Wanjie Upgrade APP

Chapter 28 Mission Completion

Chapter 28 Mission Completion
Thoughts were running rapidly in his mind, and Fang Han looked around, looking for a combat terrain he could rely on.However, after observing for a while, Fang Han had to admit that he still had a place where he hadn't considered comprehensively enough. This place is lush with lush flowers and plants, and he couldn't find a reliable terrain at all. Even if he found it, he wouldn't know it. How much time will be wasted? For example, a big tree next to it is a good choice, but how much time will it take to climb up and down?At present, he only has a little more than 4 minutes left, and there is no time to waste.

"I can't help it, I can only use hard steel! I hope I won't die here..."

An inexplicable decisive atmosphere flashed in his mind, Fang Han suddenly let out a roar, and felt a rush of blood rising from his heart, shooting from a long distance and slashing from a distance, he began to face hard steel with these bloodthirsty rabid rats that narrowed the encirclement.

From time to time, bloodthirsty and violent rats jumped out from the grass, but in the end they were either dead or injured. The blood of rats gradually spread all over the ground. Looking at the tragic scene all over the ground, Fang Han, who was fighting alone in all directions, felt that his heart was getting worse and worse. excited.

Suddenly Fang Han noticed that something was wrong, because the Rat that could have been hacked to death with a single blow was now very difficult to kill with one blow.As for the crossbow, which was originally a strong deterrent to these mice, its lethality also declined.

what happened?Is he gradually declining with his combat power?Fang Han knew it wasn't because of this... At this time, not only was his body surging with fighting intent, but he had even used a god-fighting talisman earlier.Even if the God Fighting Talisman was used, the effect time is far from over, and it will definitely be no problem to support it for more than half an hour.

Looking around at the only twelve bloodthirsty rabid rats left, Fang Han, who was about to complete the task, suddenly trembled in his heart, because he finally saw what the problem was...

Bloodthirsty Rat?These guys are because of the blood all over the ground... At this time, two bloodthirsty rabid rats did not step forward to besiege Fang Han, but devoured the blood of this companion flowing on the ground around, and the other ten were fighting and absorbing the blood. From the surrounding blood, it can be seen that the body is obviously stronger than before, not only that, judging from the feeling from the saber, these guys' fur seems to have a strong defense ability?

Thinking back to when the blood of this demonic rat entered his mouth just now, he seemed to have become extremely excited and manic?

"Not good! These guys are sacrificing themselves to make the rest of their companions... We must make a quick decision, otherwise, I might even die in the hands of these demon rats, not to mention the failure of the mission when the time comes."

With calculations in mind, Fang Han observed the distance between the demon rats and himself, his eyes jumped wildly and he put the bow and crossbow into the item space, and at the same time he swung his saber and slashed all the demon rats. Another demon mouse.

After stabilizing the center of gravity, Fang Han quickly drew the shotgun on his back.He fired a shot at the two demon rats who saw the opportunity and were about to launch a surprise attack from the side while their footing was not stable.


The huge gunshots directly smashed the two demon rats into sieves... Shotguns are also called spray guns... It is foreseeable that this kind of gun has the ability to kill at close range, and this gun also has a strong splash damage. The monster mouse itself jumped over, and it was directly hit by modern firearms, and it was bloody and bloody, and it couldn't die anymore and fell to the side of the grass.

Now Fang Han has less than 3 minutes left, he must hurry up...and these demon rats don't plan to back down?Aren't they sacrificing themselves to achieve the remaining companions, and are planning to fight in the final battle?

Then Fang Han will fulfill them.

Seeing that Fang Han changed his previous passive defense, holding the shotgun with both hands, sneered at the corners of his mouth, and started chasing the monster rats that had narrowed the encirclement to a very small range, and started beating violently.

The power of modern firearms... is like this. These demon rats have never seen, heard or seen such a terrifying weapon, so they panicked and flinched for the first time.But at this time, four more were eliminated on the grass, leaving six.There is only one and a half minutes left in the plane...

