in the media department. Although no one can beat Wei Ning except Xu Wei, we still have to find someone who is similar!What if a miracle happens?

"If that doesn't work, who should I look for?" They both looked back and saw that they were all crooked and cracked, and the rest were girls.

There is a reason why he asked Fang Han to replace him. The last time Fang Han beat Manager Song’s cousin by himself in a nightclub, he was no match for an average person. , Can't help but still a master.

Such a master should have no problem running with a college student.

The only thing that puzzled Yue Yang was that this classmate had been together for more than a year, and he hadn't discovered that he knew martial arts before!And also the owner of the nightclub.

Of course, he wouldn't tell this matter carelessly, but he promised Fang Han to keep it a secret.

Fang Han went to the checkpoint for the contestants, it was just a parasol with a table under it for an open-air checkpoint.

The loudspeaker on the other side has already started announcing the entry of athletes. Fang Han was also a little anxious, threw the good card on the table and said, "Hurry up and register, I will be too late to participate in the competition."

"Your name is Xu Wei?" It was Ximen Jing who was in charge of the registration and verification, but she was wearing a sun hat on her head, so Fang Han didn't recognize her at the first time.

"It turns out it's you, that's even better. Don't worry about whether I'm Xu Wei or not. Just help me get on board first!" Fang Han saw that he was an acquaintance and wanted to take a back door.

"Why do you want to compete for Xu Wei?" Ximen Jing asked.

There have been many substitutions like this, and she usually turns a blind eye, just a little curious.

"Of course, Wei Ning from the Sports Academy is really bullying others. I'm going to take revenge this time. You won't help me, right?" Fang Han asked suspiciously.

Ximen Jing doesn't seem like the kind of person who would add insult to injury.

"Of course not..." Ximen Jing happily put the number ticket on Fang Han's body.

She also heard about what happened last year. Wei Ning's method was a bit too low, and anyone with a discerning eye could see it, but she didn't bother with this matter. Since Fang Han wanted to compete, she naturally wouldn't stop her.

Just look at Fang Han's strength. Long-distance running is not a martial art. What you need is endurance and lung capacity. It doesn't matter if you are good at long-distance running.

"It's done, you can go to the competition."

"Thanks." After Fang Han finished speaking, he ran back to the track.

"Young Master Ning, this time our number one is definitely stable." A student wearing a No. [-] tracksuit said.

Seeing that there was no one running to the side, it was estimated that Xu Wei had a bad fall, and it was impossible for him to participate in the competition.

"You did it, not bad, I invite you to have fun tonight." Wei Ning said proudly while doing stretching exercises.

He also made two-handed preparations. If Xu Wei falls lightly, then he will repeat the same trick and hit Xu Wei hard once with the method last year. When he is in his junior year, see if he dares to come to participate. Contest.

"Thank you, Ning Shao." Athlete No. [-] said excitedly.

Did he know that Wei Ning belonged to everyone's young master, and he was very generous, so he could settle any accidents.I think we can have some fun tonight.

Just when the two felt that the competition was safe, Fang Han suddenly stood on the track.

"Huh?" The two were also stunned, and they were a little surprised when they saw that Xu Wei suddenly appeared on the track in the middle, but it was not Xu Wei.

"Who are you...?" Athlete No. [-] asked in surprise.

"Remember my name, my name is Fang Han, I'm here today to get back the champion Xu Wei was snatched away by you last time." Fang Han stretched his muscles and said.

"Damn it, you bastard is stupid!"

Number two looked at Fang Han as if looking at a fool and said:

"Boy, are you just joking when you come to participate in long-distance running without wearing sportswear or running shoes?"

As soon as he finished speaking, you laughed mercilessly throughout the whole run. This kid is too unprofessional. He dared to say that he was here to win the championship. It really made people laugh.

Even Wei Ning, who had been pretending to be cold, laughed out loud. He felt that Fang Han had no competition at all!
"Boy, what are you laughing at? You told someone to push my brother down, right?" Fang Han turned his head and looked at Wei Ning who wanted to laugh but was holding back and said.

"Little brother, you don't want to be bloody. What evidence do you have that I let someone push you?" Wei Ning said with a cold smile.

"That's right, I really don't have any evidence. You said this, so you must remember it." Fang Han nodded and said.

"Cut, what a fool." Wei Ning cursed in a broken voice, and gestured to his teammates.

He signaled to him: No matter whether this kid is powerful or not, I will hit him in the end.

'I dare to offend myself, I am really impatient to live. '

Number two also made an OK gesture to indicate receipt.

"Everyone, get ready." The referee raised the starting gun and said.

The other athletes made their starting moves one after another, and everything was ready, but Fang Han stood there motionless, rigidly standing there.

The referee originally wanted to remind him to get ready, but seeing that he was dressed in casual clothes, it seemed that he was not here for running, but for fun, so he thought about it and forgot it, and was too lazy to waste his time with him.

"Hahaha, this kid can't even make preparations!" No. [-] mocked with a smile.

Wei Ning also sneered, it seems that there is really no one in the media department!To send such a piece of trash to come up and win the championship, what a fart he won!
(End of this chapter)

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