Wanjie Upgrade APP

Chapter 183 Killing 1 People with 3 Hit

Chapter 183

Fang Han had a sneer at the corner of his mouth, but his mind was running fast... But Fang Han didn't dare to walk out of this notch easily, he didn't have the confidence...

No matter how strong he is, he is still afraid of bullets!
"How to do?"

Fang Han, who was forced by the dense gunfire and didn't even dare to raise his head, looked left and right at the dead end on the stone wall inside the notch, and quickly thought about countermeasures.

Sudden!Fang Han moved his eyes, opened the item space in the phone, and took aim at the clone puppet obtained from the little carpenter in the previous task.Then the corner of his mouth curled into a sneer, he took out one, bit his finger, and dotted the doll's forehead with blood.

In a moment the puppet moved, accompanied by a puff of smoke!A person exactly like him appeared beside Fang Han. Except for the slightly dull eyes, he was exactly the same as Fang Han in every part of his body.

At this moment, Fang Han had a very strange feeling, because he could clearly feel that his spirit could enter the doll. When his spirit entered the doll, he felt that he had two bodies, looking at each other. It was like looking in a mirror, but Fang Han still keenly felt the difference, because when he entered the doll, he could clearly feel the breath of life from the doll's dull eyes.

That's right... when his mind doesn't control the puppet clone, it's a dull machine, but when his mind starts to control the puppet, the puppet also has life.

Having already consumed one puppet, Fang Han naturally wouldn't waste any more time, his mind controlled the puppet to jump out of the area he was hiding.

After all, the puppet has a fraction of the combat power of Fang Han's body, and is already very powerful compared to ordinary masters.

I saw the puppet's clone flying out... and there was a burst of shooting bullets behind its feet!But Fang Han didn't think about dodging completely... Of course, he didn't do it on purpose, after all, the doll only has a fraction of his fighting power, and it's far inferior to Fang Han in terms of speed and physical strength.

While running to attract firepower, the puppet had already been shot a few times. Fang Han simply followed his plan, controlled the puppet to make a staggering pace, and finally hid behind a thick tree.

The doll is made of wood... Although it can be transformed into a clone, it is not a physical body after all!Even if he was shot, he didn't feel any pain at all, let alone bleeding?
But these are not important, the time of war!Those guys also ignored this point. After the puppet hid behind the trees, a team of three had already rushed down from the hillside not far away.

"Report, report! The target has been found, the attack was successful, and the target was shot! Chase it now and kill it."

"Okay! The other teams will also converge in your direction immediately."

The indifferent words conveyed on the walkie-talkie made Fang Han, who was hiding behind the stone, laugh again and again...

Because at this time, the three-person team had already walked to the position near the stone and was carefully touching the doll in the direction where the puppet fled just now... From the beginning to the end, it didn't look back, but it's not surprising... After all, no one would have thought of it. What ran out just now was a puppet clone!How can the world hear of such an absolutely heaven-defying item?So the three members of this team didn't have the slightest doubt at all, and threw their backs to Fang Han who was still huddled in the pile of rocks.

"Huh! Wait a minute, don't let him die too easily. Master Zheng Long hasn't connected his wrist yet! It is said that he has invited an American doctor who specializes in orthopedics."


The words of the few people's conversation came to Fang Han's ears clearly... he couldn't even listen to it!The three of them going down the hill must pass through the open space in front of Fang Han, the distance between them is less than ten meters, unless Fang Han is deaf...

Hearing such words, Fang Han's eyes flickered with a bit of cold murderous intent!Now this situation is different from fighting. The other party really wanted to assassinate and attack him. Since the time the other party launched this assassination attack, he was rushing to kill him. Will Fang Han be polite at this time?

And for now, the three people in front of him are just one of the assassination teams this time, and other enemies will appear later, so Fang Han must seize all the time to ensure that he kills the three of them with one blow, and then flees away!Started to deal with those who came after.

The cold light flickered in his eyes, and Fang Han, who suppressed his emotions and held his breath, finally moved. At the moment when the three of them completely revealed their whereabouts, and the direction of their bodies completely moved away from their backs, Fang Han moved...

Suddenly, he took out the conscript saber from the item space, and Fang Han broke through the air like a ghost!It was too late when the three of them realized something was wrong and felt the strange aura behind them, because Fang Han had already rushed in front of them, and saw one of them's head fall off when he raised the knife in his hand, Fang Han didn't respond to the other two at all. At the same time, he bent down at a wrong step, drew the knife and stabbed it into the chest of one person in an instant, and at the same time let go of the handle of the knife, using the strength of the waist and abdomen that exploded when he bent down, he rose into the air, grabbed the neck of the last person with both hands, and ruthlessly Twist hard!
Instantly!The three were shot dead before they even had time to react!At the same time... the puppet clone hiding behind the tree also ran to the front, and under the control of Fang Han's mind, began to search for the firearms and equipment on the three of them.

After the puppet searched for the equipment, Fang Han took over the firearms from the puppet... It wasn't a very powerful weapon and equipment, and the quantity was very limited!A long gun and a pistol, both equipped with silencers!There are two more grenades!The others are communication equipment or positioning devices, grenades... Fang Han doesn't know how to use them, so he didn't bring them with him to avoid accidental injury!But it was worn on the grenade buckle with a rope!The other end was tied under the waist of the corpse!Do you believe that as long as anyone comes to move this corpse, it will detonate?Fang Han is not sure!Then Fang Han took the pistol and put it into the item space, only carrying a sniper on his back!After taking a look around, he climbed to the top of the mountain.

After reaching the middle of the mountain, Fang Han found a more secluded place, and while observing the surroundings through the scope of the sniper rifle, he fired a few shots to find out the feeling.

There is no way, this is the second time for Fang Han to touch a gun at such a big age, the last time was the shotgun that Chu Fei got for him!That kind of gun doesn't need to be aimed... just shoot when it is aimed, but this time the sniper rifle is different, at least the first few shots Fang Han can't hit the target at all.

Fortunately, this gun has a silencer!Without worrying about attracting attention, Fang Han hurriedly practiced against a certain target behind the mountain. Anyway, he found a lot of bullets, so he practiced and played well. Play "target" on the mountain.

Fortunately... Fang Han is considered a talent, and he found the feeling after a short time.

As for the issue of recoil, it was not a problem at all for Fang Han, whose physical strength was comparable to that of an evildoer!
(End of this chapter)

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