Wanjie Upgrade APP

Chapter 182 Don't Want Me To Live Chapter [-]

Chapter 182 Don't Want Me To Go Back Alive
Feeling the dryness and heat of the meridians, Fang Han's eyes turned...Finally, he quickly ran out of the room and went downstairs, leaving the villa and heading straight for the gate of the manor, regardless of the four girls who were only focused on the mahjong table.

In broad daylight, Fang Han definitely couldn't climb over the wall!If this is seen by the security personnel of the Zheng family, it is not a problem, it is a problem, and it is inevitable to find trouble with him.

But Fang Han ignored a very important question!The Zheng family, who had offended them before, did not dare to blatantly deal with him in the castle manor... because all the guests were involved in the manor, and because they were afraid of irritating family representatives like Guan Xuanxuan and the three daughters.

Now he passed the gate of Zheng's Manor with such great fanfare and walked out.

But thinking about it, Fang Han really didn't take those people's threats seriously!So when going out, Fang Han didn't think too much about these issues at all, just walked out from the main entrance, and went straight to the forest of the manor!After all, at present, the only place that is more hidden is the islands and mountains on the back of the manor, and what I practice is the special skill of dragon's breath, so I should be careful not to be seen by others.

The time when Fang Han left the house was soon heard by Zheng Chenghai who was in the watchtower outside the manor.Then Zheng Chenghai walked to the back of the watchtower with a sneer and made several phone calls one after another. Afterwards, Zheng Chenghai, whose face was calm and with a murderous look in his eyes, quickly returned to the watchtower, and the strange look in his eyes quickly recovered. calm.

At this time, Fang Han's four traveling women didn't even know about it, and they were still bluffing and playing each other's tricks at the poker table... The purpose was to play a few more cards, and they didn't know that these women with unusual status , What exactly is the picture.

After leaving the manor, Fang Han went into the forest!Carefully proceed in concealment, and after a while climbed several hills to a canyon hidden in the mountains.

Fang Han's speed is fast enough!And always pay attention to whether there are any traces of people around... The twenty or so big men in black trousers, black vests and equipment who sneaked into the mountains behind the manor from somewhere on the island lost their pursuit after entering the mountains...

"Spread out! In groups of three...enter the mountain! The mountain pass is the only way out of the mountain. Plant low-sounding bombs and muffled thunder! We must ensure that the target is killed."

One of the leaders, a big man, wiped the long black gun with silencer muzzle in the backpack behind him, and said in a low voice.

Then several of his men nodded, and in groups of three, they started heading towards the mountain!
Standing in the canyon, Fang Han looked at the burnt black trees all around!My heart beats faster...

This dragon's breath technique is really awesome, isn't it?
Looking at the whole tree in front of him that had been burnt to ashes, Fang Han's somewhat weak face was stunned after shock.

I have to say that this dragon breath technique is really a heaven-defying skill. When the meridian is running... the violent fire energy sprayed out can almost burn everything, and not only trees... even some ponds in the canyon can't bear it Such flames directly baked the small mud pond into dry and cracked land.Moisture evaporates almost instantly.

And the consumption of true energy is not that serious, at least Fang Han feels that as long as he can't control it and doesn't erupt the maximum gushing flames, he should be able to cast it many times.

It's just that after using it, there will be a feeling of weakness in the body, and under high temperature... the brain is also prone to dizziness.

Fang Han has practiced for a long time. At present, with the energy level in his body, the biggest effect of using this dragon's breath technique is that the fire pillar is about twelve or thirteen meters away. No further!If the distance exceeds this distance, the fire pillars will disperse into scattered flowers. Once the pillars cannot be condensed, the attack power of the flames will not even reach a quarter of the original.The effect of the group attack is good...but the maintenance time after dispersion is only about a few seconds!Attack power is very limited.

How could Fang Han not be excited at this time?Anyway... no matter how powerful he was before, it was only his physical strength, but now it's different, with such a skill released... who can resist it?Don't talk about people... Even some big monsters Fang Han dare to fight with him.

What's more, Fang Han knew from the last cross-plane employment mission that in the future, his opponents may not only be human beings in the world, but also may face some demons and ghosts in a certain mission. The role of surgery is crucial.

With a bit of excitement and excitement, Fang Han took a few deep breaths, suppressing the beating heart in his chest!After calming down... Then I left the canyon and walked out!After all, this skill is different from the cheats. It doesn't require Fang Han to study and comprehend it. Everything is imprinted in his blood. To learn it directly, what Fang Han needs to practice is control ability, mastering the proficiency of the timing and degree of release. .

So Fang Han didn't waste too much time...

Not long after we walked out of the canyon!Suddenly a strong sense of crisis rises from the heart!Turning his head almost subconsciously, Fang Han listened to the slight sound of breaking through the air... and then he heard a "poof", something smashed into the tree trunk beside him.

what?Fang Han didn't understand it for a while. After all, no matter how powerful Fang Han was, he was only exposed to the Myriad Realms upgrade app, and he couldn't have seen such a scene in a metropolis.Even in movies and TV shows!I don't think of it the first time...

Turning around in doubt, Fang Han found that there seemed to be a reflected light in a pile of rocks outside the canyon...

At this moment, the same voice appeared again. Fang Han subconsciously jumped to the other side. At this time, the voice suddenly became dense. Although he didn't know what happened, Fang Han instinctively felt the danger. Shrunk behind a large rock outside the canyon.

At this time, Fang Han finally came to his senses, because the sound made a very crisp sound when it hit the stone, if Fang Han guessed correctly!This is the bullet fired by the firearm, or the kind of firearm specially equipped with a silencer.

The scene of being in the mountains and forests is very strange, but it took only a moment for Fang Han to understand the key points.

I walked out of the gate of the ancient castle manor, and I obviously got the news... Can you please find me?They are all equipped with silencers, which means that the other party probably wants to kill himself here without causing any commotion.

At this moment, Fang Han's heart sank like water!Secretly said: "Does this mean that you don't want me to go back alive?"

Fang Han, who made the judgment, felt a little nervous, after all, it was the first time he had really experienced this kind of assassination!But he didn't lose his mind. Now Fang Han only thinks about one question, how many people are there?Where is it located in the forest?
As for who sent the assassin?Fang Han knew very well that there was someone with such strength and motivation on Longtou Island... The only person who dared to do this was Zheng Chenghai, the middle-aged manager of the Zheng family.

Although Fang Han has offended many people since he went to sea, the only person who can really do this on Longtou Island is Zheng Chenghai.It is impossible for other guys to bring guns to the island, and even if it was Zheng Long's previous hijacking, except for Zheng Long himself who carried a pistol, the rest of the people were all weapons such as sticks, which further shows the strictness of Longtou Island...

So who else could it be?
(End of this chapter)

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