Wanjie Upgrade APP

Chapter 27 Killing Rats

Chapter 27 Killing Rats

Looking at the little girl's appearance, Fang Han smiled as a response to the other party's doctor, and then looked at the mission target distance prompted on the mission tracker, and asked: "It should be less than 20 meters, and there are many people around. I can't see the shadow of the bloodthirsty violent rat, it should be underground, right?"

The little girl nodded, Fang Han didn't talk nonsense, and found the directional blasting detonator in the item space.Asked, "What is the extent of your rhizome? What is the depth?"

During Fang Han's inquiry, the little girl gave an approximate number, and then Fang Han took out the newly bought shovel.After measuring the distance, we started digging.

Of course, digging a hole is not for the purpose of digging out the mice. Fang Han is not that stupid, and he doesn't have that much time to waste. He needs to use a directional blasting method to blast through the bottom while avoiding damage to Bai Xiaolan's roots... like this If you don't, your own shotguns and crossbows can play a big role.And even if it didn't explode, the rats should have come out with such a violent explosion on their heads.

According to the mission tracker, the depth of these rats is not very deep underground, and Fang Han is completely sure to blow them out.

Save time and trouble, this is the only way that Fang Han can think of to complete the task within 15 minutes, which is why it is necessary to make homemade explosives for the detonator.

Moreover, this is a mountainous grassland, and the ground is not very hard. It is no problem for a detonator to blow up a mountain, and it should be even more problematic to blow up this kind of mountainous soil.

Of course, Fang Han is also learning and selling now. While preparing things, he has already roughly understood some directional blasting techniques. He is definitely not proficient in the techniques, but it should not be a big problem to avoid the rhizome explosion of white orchids, or shake the mouse's nest. .

After digging the hole quickly and simply, Fang Han looked at the time and buried a bag of soil explosives. After finding a safe place, he directly lit the fire...

Now it is enough to open a hole in the outer periphery at a long distance. There is no need to pay too much attention to precise things.

Accompanied by a loud explosion, Fang Han, who had consciously moved far away, was still covered in mud from the explosives, and was very embarrassed, but it also allowed him to understand the power of these explosives.

Not daring to waste time, Fang Han quickly ran over to check the deep pit. He didn't care whether the rats in the ground were frightened or not. He simply leveled the pit with a shovel and continued to bury the explosives...




At this time, Fang Han didn't know at all, Bai Xiaolan, who was lying in the bud and unable to get up, was already extremely nervous and frightened, and regretted inviting Fang Han over.This deafening sound can scare people to death.

Glancing at the remaining time, and following the 42 panicked and impatient targets jumping back and forth on the task tracker, Fang Leng smiled and ignited the fire again...

Because when I was in the pit just now, many of the mission targets were already very close to him. I believe those mice should show up after this time, right?At this time, there are still six and a half minutes left in his stay here.

At this time, Fang Han's eyes were very cold, and the corners of his mouth even pulled into a smile. He felt that he was about to fight the rats, so Fang Han wrapped the rat poison in explosives and put them into the pit this time. Believe it once After the explosion, the dust mixed with mice will also be directly poured into the mouse nest.

Fang Han doesn't know if these rat poisons are effective or not. In short, he bought many kinds, mixed them all together and put them under the explosives. Even if most of them don't work, there are still one or two that can play Does it work?

After igniting the torch, Fang Han held up a dynamite bag... Is he really planning to kill these mice in the mouse nest?

This explosive bag is very precious. In Chu Fei's words, this explosive bag alone is worth the cost of those detonators and explosives. It is also different from those native products that manually ignite and detonate. This is a string-pull explosive. Packs, just like the explosive packs in the war scenes in movies and TV shows.

In any case, it is much more advanced.

Of course, Fang Han is holding the explosive bag now, not because he wants to imitate the heroes and martyrs... He just wants to throw the explosive bag into the mouse nest as soon as it is blown up, at least it can cause damage to the rats in the demon world at the beginning of the official battle. Huge damage, right?

I have to say that Fang Han is really a sinister, cunning and thoughtful guy.

As expected, the facts were just as Fang Han had calculated. This time, a huge hole really exploded. You must know that the explosives themselves do not have such power. This situation shows that the hole has long existed.

It was too late to say that, Fang Han pulled the explosive bag away with his arm and threw the explosive bag into the mouse hole accurately.

Afterwards, Fang Han quickly backed up to increase the distance. At the same time, the crossbow was loaded with arrows, and he began to pull the trigger one after another towards the front.

Accompanied by a louder roar than before, Fang Han smiled happily... because his mission tracking period clearly showed that eighteen mission targets had disappeared, which showed that the results of this explosive pack were still very high. Yes, eighteen rats from the demon world were killed on the spot. "

There are 24 targets left... Of course, Fang Han will not be polite, because at this moment, many mice have already rushed out towards the entrance of the hole...

When he pulled the trigger, Fang Han could already clearly see the general appearance of the bloodthirsty Rat.

How to say this kind of mouse, it looks like a human mouse in appearance, but the hair on its body is purple red, and its body is very fat. A bloodthirsty rabid rat can roughly match four to five normal human mice, with small eyes. The redness is the kind of blood red with a strong evil spirit.The tail is more like a scorpion's position, stabbing forward from the back, and there is something like an eyeball on the tip of the tail, and I don't know what it is.

Fang Han is not in the mood and has no time to explore those things. At this time, his expression is somewhat heavy, because unlike the wisdom of human mice, these guys are much smarter. After the explosives killed their eighteen companions, these guys came out of the cave. Just spread out.And it's not scattered and fled... but scattered to the grass to surround Fang Han?
That's right...it was the encirclement, it was precisely because of this that Fang Han's face became very heavy.This shows that these guys at least have a fairly high level of intelligence.And Fang Han could faintly see the hatred and madness in their small eyes.

Is this the bloodthirsty and violent word that goes up in the name of these demon rats?Fang Han was not very sure... The only thing he could do at the moment was to do his best to kill these rats at a maximum distance before they pounced on them. However, the pitfall was that Fang Han was not very familiar with using bows and crossbows. Fortunately, after missing his shots many times, he finally found some feeling for shooting when the rats were moving quickly, and he killed four more bloodthirsty rats.

Looking at the task tracker with less than 5 minutes remaining and the number of tasks showing 20, Fang Han felt more and more solemn.

Suddenly Fang Han's eyes were fixed, and he suddenly pulled out the conscript saber from his waist, and slashed at the Violent Rat that jumped out from the tall grass on the left.

In an instant, blood splashed into the sky... Fang Han only saw a splash of blood rushing towards him, and his entire face was splashed with the blood of the mouse.

Although relying on the sharpness and strength of the saber, the crisis was resolved, but Fang Han felt more and more nervous. He was in the grassland in the mountains, and the grass was uneven, so it was easy for the bloodthirsty Rat to hide. Under such circumstances, he did It's very passive...

(End of this chapter)

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