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Chapter 192 The Xue Family in Kyoto!

Chapter 192 The Xue Family in Kyoto!

Fang Han expressed doubts about this introduction!Longtou Island is nothing more than the power of the Zheng family. No matter how powerful a family is, it can't compete with the government, right?What is the purpose of building a deep-water pier that can dock warships?You must know that Zheng's family does not fly with other countries in the world, and thinking that they need to transfer in between when they come to Longtou Island, this is Fang Han's determination.

But for some reason, after hearing this statement, Fang Han always felt that something was wrong.

After all, the previous messages sent by Brother Hei all indicated that this trip was unusual. Fang Han didn’t think much about the air-raid shelter that Brother Hei pointed out, but after hearing the proud introduction of the dock staff today, he felt that he Seems like something is missing.

However, there is no other sign at all at the moment... Apart from Zheng Cheng's grievances, there is not much undercurrent for Fang Han to catch clues.

Just when Fang Han was lost in thought, the voices of discussion around him pulled him back from his contemplation.

What everyone was talking about was nothing but what happened last night.

Listening to the complaints and angry words of these big families, Fang Han snickered in his heart...

After arriving at the port, Fang Han didn't see Zheng Chenghai. Judging from the situation, it is not difficult to judge that Zheng Chenghai has probably been removed from power at this time, right?Fang Han is not very clear... But one thing is for sure, even if Zheng Chenghai wants to explain at this moment, he is very powerless.

So at this juncture, even if the Zheng family investigates and finds out that Zheng Chenghai was framed last night, he can no longer appear in front of the family representatives.

Regarding Zheng Chenghai, Fang Han wanted to kill him from the bottom of his heart!But we have to wait... Now that the Zheng family is on the cusp of the storm, even if they don't show anything on the surface, they will investigate in detail secretly. After all, it is not a strange way to disguise things in the world.

Moreover, Fang Han believed very much that when the Zheng family notified everyone that the welcoming team had returned, they probably wanted to take advantage of the fact that all the guests were going out in order to check who had these disguise items, right?

Fang Han sneered in his heart!Silently listening to the discussions of the people around, silent...

But at this moment, Fang Han suddenly narrowed his eyes, staring at a girl walking not far away, feeling uneasy in his heart.

This girl is none other than the middle-aged man at the top of the seat. To be precise... She met Fang Han last night, and it was her gaze that made Fang Han feel uneasy. I chose to retreat immediately.

What is the purpose of her coming here?
Staring at the girl's big pure eyes, Fang Han was quite sure that the girl was running towards him, because the girl was always staring into his eyes when she walked over.

When the girl walked towards him, Fang Han keenly noticed that the middle-aged man was also a little surprised, but he followed after pondering for a while.

Why?for what purposeDid she see that it was me last night?
These are the three questions that are always lingering in Fang Han's mind at this moment!However, no matter how nervous he was, Fang Han's expression did not reveal the slightest bit. He quietly looked at the girl standing beside Guan Xuanxuan, Bai Yan'er and the four daughters with puzzled eyes, waiting for the other party to speak.


On the other hand, what Fang Han didn't expect was that when the girl came to him, she reached out and greeted the four girls. There was not much hostility in her expression and attitude, which reassured Fang Han a lot.

"The Xue family in Kyoto!"

When Fang Han was looking at the girl, Captain Fang who was standing beside him whispered a reminder in his ear.

Hearing this information, Fang Han instinctively shuddered!You must know that the powerful families in different places of the big families in Kyoto have many backgrounds behind them.

This also made Fang Han understand why the middle-aged person arranged by the Zheng family can sit at the head. In a sense, this seat arrangement is much higher than that of Bai Yan'er. Maybe this family is not so powerful. , but the family connections of this family are far more complex and powerful than other families.

Regarding the girl's greeting, the four girls, as representatives of their respective families, naturally couldn't lose their courtesy, so they hurriedly returned the greeting!The five girls got together and started the first greeting after they got acquainted. They were all born nobles, so they naturally knew how to socialize. The family where I live is not considered close, but even if the relationship is distant, it will be dispelled if you deliberately make friends.At least Fang Han thinks so...

Because the girls chatted happily after a while, those who didn't know would probably think that they were good sisters and best friends, which made Fang Han, who was born in grass roots, very puzzled.It is also impossible to think about how this special ability is cultivated.

But Fang Han has to admit that sometimes such social skills are more powerful than swords and guns, and the effect is obvious.

From the content of the chats of the girls, there is not much nutrition. It is nothing more than some greetings, some contacts with the ancestors at home... But the most recent ones can be traced back to the grandfather's generation. of?
Fang Han couldn't figure it out, but at the stall where Fang Han was staring at the ocean in the distance, the girl suddenly pointed to Fang Han who was wearing a dress with outstanding temperament beside Guan Xuanxuan, and asked with a smile: "While watching the seats in the auditorium that day, I've seen you before... At that time, you were standing behind Sister Xuanxuan, alone but not weak at all. Can you make a friend?"

As soon as the girl's words came out, Fang Han's heart skipped a beat, and he secretly said, "Here we come!"

He knew that this girl would ask about him sooner or later, although he didn't know why this irrelevant girl was staring at him, but Fang Han knew that some things would always come, and he couldn't hide, so he might as well be free and easy Some, no big deal.

Just as he was about to reply, Fang Han suddenly thought of something. He looked at Guan Xuanxuan who was proudly raising his head. Guan Xuanxuan's expression was understandable. After all, he belonged to the Guan family and Guan Xuanxuan in name. When people praised Fang Han, Guan Xuanxuan naturally had a bright face.

But this is not the focus of Fang Han's attention. He noticed the girl's address... Sister Xuanxuan?When did the names become so close?
Women's friendship is very strange, and Fang Han can't understand it, but Fang Han suppressed his inner emotions and replied with a natural smile: "Yes! My name is Fang Han. Hello!"

He extended his hand symbolically, gave the girl a light shake, and then retracted his palm until he clicked, and responded.

The girl is not particularly beautiful at first glance, but she is very attractive and is of the cute type.

"Xue Xiaoxiao!" After reporting her name, the girl gave Fang Han a deep look in her eyes.

After the two greeted each other, the girl did not continue to pester Fang Han, but shifted her attention to the girls again, and it seemed that there was nothing special about it.

This made Fang Han even more confused, but Fang Han was much relieved that the other party didn't pester him.

(End of this chapter)

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