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Chapter 257 It was definitely intentional

Chapter 257 It was definitely intentional
"Fang Han, my car is also in the parking lot below. Could it be hit too?" Guan Xuanxuan said worriedly.

She bought it when she first entered college, and she still likes that Ferrari very much.If he was hit and damaged, he would really feel distressed.

"Don't worry, our truck has its own destiny and is destined not to be damaged." Fang Han comforted.

When he moved the car, he parked it on the very side, and he was the creator of these series of accidents, so naturally he would not hit Guan Xuanxuan's Ferrari.

"Damn it, Brother Lu, your Rolls-Royce won't suffer too, right?" Luo Wenbin worried.

After Fang Han heard it, he realized that the Rolls-Royce was not his, but it didn't matter, it was an accident vehicle anyway.

"Tch, it's just a Rolls-Royce, if you hit it, it will hit you." Lu Wenbin said indifferently.

"Boss Lu is really grand." Fang Han praised.

"Businessman, how can you be calm?" Lu Wenbin said with a smile.

He said he didn't care, but he was heartbroken. Didn't he do this to get Guan Xuanxuan's attention?Let her see that she is also a billionaire boss who doesn't care that a Rolls Royce gets hit.

It's a pity that Guan Xuanxuan didn't even look at him.

'Hehe, if you laugh now, you will cry later. ' Fang Han said in his heart.

At this moment, a waiter hurriedly ran to Luo Wenbin and others, and said breathlessly: "This... this gentleman..."

"What's wrong? Could it be that our car was also hit?" Luo Wenbin really wanted to scold his mother, he brought Lu Xiangwen to dinner, and the Rolls-Royce was hit, who would feel better?

"Little brother, don't worry, even if my Rolls-Royce Phantom is hit, I won't let you pay, so don't be afraid." Lu Xiangwen said loudly in a Jinbei accent.

After finishing speaking, he took a sip of red wine. This pretended to be at least [-]:[-].

Others also felt admiration when they heard this. The Rolls-Royce Phantom will not be compensated if it is hit. Sure enough, the rich are different.

"First, first... sir, it was your Rolls-Royce that crashed all the cars." The waiter said tremblingly.

He really wanted to ask Lu Xiangwen if he had a heart attack, and after saying this, even he himself felt his heart pounding.

"I... Ni... Ma." Lu Xiangwen almost choked himself to death with this sip of wine.

The whole person fell straight backwards. If Luo Wenbin hadn't supported him, he would have fallen to the ground.

'There are hundreds of cars in the underground parking lot, all of which were hit, how much should I pay? 'Even his hands were shaking all the time.

"Fuck, the perpetrator is here, don't let him get away."

When the crowd in the western restaurant heard that his car was in trouble, they immediately surrounded the two of them. They must not be allowed to escape, otherwise, who would pay for it?
"Take them to the underground parking lot and make them lose money..."

"Yes, let them lose money..."

"A car with us, a car with us."

I don’t know who started it, but everyone responded and grabbed Luo Wenbin and went to the underground parking lot.

Their inertial thinking thinks that the owner of the vehicle involved in the accident is the perpetrator. Anyway, there is surveillance to prove that it was indeed Lu Xiangwen's Rolls Royce that hit the other car, so naturally he must lose money.

A large group of people flocked to the underground parking lot, and Guan Xuanxuan also said with some fear: "Fang Han, let's go and check the car too. If there is no problem, then go quickly."

"Yes, that makes sense." Fang Han nodded and took her to the underground parking lot.

As for the loss of money, it will be left to Lu Xiangwen and Luo Wenbin.

When they arrived at the underground parking lot, everyone was in an uproar. Even Guan Xuanxuan was covering her mouth lightly. Isn't this scene really spectacular?
Except for the staff who had seen the surveillance video a long time ago, other customers were shocked.

Hundreds of cars were smashed into pieces, including many luxury cars. Lu Xiangwen's Rolls-Royce Phantom could no longer be driven.

"Fuck... how did this hit?"

"Do you even need to think about it? It was definitely intentional, absolutely intentional." The man with eyes roared hysterically.

No need to think about it, this crash was definitely intentional, otherwise how could it have crashed like this?
There are many cars in the area, only four of which were not hit, including Guan Xuanxuan's Ferrari, and the rest are some cheap cars.

Those few people suddenly felt extremely lucky, clamoring to buy lottery tickets.

This made the others even more angry. They tore Lu Xiangwen's clothes one by one, and they were about to do it.

"Come with us in the car...come with us in the car." The yelling became more and more like, no one came to eat alone, and now the underground parking lot was crowded with 300 to [-] people.

Fang Han and Guan Xuanxuan got into the Ferrari and greeted them specially before leaving.

"Abin, let's go first, you can discuss compensation slowly, I will come to play with you when I have time."

After speaking, he drove away in a Ferrari.

"Damn it, there's definitely something tricky about this." Luo Wenbin looked at the triumphant Fang Han and said.

"Your sister's tricks, how did you park the car? You hit so many cars?" Lu Xiangwen cursed.

"I... I don't know either. Brother Lu can't blame me for this matter. We've been together all this time. Is there something wrong with your car?" Luo Wenbin touched the car keys, which were also in his pocket. It hasn't been stolen, so why can't this car drive by itself?

"It's useless not to talk to me, you have at least half of the responsibility for this matter."

"Okay, okay, okay, brother Lu, you have the final say, you have the final say." Luo Wenbin could only agree under pressure.

The people around became more and more agitated, so Lu Xiangwen had no choice but to agree to pay compensation, otherwise, he might be beaten to death by them.

After a while, the police also arrived, and with the help of the police, the compensation was clearly listed, and I felt that it was more than 5000 million.

Even if the two share it equally, it will cost 500 million.

"I've done nothing for three years." Lu Xiangwen said sadly.

"Brother Lu, there is another Rolls Royce, which should be four years old." Luo Wenbin reminded.

The Rolls-Royce had been hit badly, and it was no different from being damaged.

"Your sister, do you still have the nerve to say it?" Lu Xiangwen kicked him on the body.

If he hadn't treated him to this place, would he have made such a mess?
"Brother Lu, don't do it, don't do it, Brother Lu, I really don't have 500 million yuan on hand now, can you help me put it first?" Luo Wenbin said cheekily.

"What are you talking about? If it weren't for you being able to have such a mess today? How dare you ask me to advance the money for you?" Lu Xiangwen yelled, and he lost his gentlemanly appearance at the beginning.

"Brother Lu, Brother Lu, don't get excited, or else you will put the money on me first, and then I will find a way to help you get Murong Wan, what do you think?" Luo Wenbin had no choice but to make a bad plan.

Although he also likes Murong Wan, he feels that money is more important, and Murong Wan is not worth 500 million. With that much money, he can find as many girls as prettier than Murong Wan.


Lu Xiangwen rolled his eyes and began to weigh the pros and cons.

If he got Murong Wan and got her company in the future, then the 500 million would be quite worth it.

(End of this chapter)

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