Wanjie Upgrade APP

Chapter 258 I Can Only Receive Treatment

Chapter 258 I Can Only Receive Treatment

Looking at Luo Wenbin's grandson, it is still worth using. After all, he has no connections in Binjiang, so Luo Wenbin has to use it first.

"Come on, I will help you advance the 500 million yuan first."

"Thank you Brother Lu..." Luo Wenbin said gratefully.

This time Lu Xiangwen's 5000 million was wiped away, and he felt a pain in his heart. Only Murong Wan and her company can make up for it.

Fang Han drove Guan Xuanxuan home in a Ferrari, and was in a good mood along the way.

"Why are you so happy?" Guan Xuanxuan asked, looking at Fang Han who was basking in the spring breeze.

"Uh...Of course I'm happy to see those two grandsons being unlucky." Fang Han laughed loudly.

"Tch, I think the underground parking lot has something to do with you?" Guan Xuanxuan asked with a smile.

She has already seen Fang Han's ability in Longtou Island. Although the surveillance in the underground parking lot did not capture who was driving the car, it should not be difficult to do this with Fang Han's ability.

"Hahaha, I didn't expect you to guess it."

"Hmph, don't I know your skills?"

"Since you know my ability, why did you hide your illness?" Fang Han's mouth curved slightly.

When Guan Xuanxuan heard this, her face turned red to the base of her neck.

How could she have the nerve to speak about that kind of thing?Is it possible to tell Fang Han: I have a disease on my body, and I need massage to cure it. I have to take off all my clothes, please help me treat it?
She couldn't say such words, she was thinking about how to let Fang Han know about her illness, and then let him take the initiative to help her with treatment.

Wouldn't that make him appear more reserved, but before he could think about it, Fang Han had already said it.

"You...you know everything?" Guan Xuanxuan asked in surprise.

How did he know about this?Could it be that Kang Fu told him?

"I'm a genius doctor... I can cure diseases that can't be cured by traditional Chinese medicine halls with the touch of a finger, and you can still hide it from me?" Fang Han said triumphantly.

"This Baicao Danjing is really a good thing, I should do more tasks like this in the future..."

Having said that, the quests in the Myriad Worlds app are very good. There are fewer and fewer one-time consumables, and it may be that my quests are getting more and more difficult.

Thinking about the last ghost hunting mission, I almost died there.

"Hey, can you cure me?" Seeing Fang Han, Guan Xuanxuan thought to herself that her condition was more serious.

"Uh... no problem, as long as it's not terminally ill, I can cure it." Fang Han said with a pat on his chest.

'Hiss... It seems that Guan Xuanxuan's restaurant is referring to herself as the patient, and she even used her friend as an example, which is really funny. '

But when he thought about that scene, he suddenly felt the blood flow in his whole body accelerate, did he cast a glance at Guan Xuanxuan?

"Bragging you...then go back quickly and see if you can cure my illness." Guan Xuanxuan said coyly.

Fang Hanna also used her to remind that the Ferrari was racing to the limit, and he couldn't wait to drive the plane back.

The Ferrari drove into the big villa of Guan Xuanxuan's family, and as soon as he got off the car, Heizi greeted him.

"Brother Yo Fang, you are really a rare visitor."

"Brother Mo, long time no see." Fang Han smiled.

Since the Longtou Island incident last time, the Guan family has always respected Fang Han.

"Tonight, we brothers should have a good drink."

"That's naturally no problem." Fang Han said with a big smile.

Now that I am practicing the dragon's breath technique, ordinary alcohol can't do anything to me, but this time I'm really not afraid of him after drinking.

"That's good."

After a brief exchange of pleasantries, Fang Han followed Guan Xuanxuan into the villa.

Mr. Guan is still at home, and Fang Han is considered a guest, so he naturally wants to pay a visit.

When we arrived at the large garden in the backyard, the old man was basking in the sun and looked after by two medical staff.

"Grandpa, Fang Han is here today." Guan Xuanxuan took Fang Han to see Mr. Guan.

"Master Guan." Fang Han said politely.

Although I saved the old man's life by myself, I can't take it too seriously, and I still have the respect I deserve.

"Haha, Fang Han, you are too polite. I kept thinking about you, but you came here unexpectedly." Master Guan was very optimistic about this young savior.

After all, there is an unfathomable master behind him, and he made friends with many big families in Longtou Island last time, and it is very worthwhile for them to win over the Guan family.

"Hehe, I also heard that Xuanxuan was ill, so I specially helped her take a look. I wonder how Master Guan is doing recently?"

"My health is very, very good."

The old man looked at his granddaughter and said:
"Xuanxuan, I said you should let Fang Han see it earlier, after all, the master is so good, can the apprentice be worse?"

"Master Guan is too famous." Fang Han said modestly.

I didn't expect that I was recommended by Master Guan, and she went to the Chinese medicine hall before she came to see me.

"Grandpa, stop talking." Guan Xuanxuan said with some embarrassment.

"Hahaha, my granddaughter has a thin skin..." Master Guan said with a big laugh.

After bidding farewell to Mr. Guan, the two went to Guan Xuanxuan's bedroom.

This was Fang Han's first time entering a girl's boudoir, his heartbeat also accelerated a little, and he looked at the whole room curiously.

The pale pink room was like a place where a thirteen or fourteen-year-old girl lived, and the room was filled with a faint fragrance.

"Hey, what are you looking at?" Guan Xuanxuan said softly.

This is the place where I live, and there is a lot of privacy hidden.

Fang Han looked around with those sneaky eyes, which made her feel as if she was peeping into her privacy.

"I didn't see anything. It's just that I didn't expect that the room of a strong woman like you would be this big pink. It seems that you are also full of girlish heart." Fang Han said with a smile.

"Tch, what does the status of a strong woman in the mall have to do with it? There is one more thing I want to tell you, this room is not big pink, but light pink." Guan Xuanxuan said.

Fang Han was speechless. Is there any difference between the two?Maybe it's just that women are born with a strong ability to distinguish colors.

"Fang Han, do you know how to treat my condition?"

"It's not easy... take it with your hand, and I'll know when I get the pulse." Fang Han rolled up his sleeves and said.

After checking Guan Xuanxuan's pulse, he told her all about the condition and treatment methods, and it was exactly the same as what Kang Fu said.

"It seems that I can only accept treatment..." Guan Xuanxuan said nervously.

'Take off your clothes in front of Fang Han!This is too embarrassing. '

Fang Han tried his best to maintain a gentlemanly appearance, so as not to make Guan Xuanxuan feel nervous.

"Well, Fang Han... your medical skills are so high, if you cover your eyes, can you still treat it?" Guan Xuanxuan asked curiously.

"Uh...it's also possible," Fang Han said.

He can say no, even though he has such dirty thoughts in his heart, he still respects Guan Xuanxuan very much, not to mention that he should focus on curing diseases and saving lives, rather than eating Guan Xuanxuan's tofu.

"Really? That's great... just wait." Guan Xuanxuan's favorability for Fang Han suddenly increased a lot, and she hurriedly searched in the closet, planning to find a ribbon for him.

If it was another doctor, he would never cover his eyes. Even if he said no, there was nothing he could do.

Fang Han's actions made Guan Xuanxuan even more convinced that he was a gentleman.

(End of this chapter)

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