Chapter 157
After firmly controlling Lin Ke'er's sinking body, Fang Han then instructed: "Relax your feet, step up and down."

When Lin Ke'er heard this, her flustered mind stabilized, and she subconsciously followed Fang Han's instructions to learn to "tread the water."

Fang Han nodded, quickly turned his back to Lin Ke'er, and ordered, "Grab my shoulder!"

Lin Ke'er obeyed obediently, Fang Han's head sank in an instant, but soon surfaced, there was no way, no matter how powerful Fang Han was, his weight was placed on the ground, and the buoyancy in the water was not controlled by his strength ah.

Lin Keer caught it like this!Fang Han, who bears the strength of two people, is also in the lower position, which means that most of Lin Keer's weight is hanging on him. Fortunately, Fang Han is not afraid of holding his breath!The body is full of energy.

This time, Fang Han didn't say anything else. He swung his arms and tilted his body at the same time, and began to swim slowly towards the target.Lin Ke'er was a little nervous when Fang Han activated it, but Fang Han swam very steadily, and even if the two of them were swimming along the waves, Lin Ke'er, who was in the upper position, didn't have to worry about choking on the water at all. The only thing she needs to do is grab Fang Han's shoulder.

But even this simple movement is very difficult in the undercurrent of the sea!After grabbing Lin Ke'er for a while, her hands slipped because of Fang Han's swimming movements.

But every time Fang Han would quickly hug her... After a few times, Lin Ke'er was completely relieved of tension, because she believed that Fang Han would be able to protect her well no matter what happened.

How far is this distance?Fang Han doesn't know... But one thing is certain, his detour was recognized by Guan Xuanxuan and Sima Jinglan.

There is no way, in fact, when he was close to the shallow water beach, Fang Han also charged towards the stone platform several times. Every time, Lin Ke'er was washed away by the resurging force. the way.

This entrance facing the ocean would definitely not be able to rush up with a person.

Choosing to take a detour, Fang Han tried his best to choose some areas where the force of the undercurrent was relatively light. After several hand slips, Lin Keer was finally sent to the shallow water beach by Fang Han.

After getting on the stone platform, Fang Han found a big raised stone and lay down on it.

This is the first time Fang Han is really exhausted after contacting Wanjie's upgraded APP, and he is so tired that he doesn't want to move at all.

Can imagine!How dangerous this incident was today, if it wasn't for Fang Han, everyone else would probably have died in the deep sea area just now.

The scene of Fang Han rescuing Lin Keer this time was not so thrilling, but only Fang Han and Lin Keer who had really experienced the scene in the ocean knew how many times there were dangers.

Even Lin Ke'er wanted to give up a few times, and just let it go so that Fang Han could survive...but in the end Lin Ke'er didn't choose that.

Just because Fang Han saw some struggles in Lin Keer's eyes when he hit the shallow water beach stone platform from the deep water area several times, and specifically told her: "Hold on, if you give up, all my efforts will be in vain Don't worry. Even if I can't make it in the end, I will choose to give up on you... So I don't need to look like this, I haven't fully utilized yet."

It was these words that made Lin Ke'er persevere, but she knew that Fang Han would not give up on her!Although I don't know where this confidence comes from, Lin Ke'er felt Fang Han's firm will from Fang Han's eyes...

As for Fang Han's last sentence saying that he didn't make full use of it, and that he still had some strength left, Lin Ke'er didn't take it seriously at all. The way Fang Han was lying on the rock like a dead man, wheezing and out of strength, explained everything. Just now For both parties, it was supported by the last will. She relied on her will to try to grab Fang Han's shoulders. After relying on her will, Fang Han took her to the shallow water area after hitting the shallow water beach again and again. stone platform.

this moment!Lin Ke'er didn't know why, she bit her lips during the concerned greetings of the two sisters, and finally responded to the two sisters' questions one by one with a smile. Then she didn't know what to think, and was caught and thrown into the crevice of the reef by the two girls. fish basket.After looking at the harvest in the fish basket, he smiled and shouted to Fang Han, who was lying with his eyes closed and resting from sweating: "How long are you going to rest? You have to fill the fish basket, right? At least there will be enough for us to eat when we get back." Stop it!"

As soon as these words came out, Guan Xuanxuan and Sima Jinglan's eyes widened, but seeing that Lin Keer still maintained her previous delicate and quirky spirit, they immediately felt relieved. At least Lin Keer's mental state was fine. As for what happened just now Thrilling, they don't take it seriously, anyway, it's okay to stay away from the edge, right?During the conversation, the three girls smiled happily again, holding the fish basket and bringing the little fox who was looking at Fang Han worriedly closer to the central area.

"Damn it! Is Miss Lin so big-hearted? Still thinking about catching fish? Don't you see how virtuous I am now?"

He raised his eyelids speechlessly. Fang Han was looking at Lin Keer, who was charmingly looking at him, as well as Guan Xuanxuan and Sima Jinglan, who had funny expressions on their faces. They didn't dare to complain, and they gestured helplessly while holding up the fish basket. The three women who were waiting for the answer waved their hands and smiled wryly: "Okay, okay! I'll rest for half an hour, and then I'll catch... My life is so miserable, hey!"

As soon as Fang Han whispered, all three women laughed out loud. In the cheerful atmosphere, the depression caused by the unexpected danger was also diluted.

After Fang Han rested intermittently, he also recovered most of his energy. After all, the energy in his body was running continuously, and Fang Han's recovery speed was far faster than normal people.

Looking at the time, Fang Han devoted himself to the arrest again, but Fang Han found it very strange that Lin Ke'er didn't seem to have the slightest difference after this, laughing and laughing with Guan Xuanxuan and Sima Jinglan, and with him Speaking is also very natural.

Fang Han couldn't figure out what Miss Lin was thinking.

After going through such a shocking moment, he was able to go back to normal, and he didn't look ashamed or angry at all when he looked at him before.

You must know that although she had no choice but to be in the sea, Lin Keer, as a rich young lady, really suffered a loss... Although her life was saved by Fang Han, based on a woman's normal psychological activities Say, you shouldn’t act like nothing is wrong, right?

Fang Han can't figure it out...some things are inconvenient to communicate in front of others.

After Fang Han was full of doubts and grabbed the fish basket full, the three girls unanimously chose to give up and continue playing in the water.

Afterwards, Fang Han swam out of the reef area and found many security personnel patrolling the shallow sea area not far away.

After the yacht drove into the area not far from the reef, Fang Han swam out of the reef with his three daughters and the little fox and boarded the yacht.

After the three girls boarded the yacht, they entered the cabin to change clothes, but Fang Han...

Looking speechlessly at the three women who ignored him at all, Fang Han threw the fish basket onto the yacht and then climbed onto the yacht...

The little fox does not need to change any clothes, just crawling on the deck of the yacht to bask in his hair, and swimming in the water is exhausting after all, and after being soaked in water for such a long time, both humans and foxes have a sense of laziness At this time, Fang Han was lying on the yacht sprawled, with his eyes closed and the sea breeze blowing while the yacht was moving.

(End of this chapter)

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