Taking advantage of the short time when these demon rats were stunned by the power of the shotgun, Fang Han quickly reloaded the ammunition.Only five bullets can be loaded at a time, which is the biggest constraint of the shotgun. It is powerful, but the ammunition is small and full... Fang Han is also very helpless.

Fortunately, Fang Han's body is now under the blessing of the powerful magic talisman in terms of strength and speed, and his speed has increased a lot, but he still has to reload twice before killing three demon rats...

55, 54, 53...

Time passed by second by second, and the three monster rats that Fang Han was looking at went crazy... But at this moment, a scene that shocked him appeared, and he saw the two monster rats bite together quickly, They bit each other's throats and died instantly.That is to say, after there were no other demon rats left, the other party's horrified scene appeared. The last remaining demon rat let out several mournful screams, and then saw blood splashing everywhere. Quickly heading back to the cage of the monster mouse, countless torrents of blood unexpectedly formed...

Shotguns are close-range lethal weapons. In the viscous torrent of blood, there is no way for bullets to hit the demon mouse's body.

Sensing that something was wrong, Fang Han immediately put away the shotgun, carrying the saber, ignoring the stickiness and disgusting smell of blood, and rushed directly into the torrent of blood towards the demon mouse.

28, 27, 26...

Looking at the time, Fang Han's face became more and more anxious. In this thick blood, he could not run at all and could only step forward step by step. But what surprised him was...not only his own actions were restricted, The demon mouse seemed unable to even move in the torrent of blood.I don't know if it is the sequelae caused by this special ceremony.

The torrent of blood permeated for a while, and finally took shape and flowed back from the periphery to the demon mouse in the center.In Fang Han's eyes, the demon mouse is growing at a terrifying speed. In Fang Han's eyes, this demon mouse has a human body?Seeing the stretched legs, feet and lower body, Fang Han was really frightened.

However, deep in the demon world, Fang Han had already prepared himself psychologically. He dared not procrastinate in fear, and raised his conscript saber to chop off the demon mouse's head...

3^2^1... The moment the knife fell, Fang Han clearly saw a purple-blue halo rippling on the target tracker of the conscript plane on his wrist, and then his knife stabbed in his rented house. on the floor...

At this time, Fang Han's expression was dull, and he was afraid to look at the task-related information on the mobile APP for a while.

For the last knife, if Fang Han remembers correctly, he happened to attack the part of the tail tip that remained after the transformation of the demon rat. In essence, he hadn't hit the head of the demon rat... the last demon rat would die ?

Now Fang Han is no longer worried about his rank and rank, let alone accepting the fact that he failed after putting in so much effort...

So he stared at the bloody saber and froze.It took a long time before he realized that he went straight into the bathroom without taking off the equipment on his body.

The whole body is covered in blood, the clothes need to be washed, the knives and guns need to be wiped...

After washing his body, cleaning all his clothes and equipment, and going downstairs to throw away a pile of rags and toilet paper, Fang Han went back to his rental house again, and took out the mobile phone that he had taken out earlier from the bathroom. .

Lying on the bed tiredly, Fang Han opened the app on his mobile phone, his eyes froze for a moment.

Task received (completed)
Experience points 35 points 30.Bailanlingbud (blue): super-grade medicine for nourishing vitality and strengthening body.But bones and flesh can be brought back to life.

Looking at the mission information and status description, Fang Han couldn't believe his eyes... However, the system would not make any mistakes. Everything proved that his final blow indeed killed the mission target and finally completed the mission.

"Could it be that the tip of the tail is the key point of the demon rat?"

Recalling the scene just now, Fang Han guessed, and then he suddenly remembered something, breathed a sigh of relief with surprise, and then quickly clicked on the item space.

He saw that all the items from the demon world that he had casually put in the item space were there.

(End of this chapter)

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