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Chapter 193 Little Devil

Chapter 193 Little Devil

For some reason, Fang Han always intuitively felt that this girl was not simple!The pure eyes that seem to be able to see through him always make Fang Han feel a little awkward.

But it’s not surprising when you think about it.Everyone has their own secrets, and no one wants to be seen through by another person.

Even if the other party is a girl who looks very cute.

With random thoughts running through his mind, Fang Han turned his attention to the distant horizon again.

Because there were a few shouts and uproar at this time, Fang Han could be sure that the huge cruise ship that finally appeared from the horizon was probably the wedding fleet of the Zheng family's lineage, right?

That's right, the fleet, with four warships accompanying the main cruise ship!

The size of the warship is not small!From this point, it can also be judged how strong the Zheng family is. At least I have never heard of any family in the world that can brazenly support warships.

Even if these warships look smaller than those on TV, and even their weapons and equipment are worse, they are still warships, and this kind of strength alone is not comparable to any family in the world.

It's no wonder that before the wedding team of the direct descendants of the Zheng family returned to Longtou Island, all the visiting guests took the initiative to come to the port to look forward to it.

But sometimes this is the case. It seems that this fleet has appeared, but it will take at least a long time to reach the port and dock ashore.

But one thing that made Fang Han feel fortunate was that after the fleet of the Zheng family's lineage to welcome the relatives appeared, the middle-aged man who originally wanted to go forward and talk to the family representatives walked aside to talk with familiar family representatives, but Fang Hansong He took a deep breath, after all, it was last night, this middle-aged man was the one who confronted him directly, and Fang Han always felt that the girl seemed to have seen through something, the girl was following the middle-aged man... If this guy saw If something happens, it's not that simple.

And even though his yelling and cursing last night was done in the identity of Zheng Chenghai, if he really said it... His words at that time were really an insult to all the visiting families.

On the other hand, Fang Han was a little surprised that when the middle-aged man diverted his attention to chatting with other family representatives, the girl seemed to have not seen it, and stood beside Guan Xuanxuan and the girls all the time, as if she had no intention of leaving.

Looking at this phenomenon from the corner of his eyes, Fang Han feels helpless... No matter what the girl's purpose is, she will probably find him sooner or later!After all, some signs have clearly demonstrated this point.

But the good thing is, according to Fang Han's judgment, the girl doesn't seem to have any plans to drag herself out and announce it to the public.

Even Fang Han could clearly see the girl's expression as she observed Guan Xuanxuan and others.

Regarding what happened last night that the people around them were discussing, Guan Xuanxuan and the other women seemed to be just listening to the excitement, and they looked at a loss at all, unable to understand what it meant.However, I believe that the investigation results of the Zheng family have been more or less revealed. When they learned that it is very likely that a master of disguise in the world is impersonating Zheng Chenghai, the girls were a little worried!What if the master of disguise Yi Rong becomes someone close to him?This is undoubtedly a potential safety hazard, but it was only a momentary worry. In fact, more people did not take the investigation results disclosed by the Zheng family seriously. After all, the Longtou Island of the Zheng family itself is not accessible to everyone. .

All kinds of strict verifications are required in the middle, and can it still appear in the Zheng family's ancient castle manor?So the Zheng family's strict martial law and strict preventive measures are all nonsense?

Maybe there are masters of disguise and sabotage in other places on Longtou Island, they can still believe it, but in the old castle manor of the Zheng family... they think it is impossible!Even if the staff can't fully understand it, at least the guests' salutes and the items they carry when entering and leaving the gate are all within the control of the Zheng family. The relatively unpopular technique of disguise technique has extremely strict requirements on props Bar?If the other party cannot bring in the relevant items!How come the disguise is so lifelike?Can it be completely fake?Some people even witnessed what happened last night with their own eyes, but they said it very clearly, and the voice was Zheng Chenghai...

What kind of disguise technique can also disguise the voice, I only heard that there are props that can perfectly disguise into others, but I have never heard of any disguise props that can be used on the throat and vocal cords!The face and voice are all fake, right?

Based on various factors, all the guests believed that this was just an explanation given by the Zheng family after they stepped down from Zheng Chenghai's power in order to take care of the face of the families.It was nothing more than to dispel the influence caused by Zheng Chenghai.It won't make the guests feel so aggrieved.As for Zheng Chenghai... Since arriving at the scene of the incident last night, he has not appeared in front of the guests again, which is the explanation given by the Zheng family.

Time goes by little by little!A long time has passed in the blink of an eye!Seeing that it was almost noon, the welcoming fleet slowly docked. After the fleet docked, all the family representatives stepped forward to welcome them.

Guan Xuanxuan and the girls didn't move too far forward, but they moved forward a certain distance and stood outside the crowd... It can be seen from the extent of the progress of this distance, the attitude of the girls is too obvious Bar?

It's just to express their welcoming attitude. In essence...it seems to be showing favor to the Zheng family on behalf of the family.

After all, everyone went forward to encircle the Long Bank, if they didn't move...it would inevitably appear abrupt and attract attention.

Sneaking in his heart, Fang Han followed Guan Xuanxuan and was about to step forward, but he didn't expect that at this moment his arm was grabbed by a small white hand.

"Hey! I finally caught you... Your disguise technique is very good! Teach me! If you don't teach me, I'll inform you. Even if there is no substantive evidence, don't forget that it is disguised Again, there are differences in body size! As long as experts in this field find the target, surveillance video or witness description, we can be sure."

Hearing this, Fang Han's heart skipped a beat, and he turned around with a calm expression...

It wasn't someone else, it was the girl who had been very obedient and had a good time talking with the girls after getting close to the girls. How can the girl at this time be half cute?That pair of big flashing eyes reveals a sense of eccentricity.The threatening evil smile, no matter how you look at it, it looks like the little black and red devil with a small fork in some cartoons.

However, Fang Han's heart just flickered for a moment. He could tell from the girl's expression that she thought it was more fun for Fang Han to pretend to be Zheng Chenghai to sabotage and frame her!There was not much hatred because Fang Han insulted the big families, nor did he fight for Zheng Chenghai.

Could it be that he threatened Fang Han only because he wanted to learn Fang Han's disguise technique?Fang Han didn't know very well... But one thing is for sure, it is the best choice to appease this little devil at this time.

As for other things!Fang Han didn't think much about it yet.

First of all, Fang Han doesn't know any disguise technique at all, everything is just the effect of fairy willow juice, there is no way to teach it if there are no secret books and tricks.

But will Fang Han tell the truth?He's not an idiot... so he won't...

(End of this chapter)

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