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Chapter 206 The Zheng family has a mole!

Chapter 206 The Zheng family has a mole!
When they finally understood what had happened, all the family representatives present panicked. Who would have thought that such an accident would happen in the hinterland of the Zheng family on Longtou Island?And the forces that dare to attack the Zheng family!Is it a general force?
The answer is obvious, in the face of such a situation!No one can say what will happen... But one thing is certain, in the vast sea far away from the mainland, no matter how strong the background of these families is, the distant water cannot save the near fire!The situation has become extremely dangerous.

At this moment, representatives of many families gathered together!Standing behind the Zheng family, Fang Han could clearly see that the bride was hiding in the crowd and staring into the distance with joyful eyes.

Fang Han's heart skipped a beat!A bit more shocked... What if this incident is related to the new granddaughter-in-law of the Zheng family?Then things are not that simple, and the reason behind this... is probably a bit more strange.

At this moment, the management staff of Zheng's family had already run to this coastal square from the direction of the manor.

The old man, Zheng Chengluan, and Zheng Chenghai stepped forward at the first time, only to hear the old man suppress his anger, and asked loudly in a steady tone with a strong murderous air: "What happened? What's going on?"

Hearing the old man's question, the steward looked very flustered, and hurriedly replied: "Many unnumbered fleets have sailed in from all directions of Longtou Island! It's not sure who they are...but someone recognized them. A group of troops is a branch of the Zheng family on Gua'er Island, and the leader is the Zheng family's children on Gua'er Island."

Hearing these words suddenly, the old man's complexion became extremely ugly. He stepped forward and grabbed the man fiercely, clasped his shoulders and asked incredulously, "What are you talking about? The Zheng family on Gua'er Island? How could it be... ...Do you see it clearly?"

The old man was completely shocked. He thought that there would be intrusion from other places, but he never expected that there would be a team of collateral troops from the Zheng family in the enemy's team?What does this mean... It means that the Zheng family has a mole!Even the other party could attack Longtou Island silently, and the old man even suspected that even the Longtou Island of his own family had internal support from the other party. Back chills.

But for the old man's question, the man didn't know how to answer, and with a panicked expression on his face, he didn't know how to answer.

Obviously, when the incident happened suddenly, the old man was not in the mood to continue talking nonsense with this guy, so he quickly turned around and comforted the family representatives behind him, and then quickly ran towards Zheng's manor with Zheng Chengluan and Zheng Chenghai.

Originally, many family representatives wanted to leave this Binhai Square in a panic, but what they didn't expect was... the remaining security personnel of the Zheng family, who were left behind, had received some orders, and they unexpectedly rushed out of the Binhai Square when everyone wanted to rush out of the Binhai Square. For a moment, the people with guns and live ammunition forced everyone back into the square, apparently not allowing the people in the square to leave here without authorization.

However, it is also understandable that the Zheng family's family representatives must be considered when they suddenly suffer such a shocking change.Whether it's for protection or precaution, it's impossible to let them walk around casually!After all, the situation outside is chaotic now!Moreover, Fang Han could easily tell that the Zheng family seemed to be more worried about the presence of spies or internal agents of the enemy among the family representatives present.

It was based on this consideration that the old man and Zheng Chengluan and Zheng Chenghai forbade the family representatives to leave without authorization.

Of course, Zheng Fan, the eldest grandson of the Zheng family, stayed here with his bride in the Binhai Square. Zheng Fan wanted to rush out several times... but was stopped by the Zheng family's security personnel.

It is not only the family representative who is restricted in freedom, but also Zheng's grandson, as for Zheng Fan's bride!At this time, the previous hesitation and sadness are gone, and the whole person is much calmer. A pair of big eyes that are obviously rejuvenated look at the distance from time to time, and occasionally look back at the crowd... When you find Fang Han's line of sight, always There was an inexplicable strange expression in the concealment, while Fang Han was in a daze, but he didn't dare to act without authorization...

Right now is undoubtedly a great opportunity to get rid of Zheng Chenghai and Zheng Chengluan, but being stared at by the bride... Fang Han has 1 thoughts and can't act rashly.And it is far from the time when Zheng's family is in chaos, so he needs to wait...be patient.

The chaotic situation continued in the direction of Zheng's Manor!However, it has never affected the many guests and their accompanying security personnel in the Binhai Square, the innermost location of the manor.

Although the freedom is restricted, it is undeniable!For now, it's safe and stable!The Marina Square here is pretty good.

But it is estimated that the entire Zheng family and the entire Longtou Island are now in chaos. Even if Binhai Square is temporarily safe, how long can it last?

With such thoughts in mind, Fang Han began to think about countermeasures while his eyes flickered.

In any case, no matter how the situation develops, and no matter what dangers they will face, the women around them must not be in danger.This is Fang Han's absolute belief.

"Pay attention to your position! Be careful around you!"

Scanning the guarded security personnel around him, Fang Han warned in a low voice.

At this point, Fang Han and the others began to take serious precautions, as did the other families, keeping a distance from each other!While standing still... staring at each other, obviously!Because of the turmoil in Longtou Island of the Zheng family, these families also have different ideas.

You must know that being invited here by the Zheng family, although everyone was smiling and greeting on the open face, they left Longtou Island!The interest disputes between each other's various families are also intricate. The Zheng family is strong and can suppress the filth and thoughts in their hearts, but now that the Zheng family themselves are in a mess, how can these people maintain their original state?

The reason has been just wait and see!But I'm still waiting... until the turmoil in Zheng's manor has a further obvious trend.

I don't know how long it took, amidst the sound of continuous blasting, the Zheng family's security personnel on the Binhai Square side were continuously transferred to the Zheng family's manor.

With the continuous reduction of the Zheng family's security personnel, the atmosphere in Binhai Square became more subtle in a short time.

In Fang Han's glance, the old woman from Lingxi Xing's family moved to the exit of Binhai Square with some people.

Why did Fang Han pay attention to this old woman?It was entirely because of Bai Yan'er's reminder before the incident that Shan Kun's last contact with the guy before boarding the boat was Xing, and it could not be ruled out that the family behind this old woman had some connection.And back then on the Queen, the only person who had a grudge against Fang Han was Qin Yang, other than the old woman.So Fang Han pays special attention to these two people, but Qin Yang's expression of doubt and uneasiness at this time, judging from the situation, Qin Yang should have nothing to do with what happened to the Zheng family.

On the contrary, this old woman, since the turmoil in the Zheng family until now, doesn't seem to have changed much!However, Fang Han knew very well that this old woman did not have that calm and sophisticated personality, so Fang Han was shocked by such a strange and calm expression. 80.00% can tell that this old woman knew that this kind of trouble would happen to the Zheng family.

There is a decision in my heart.Fang Han's eyes flickered... He stretched out his hand and pulled Guan Xuanxuan behind him.

(End of this chapter)

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