Wanjie Upgrade APP

Chapter 300 Find someone to replace me

Chapter 300 Find someone to replace you

"There is one more person..." Lin Yan said thoughtfully.

At that time, there was also a college student named Fang Han. This guy stayed up late at night, saved Li Baoshan's family, easily killed two gangsters, and won the physical champion Han Chao by arm wrestling.

He didn't look like a normal person at all. She planned to meet this Fang Han.

"Huh? What? Why is there another person?" Lin Zhengyi asked.

"It's nothing, Bureau Lin. If nothing happens, I'll go out first." Lin Yan stood up and said respectfully.

"Okay, okay, you go down first, tell your team members about this... let them think of a countermeasure as soon as possible." Lin Zhengyi said.

Lin Yan left the office, instead of looking for her team members, she looked through Fang Han's files again.

'The file is too ordinary, with such a great ability, but there is no record in the file, there is definitely a problem. ' Lin Yan said while holding the file and flipping through it.

In late autumn, the weather is getting colder and colder, and Binjiang University is also ushering in the autumn sports meeting.

Fang Han has no free time these days to participate in any sports games, and no matter where he walks, he always holds a book of medicinal herbs in his hand. He has almost read the Compendium of Materia Medica and Shen Nong's Materia Medica.

Sheng Qianyu was clearly recorded in the Baicao Danjing, and he had always believed that the earth had this medicine, but the name had changed.

Binjiang University Stadium, the autumn sports meeting has begun.

Yue Yang was in the stands of his class, watching the competition below. Lao Liu signed up for a long-distance running event this time. Although 500 meters is not long, it is not short for these students. 400 meters of plastic The track is nearly three laps long.

Accompanied by the cheers of the whole class, the sixth child made it out of the group again this time and was qualified to participate in the finals.

"Old Six, it's ok! Keep this speed, I guess you'll be the first one." Yue Yang said to Old Six.

The sixth child's original name is Xu Wei, and his family background is not very good in the countryside, but he has the simplicity of rural people in his body, and he is quite righteous, but he doesn't pay much attention to personal hygiene.

Although Xu Wei can't do anything in their dormitory, long-distance running is his strong point, and he can consider developing sports in the future.

"Firstly, that's not pediatrics." Xu Wei poured some water on his body to cool down his body. This action immediately attracted a group of nympho screams in the class.

If he had a better background, these little girls would probably pounce on him.

Xu Wei was also very proud. He looked at a group of students sitting in the sports academy next to his class, and a handsome man among them also looked at him.

The two were silent and looked at each other for two seconds. Xu Wei suddenly raised a middle finger and pointed at the boy with contempt.

It's just that the boy wasn't angry, he just glanced at him with disdain and turned his head away.

"Lao Liu, don't coax him, you will definitely win the first place this year." Yue Yang patted Xu Wei on the shoulder and said at this time.

He knew the hatred between the two, that handsome boy was Wei Ning from the gymnasium, and his family had a lot of filthy money.

Xu Wei also participated in long-distance running when he was a freshman last year, and his group qualifying result was even better than that of Wei Ning. Everyone believed that Xu Wei was the first person who could beat the Sports Academy in a sports event.

Their expectations were quite high, but in the finals, there was a guy who was last in the last place and deliberately bumped Xu Wei. Getting bumped while running fast is no joke.

Xu Wei, who was originally No.1, fell to the ground with several cuts in his legs. Seeing that Wei Ning surpassed him with a distance of only a few hundred meters, Xu Wei was furious.

Anyone with a discerning eye could tell at a glance that the student who bumped into him did it on purpose, but it was only a medical bill.

"Don't worry, boss, I've been waiting for a year, see if I don't torture him to death today." Xu Wei said proudly.

"Okay, we brothers will cheer for you." Yue Yang encouraged.

Xu Wei looked back and saw that all the brothers in the dormitory were there, except for Fang Han, so he asked, "Where did the third one go?"

"I don't know what's wrong with the third child recently. I spend all day reading medical books in the library. I guess I will become the next Li Shizhen after two days of reading." The second child added at this time.

"Damn it, when did he love studying so much?" Xu Wei questioned.

"Who knows..." Yue Yang said.

In the past few days, he has also felt Fang Han's strangeness. Although he heard that Fang Han's elective is medicine, it is not possible to start studying in advance so early, right?
After half an hour of rest, the long-distance race is about to begin.

"Okay, I won't tell you anymore, I'm going to prepare." Xu Wei stretched his muscles and said.

"Come on...come on." A group of students from the Department of Media cheered Xu Wei up.

Xu Wei casually walked down the stands, glanced at Wei Ning's direction, and found that this guy had already left.

Just when he was thinking about something, he suddenly felt someone push him from behind, and Xu Wei, who was unsteady, rolled down the steps of the stand.

The concrete steps were no joke. He was immediately covered in blood after being thrown down, and there were wounds everywhere on his head, arms, legs, and ankles.

"Ah..." The students of the Department of Communication all exclaimed in shock, and a few timid girls almost cried in fright.

The students of the physical education department really smiled secretly, neither surprised nor noisy, as if they had known this kind of thing for a long time.

"Fuck, what are you doing, kid?" Yue Yang and the others were furious when they saw this situation, they rushed up and held down the kid who pushed him.

"Grass, did you do it on purpose?" the second child pressed his head and asked sharply.

"Don't say that, I didn't mean it." The student who pushed people quibbled.

"How dare you say it wasn't intentional. You are a student of the Sports Academy. I think you were sent by Wei Ning. If you can't afford to lose, you still play such dirty tricks. It's so fucking despicable." The second child scolded angrily.

He also saw the badge of the Sports Academy on the student, and he was even more convinced that he was sent by Wei Ning.

"Boy, don't talk nonsense! Be careful, I will sue you for slander! At worst, I will pay for his medical expenses with him," the man from the gym threatened with a laugh.

"You..." The second child just wanted to hit someone, but was stopped by Yue Yang, now is not the time to hit someone.

"Don't worry about this kid, go and see how the sixth child is injured."

Everyone agreed with the same reasoning, and hurried to see Xu Wei. The other students had already called the school doctor, who was bandaging Xu Wei's wound.

"Doctor, is there nothing wrong with my brother?" Yue Yang hurried forward and asked.

"No big problem, I'll give him some anti-inflammatory drugs, rest for two days and he'll be fine."

"No, why do I have to rest for two days? I still have to go to the competition..." Xu Wei said struggling.

"Participate in the fart competition! If it wasn't for the Olympics, would you have quit? Find someone to replace you."

After the school doctor bandaged the wound, he waved his hand, and two male nurses carried Xu Wei down.

"No, I have to compete..." Xu Wei struggled and shouted.

It's just that the school doctor can't make fun of his health, a school sports meeting doesn't need to be so serious, he is fixed on a stretcher and carried down.

"Damn it... what's wrong with this?" A group of people from the Media Department asked helplessly.

Maybe Wei Ning has to take the first place again this year, these people are really despicable.It's better to use dirty tricks.

(End of this chapter)

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