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Chapter 207 Fang Han's Command

Chapter 207 Fang Han's Command

At this time, many family representatives have been isolated by the security personnel around them, and there are several families with good relations among them!The security personnel had already gathered in one place, but after all, they had undergone strict inspections when they went to Longtou Island, and none of these security personnel had weapons.

But it's not surprising!Which of the security personnel brought by these families is an ordinary person?If you have a weapon, it can directly become the combat power of the battle.

The atmosphere at this time is really very delicate!Sensing that the danger is close at hand, the security personnel of many big families have already turned their eyes to the outside of Binhai Square... Especially when they saw the guns in the hands of the members of the Zheng family, their eyes were all red!Undoubtedly, in this dangerous moment, facing the imminent crisis, these security personnel did not believe that the turbulent Zheng family could quell the threat, and they believed in those cold combat weapons.

"what are you going to do?"

At this moment, Fang Han suddenly heard an angry shout!Looking along the sound, I saw a family security guard being pushed back by the entourage around the old woman. Judging from the situation, that person should have come out of Binhai Square?As for looking for weapons or exploring what happened on Longtou Island, no one knows.But one thing is certain is that he was roughly pushed back by the Xing family.

As soon as the man shouted out his words, he saw a group of people rushing toward the exit of Marina Square.

Seeing the attire and appearance of these people, Fang Han's heart sank!These people are obviously not the same as the security personnel of the Zheng family who left just now!
Sure enough...the guys who rushed over immediately raised their guns and aimed at the few Zheng family security personnel who stayed here. Before everyone could understand what happened, these people started shooting, not many The security personnel of the Zheng family were caught off guard by this sudden attack as soon as they had time to respond to a few movements, and they all fell into a pool of blood.

What happened suddenly made Fang Han's heart skip a beat!He quickly protected the nervous-looking girls behind him, and at the same time, countless family representatives around him also turned their attention to the exit of Marina Square!All the security personnel stood in front of their master, staring at these guys who suddenly arrived here with solemn expressions.

At this time, Fang Han had mixed feelings in his heart!Because he found that the team that raided here did nothing to the old woman of the Xing family and the people around her. Not only that... these guys even specially distributed weapons to the people of the Xing family after they arrived here.

Seeing such a scene, Fang Han can be absolutely sure!The Xing family must have been involved in what happened today.

There is a bit of coldness in the eyes!Fang Han stared forward with piercing eyes.

"What do you mean?"

Among the many family representatives, the middle-aged man who ranked first in the seat of the Zheng family said threateningly!When he spoke, he could clearly see that he had pinched a communicator in his hand.

The representatives of these families who visited Longtou Island all have such communication equipment in order to prevent sudden dangers. Generally, when they go out...the biggest function is to deter them, but it is still necessary to take them out and prepare them for use like now. The first time... at least these big families with illustrious lives, don't you think that someone will really do something to them?It is a precedent in history that all family representatives are coerced here now.

To the middle-aged man's question, the old woman of the Xing family just wrinkled her ugly old face and showed a bit of a sneer!Afterwards, a few of the family representatives stood out from the crowd and led their entourage to the exit of the Binhai Square. Only then did everyone notice that the family representatives who appeared later followed the entourage, all of them looked indifferent. !There was no sign of nervousness at all, there were as many as a dozen people, and some of them were in the front row when they were seated.

In this case, even a fool can see it... The major forces involved in this Zheng family incident are not just the Xing family!There are also many other big family forces involved, which explains why!Why did the Zheng family report that there were many people involved when something happened at the Zheng family manor?

At this time, Fang Han's whole heart sank to the bottom of the valley.

However, there was no announcement at all. Instead, among the gathered crowd, he took out the pistol from the item space in the mobile phone!It was stuffed into the captain's hand beside him.He said in a low voice, "Wait, if something happens! I will launch first to attract the opponent's attention, and you will wait for a chance to shoot at the back. There are silencers on it! This is the magazine."

Captain Fang's expression froze at this moment. Although he was as doubtful as Captain Fan beside him about the source of Fang Han's guns, right now is not the time to think about these issues. He has a weapon in his hand!Then it is not so passive, at least it has a certain fighting power.

So after Captain Fang and Captain Fan glanced at each other, they nodded quickly to express their understanding.

"Captain Fan! You are responsible for their safety by their side. When I start to break through, don't rush over blindly! I will try my best to cause damage... When you follow up from behind, gather as many guns and equipment as possible from those people! The situation in the Zheng family is too chaotic now! It is not safe for us to stay here, so we can only break out of the manor and find a temporary safe zone."

Fang Han calmly analyzed the situation, and at the same time took over the command of the security personnel of the two families.

For Fang Han's command, everyone present was convinced!All nodded.He turned his chilling eyes casually, and looked at the family security personnel holding guns in Binhai Square who were threatening the freedom of many family representatives.

The most nervous person among them is not Fang Han and the others, but Zheng Fan!As the eldest son and grandson of the Zheng family.How could he not be nervous and fearful?These guys in front of him are obviously not on the same path as him. In this case, how will the other party treat him, the grandson of Zheng's eldest son?No one can tell.

On the contrary, the bride in the wedding dress beside him looked very calm and calm!Looking at Zheng Fan from time to time reveals a bit of disdain and resentment.This kind of complex emotions... No one can understand, but what is certain is that there must be something unknown to outsiders.

Fang Han doesn't care about these either!Now he only cares!Guan Xuanxuan and her daughter's safety issues.

"What do you mean? Let us go..."

At this moment, a family representative from abroad yelled at the old woman of the Xing family in awkward Chinese, but what responded to him was a gunshot, and then the guy fell to the ground.

"Everyone! I advise you all to be more honest... It is best not to cause trouble easily! As for the family communication equipment you carry, it was declared scrapped an hour before the attack on the Zheng family. The entire sea area around Longtou Island, radar! Satellite signal All closed. This matter...is not just on Longtou Island! Hehe! Not much to say...Be honest and obedient, and don't worry about going back alive, as for those who are disobedient! It's no big deal to kill you."

The old woman's words were very light and calm, and there was a bit of stability in her words.

(End of this chapter)

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